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Unit 1 - Our multicultural class

Lesson 1: Meeting the newcomers

Ukraine: Poland: Moldavia: Albania:
Serbia: Montenegro: Greece:
Kiev: Chernobyl: Tirana: T’blisi:

Basic vocabulary
1. come from: 15. outgoing:
2. west: 16. brave:
3. east: 17. share:
4. hometown: 18. border:
5. plain: 19. temperature:
6. mountain: 20. drop:
7. flow across: 21. disaster:
8. split in: 22. earthquake:
9. outdoors: 23. happen:
10. nuclear power plant: 24. however:
11. cause: 25: homeland:
12. environmental: 26. vines:
13. worry: 27. citrus fruit:
14. despite: 28. mine (n):

Lesson 2: At the school lab

School subjects:

29. Geography: 34. Science:

30. History: 35. English:
31. Maths: 36. Physics:
32. Physical Education: 37. Chemistry:
33. Music: 38. Language:

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