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Media Tech Job Aid | RUNNING MEDIA

This job aide is designed to help you to perform the duties required every
Sunday morning. This is based on the understanding that you already have
started training on media and you have a basic understanding of pro7. This
volunteer position should be fun, challenging and rewarding so use this job
aide as frequently as you need to to avoid the feelings of confusion, or
frustration over not knowing how to do something and always remember if it
is not in this job aide…just ask!

Where do I start?
With everything all set up and ready to go the very first thing you need to do
as the media tech is to verify that you have everything in place, everything is
in the correct order, lights are triggering correctly, and the audio & video is
working. Once verified you can begin running media!

1. Start by first reading through Job Aid #1-3 as that is the turn on
procedure and will lead you to having the PRESERVICE playlist showing
on the screen, the stage lights should be on, and the confidence
monitor should also be on as well.
2. Scroll down to the welcome slide and click on it. The slide and lights will
3. Scroll to the countdown video and click on it. Again the slide and lights
will change. When verified that everything works go back to the top
and click on the PRESERVICE playlist.


1. Service starts with the PRESERVICE slides auto transitioning every 10
2. You want to play one of the three SPOTIFY Legacy Playlists Just pick
one; We will typically pick them randomly so the music is never the

Updated 12/14/2021 Part 2

a. F7 plays and pauses the music once SPOTIFY is playing so you do
not have to click on the SPOTIFY window again.
3. Countdown starts 5 minutes prior to service start time (ex. 9:25am for
9:30 service, 10:25 for 10:30 service, etc…) Just click on the countdown
a. Once you click on the countdown video, lower the FRONT ceiling
lights all the way down. Wait to lower the BACK ceiling lights until
1 minute.
b. At 1 minute on the countdown lower the BACK ceiling lights all
the way down.
4. Once the countdown gets under 5 seconds get ready to PAUSE the
music (using F7) and click on the Legacy opener video. You will need to
stop the SPOTIFY playlist once the opener video plays because there is
music on the video.
a. PRO TIP: Click on the video slide FIRST, wait 1-2 seconds and then
press F7 to pause the music. This creates a smoother transition
between the video’s audio and the stoppage of the music.
b. If you do it the opposite way and stop the music first there will be
an abrupt stop and gap of silence until the video’s sound comes
in that will make for an awkward transition.
5. Once the Legacy Opener video is done click on the welcome slide and
raise up both front and back ceiling lights simultaneously.
a. If Pastor Rory is doing the Welcome go to his title slide for a few
minutes and then back to the generic Legacy slide.
b. If Pastor Rory is not doing the Welcome do not worry about
changing slides. Keep it on the Legacy Church slide unless told
c. Pastor or welcome speaker will typically pray into service
i. During the prayer lower the house lights (both front and
ii. Lowered House lights are required for Worship time

1. Once the opening prayer is concluded click the first slide in the worship
set. This is a looping worship background video with a pad.
a. The worship leader will invite the congregation to stand and
worship so do not just go into the song right away, but wait for
them to finish the invitation.
2. Click on the next slide to start the MP3 track.
3. As the singing starts you want to click through the lyrics
a. You can use either the right > arrow key or the SPACEBAR to
move to the next slide. It is recommended to use the SPACEBAR.
b. PRO TIP: The SPACEBAR is much easier and prevents errors as
using the arrow keys it is easier to hit a different arrow on
accident and end up in a different area within the playlist. This
may stop the song, start a new song, play different lyrics, etc…
4. With the lyrics of the songs you want to change slides as soon as the
singer starts pronouncing the second to last word. This allows you to
switch to the next slide as the singer starts singing the next set of lyrics.
a. This is very important because if you're late, or too early if will
through the congregation off and they will not sing, or worship.
b. You want to be a little preemptive with the lyrics so that the
congregation knows what's coming up next, but also that they
know what they are singing at that moment. That's why timing is
c. Don’t fret…again wait for that second to last word to be sung and
then switch. By then the congregation already knows that last
word and they will see what will be next.
5. When the song ends make sure there is a smooth transition.
a. Work with the Sound tech and wait for the song to come to an
end or wait for the sound tech to fade it out before going to the
next song.
b. Clicking to the next song before the song is over and before the
sound tech has fully faded the sound can cause the pad to come
in too loud, a stoppage in music (silence), or awkward transitions.
c. We always want to aim for SMOOTH transitions.
6. Between songs it is easier using the mouse to click on the next song,
but you can use the SPACEBAR (requires extra clicks, I believe 3)
7. Between song 2 and 3 there is typically a transition done by the team so
don’t go right into the song.
a. You can go right from song 1 to song 2, but hold on the pad on
song 3 if they are doing a transition there. Once they are done
then move to the MP3 slide and proceed through the lyrics as
b. The worship leader could do transitions between any of the songs
though so be flexible for changes.
8. Last worship song in the worship set has a pad at the end and a stop
audio slide. These are for prayer at the end of the worship set before we
go into the message time.
a. Once the song ends and fades out, go to the pad slide during the
prayer. Upon them saying AMEN you will click the Stop Audio
9. At times whomever is doing a transition may ask you to add a Bible
verse to the song for their transition.
a. Go into the BIBLE tab and enter the scripture. Instead of saving it
into the playlist, you will want to click on the first slide and then
hit SHIFT on your keyboard and click on the last slide (all slides
should be selected) then CMD V to copy.
b. Go Back to SHOW and find the song that you are adding the
scripture reference to.
i. On the First slide (Before the MP3) you will right click and
select paste. The scripture should paste in between the Pad
and MP3 slides.
ii. You may have to go in and edit the scripture slides and
combine them if they are in multiple slides.
iii. You will also need to add a theme; one with a text box
because the worship backgrounds typically do not work
well with normal text and editing the text every time is a
longer process. I believe there is already a theme created for
1. You will simply click on the necessary slides and then
click on themes and select the theme you want. Then
the slides will change to that theme. NOTE: you may
have to edit the text again to fit the slide, but most
times the text changes with the theme.

1. As soon as you click on the Stop Audio slide, proceed to the first
Message slide and raise the house lights (both front & back).
a. The first message slide should also trigger the stage lights
2. Move to the Pastor Title slide for a few minutes (that's only if Pastor Rory
is Preaching, if not ignore this)
3. Then to the next slide which should be a generic Legacy slide
4. IMPORTANT! When he starts preaching you need to start the
countdown timer. This can be found on the right hand side in the
middle tab. Hit the play button to start that timer.
a. As a side note the next tab to the left has a button on the lower
right hand side that says “SHOW”. Press this when the timer get
to about 3 minutes. It will display a message on the stage display
saying “Land the Plane”
b. When you press “SHOW” the button changes to “HIDE”. If you
press this again the Message will be taken off the stage display.

1. Once you get through the first few slides of the message you can click
on the generic Legacy slide you placed on the first Bible scripture you
placed in the presentation.
2. As he reads them you will click through them similarly as you did with
the worship songs. He does have a tendency to start reading and stops
frequently so do not click forward too fast.
a. He also will reference particular verses while he talks that you can
put up. This helps the congregation and should be done. You
should always be paying attention to what he is saying.
b. Do not proceed too quickly through the references, but follow
him if he is reading them.
i. If he is reading them quickly you will want to follow his lead,
but at the end of the reference leave it up for a few
moments so people can look it up, take notes, etc…
ii. Even go back (unless he just read 20+ verses) and show the
past verses so people can re-read them on the screen.
3. Be prepared for the wrong translation, or even the wrong order of
scriptures. It happens and this is why you need to pay attention and
keep on your toes.
a. At times he will give ESV, but will read from NIV or vice versa.

1. Once he starts ending his sermon he will enter the invitation phase. He
MAY not always do an invitation, but prayer will always happen.
a. Either way once he starts praying click on the first slide under
INVITATION. This triggers a pad.
b. You also want to lower the house lights…remember smooth
2. Whether he does an invitation or not he will end the prayer and that's
the time when you will click on the STOP audio slide to stop the pad.
a. If there is time (Sometimes he introduces the worship team, other
times he talks briefly) put up the salvation slide and then the
giving slide (again whatever time allows for)...if there is no time
don’t work about it.
3. Once he starts moving away from the stage, click the last worship song
and wait for the leader to invite the people to stand and sing.
a. Proceed as you did previously through the song.
4. Once the song comes to an end wait for the team to transition out
a. While they are talking you can press F7 to start the SPOTIFY
b. Start fading UP the house lights (Both front and back)
c. Click on Dismissal slide


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