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Extra Care Program

Lalbag, Rangpur. Cont. 01737-341537
Full marks: 20 Synonym & Antonym (BCS) Time: 10 Minutes

1. Which do you think is the nearest in meaning to ‘proviso’?

a. sanction b. substitute
c. stipulation d. directive
2. The antonym of ‘Cynical’ -
a. Pessimistic b. Gullible c. Equivocal d. Liberal
3. The noise level in Dhaka city has increased exponentially.
a. amazingly b. shockingly
c. steadily d. rapidly
4. What is the antonym of ‘Honorary’?
a. Literary b. Honorable c. Salaried d. Official
5. The word ‘precedence’ means -
a. example b. priority c. elderly d. case
6. The synonym for ‘obdurate’ -
a. Deceitful b. Stubborn c. Sly d. Swindler
7. A synonym for ‘Resentment’ is -
a. Fear b. anger c. Indignation d. panic
8. The antonym of ‘indifference’ is –
a. anxiety b. concern
c. compassion d. ardour
9. The synonym of ‘Genesis’ is -
a. Introduction b. Preface c. Beginning d. Foreword
10. The word ‘imbibe’ means -
a. to learn b. to tinge c. to drink d. to acquire
11. The antonym of ‘Recalcitrant’ -
a. Compliant b. Passive
c. Indifferent d. Careful
12. What is the meaning of the word ‘Intrepid’?
a. arrogant b. belligerent
c. questioning d. fearless
13. The synonym of ‘Incite’ is –
a. Instigate b. Permit c. Urge d. Deceive
14. What is the synonym of ‘Competent’?
a. Circumspect b. Capable c. Discrete d. Prudent
15. ‘Sequence’ means -
a. to follow b. round up
c. withdraw d. question closely
16. ‘Equivocal’ means -
a. Universal b. Mistaken c. Quaint d. Clear
17. The antonym of ‘inimical’ -
a. Hostile b. Friendly c. Indifferent d. Angry
18. The word ‘bounty’ is closest in meaning to-
a. generosity b. familiar c. dividing line d. sympathy
19. Choose the correct synonym for ‘Extempore’ -
a. Planned b. Improvise c. Impromptu d. Immediate
20. What would be the right antonym for “initiative”?
a. apathy b. indolence c. enterprise d. activity

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SIS Exam Group

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All Idioms & Phrases (Without foreign Phrases)

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