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Written by Kate Ruttle and illustrated by Nick Schon, based on the original characters created by Roderick Hunt and Alex Brychta Phonics Consultant: Debbie Hepplewhite Kipper and Mum go into town to do some shopping and meet Gran at the train station. Everyone is very busy ~ there is so much noise! SHARING THE BOOK TOGETHER Enjoy the story together and encourage your child to respond to the pictures. These ideas may help: * Look at the pictures and talk about the main features such as the location and the characters. * Encourage your child to look for details in the pictures. What can they see? Respond to your child’s ideas by repeating them back and adding to them. Use new words to increase your child's word bank. * Imagine and talk about what might happen next before turning over each page. EXPLORE SOUNDS * Point to the pictures in the panel. Make the sounds together. * Be sound detectives and find the pictures from the panel in the main illustration. * Explore the picture making any other sounds you can see or that you can imagine happening. 97856 | 2326608 Say the sounds: rustle, bang, whoosh, scrunch, zoom, splash © What might the man be thinking as he gets splashed by the car? © Can you make the sound of the wind? Say the sounds: hoot hoot, drrr-drrr-drrr, new-naw, bang bang, whistle © Can you make the sound of the drill with your tongue? © Why do you think Mum is cupping her ear? Say the sounds: chatter, clash-clang-strum, whirr, whizz, blah blah blah, ha ha, tee hee © Which shop would you like to visit and why? © What might the music man be playing? Sing your 8 ® Can you make some of the traffic noises? © Who has Kipper seen? @ How do you think Kipper and Mum feel when they see Gran? AFTER READING Focus on environmental sounds On your walk to school, listen out for all the different sounds around you. Talk to your child about the differences in pitch and volume of the sounds that you hear. Ask questions like: "Which is the noisiest sound that we have heard?” Music Man Can you see the music man in the shopping centre on page 5? What instruments is he playing? Sing the song: Iam the music man, I come from down your way, what can you play? Take turns to act out and make the sounds of the different instruments. ‘ext © oxford University Pres 2071 stations © Alex Bryeha ad Nick Schon 2011 ‘The character in this work ar the orginal cretion of Roderick Kut nd Alu rjeta who retain copyright inthe characters ‘republished 2011 ‘This edition publsied 2011 Allright reserved. No par ofthis publication may be reproduce store in {rere system, trannited, nan form oy ny mens, without he ‘ror permition in wating of Oxford University Press. 1098765432 ‘rote in China by Hing Yip AlLrights reserved. Photocopying of this book i prohibited Paper usd in the production of his book sa natural, recyclable product nade from wood grown in sstanabe forests. The manfctring process POE child’ Help your cl i with essential tips, fun activities an www. a Teachers, | For inspirational su pport free resources and Books | 's reading \d free eBooks: ‘

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