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Benchmark Clinical Field Experience D: Beginning Teacher Observation and Feedback

For this observation, I observed Ms. Hall, who is a first year Biology teacher.


During the pre-conference, we discussed the standard and objective of the lesson Ms.

Hall would be going over. I ask her what activities the students would be participating in and

how she would check for understanding. I also inquired about anything she wanted me to look

out for regarding her teaching or student behavior. The lesson she would be going over was on

the scientific method and meanings of scientific base words. Students would be expected to

know the scientific method and use base words to determine the meaning of other vocabulary

words. Ms. Hall asked me to look for moments when she fixated on too much information and

talked too much as well as her engagement with students.


For the observation, I walked in about 20 minutes into class so that Ms. Hall could get

students situated and started on the lesson. As I walked in, students were working independently

on a worksheet where they would define words using scientific base words as well as create their

own words using base words. Ms. Hall then let students collaborate with their table mates and as

they collaborated she visited each team to check for understanding. Then, she brought the class

together to go over any words they had trouble with. Following this, she moved on to going over

the scientific method and a resource tool they would use for when they did a lab. She called on

students to give answers and most students felt disengaged with the material. Some students

were playing in the back of the room and not paying attention. She cold-called these students and

they had a hard time answering her questions.


During the post-conference, I asked Ms. Hall what she felt was a success and she said the

students understood the material and she was able to visit each table to check for understanding.

I then told her I liked that she did that as well and instead of going over the worksheet line by

line, she only helped students with the words that the class as a whole agreed were hard to

understand. I then told her I noticed some students seemed disengaged in the lesson she had after

the worksheet and ask how she could have students interact with the material rather than a

question and answer with cold calling. She admitted that the class was moving fast and she had

not actually planned to present this material yet, but she needed to fill in time. She was able to

revisit the paper the next day and actually tie it to a lab in which students we able to understand

more of the sheet and how it can be used as a tool. We also strategized on ways to call on

students and have students answer questions that does not require a cold call. We discussed

different strategies such as shoulder partner or stand up, hand up, pair up. Sometimes those

strategies are forgotten in the high school setting, but still help students to answer questions

without having to share with the whole class when presented with the question the first time. We

did not discuss technology because the students were working on a worksheet that did not need

to be online. In science, they do use technology for simulated labs, however much of science is

hands on and exploratory learning. The students will be able to use technology to write lab



When meeting during the pre and post conference, I was able to discuss with Ms. Hall the

different areas in which she can work on. In our discussion, we both threw out ideas and

strategies that we felt could be beneficial to her classroom and discussed our own experiences
with certain groups of students. I felt this helped us to know we had someone we could talk to

and collaborate with. The conversation also felt organic and not like I was criticizing, but rather

discussing ways to improve overall. I am grateful for Ms. Hall willing to be observed, especially

as a new teacher who may be nervous and have a hard time with feedback. I think that being

open to observation and feedback allows us as teachers and coaches to do better for ourselves

and ultimately our students. Overall, the experience allowed me to step out of my comfort zone

in providing constructive feedback; I am happy it was well received and opened up an

opportunity for collaboration and improvement. I look forward to continuing to view teaching

from the lens of a leader and how we can work together to better support our students.

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