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Gen. Vicente Alvarez St.

, Zamboanga City
Junior High School Unit
Local nos. (062) 991 – 4277, (062) 991 – 1676, Telefax: 992 – 3045

Name of Student: Date:

Grade Level: Subject: Values Education 8
Lesson #: 1 Activity Sheet #: 1
Topic: We are Family
I. Learning Intent
At the end of the lesson the students can:
1. Describe experiences in your own family from which good things were learned or
had a positive influence on you.
2. Examine the love, unity and faith in a family based on experience or observation.
3. Prove why the family is a natural institution of love and unity that helps develop
oneself toward good human relationships; and
4. Apply appropriate acts toward the development of love and unity in your own

II. Learning Activities

A. Engaging Activities
1. Priming
Take a few moments to reflect on your experiences in your own family. Examine your role
and reflect whether you are able to express real love for your family. On the chart below, put
a check (✓) mark under the column that describes the extent by which you manifest love for
your family.

Situations Always Sometimes Never

1. My parents always scold me when I don't
study my lessons in school, but I fully
understand them because I know it is their
duty to guide me.
2. I intervene calmly when I hear my father
raising his voice at my mother just because
they do not agree on a certain matter.
3. I spend time praying for my parents and the
whole family.
4. I do not hesitate to assist my siblings when
they have assignments or issues.
5. At home, I feel free to express my opinion
and ideas on matters that have to do with
the family.
6. At home, I appreciate it when I receive
negative response to the opinions that I
7. I enjoy being with my siblings/ relatives
especially during mealtime.
8. Doing household chores is an opportunity for
me to bond with my family.
9. I am proud of my family.
10. My family provides material and emotional
2. Activation of Prior Knowledge

After answering all items, get the total score. If your answers for column Always totals more
than seven, Congratulations! If your answer for Sometimes totals more than six, you have
to exert effort to express love for the family. If you have more Never answers, start thinking
of how you can improve in showing your love for your family.

Describe the people you know who live the value of family solidarity. Write down your
description on the spaces provided below. See the given example.

Names How he/she expresses the value of family solidarity

Even when she comes home tired from work, she

1. Priscilla Cabaltica Esposo
would cook the best dinner for the family everyday.

2. Ailey Ko She would help me study for tests.

3. Audrey Ko Even when she's angry, she would still care for us.



3. Linking Statement

Examine your answers.

1. What ways of expressing family solidarity are common to the five people?
Examples of functional solidarity are gifts of money, but also very practical things such as buying
groceries, preparing meals, allowing family members to move in with you, or looking after their
care needs.

2. How do you think these affect their family?

By making them love you more

3. How about you? How do you express family solidarity? Describe it below.
I help with chores, I give gifts to my cousins, and cook for the family.
B. Guided Instruction

Family Solidarity

Families are faced with many challenges nowadays. We see many cases of parents breaking up.
We also notice long distance relationship between parents where one is working abroad while the
other is left alone to care for the family. In some cases, both parents are OFWs and the children are
left under the care of relatives. This has indeed affected the lives of the youth today.
There are also parents who live with their children but spend less time with them because of work
or businesses, so the children are left spending long hours with their electronic gadgets or with their
friends. Thus, the bonding time among family members is less.
Despite these painful scenarios, the family thrives and survives. There are many family whose
members strive to be active, productive and cooperative part of society. On a positive note, we
observe that there are families that are determined to build a family whose members are formed
through the values that can keep the family intact.
The future of society starts from this small unit which everyone calls, "family". However, it is not
easy to raise a strong family. It demands maturity and dedication from its members. When you were
born, you were under the care of a family. It was where you developed physically, mentally, morally,
spiritually and psychologically. Your activities as a child, perspective and outlook in life as a person,
were shaped and strongly influenced by how were molded in your family. It is in your family that you
first experienced a sense of belongingness, love, warmth, concern, sacrifice, security, and peace.
Values formation starts in the family. The values that we nurture in the family in the way we deal
with other people. A family with good values is the foundation of family solidarity.

What is family solidarity? It is a value that binds members of the family in unity, love, concern
and compassion. This value enables family members to give their best amidst challenges and good
or bad circumstances.

Here are some ways to show solidarity with the family

Ask your parents how you can be of help to them. Find time to dialogue with your parents. Do not
forget to express your sense of gratitude and appreciation toward your family members.

Being Available
Assist your siblings in their school assignments and in doing household chores. Take the initiative to
do things for the good of the family.

Be open and honest in relating to each member without fear of being judged. This makes you accept,
trust, understand and respect each other. Openness helps you understand the circumstances that
the family faces without being judgmental.

Show your love and reach out to every family member by accepting their strengths and weaknesses.
Through your family, solidarity is fully nurtured and you can be assured that its members will offer
the best to the community to which your family belongs.

Family as an Institution

Family centeredness is one of the characteristics that marks a Filipino. We usually attribute our
success or failure to our family. The same is true to our experiences of happiness or unhappiness.
We go back to how we were molded as person in our family. Because we value our family, we work
hard, labor intensely and do sacrifices for the sake of our loved ones. We believe that the success of
the family is the success of an individual and the failure of an individual can be the failure of the
whole family.
The family is the basic unit of the society. It is basic because human societies are composed of
families. The progress of every nation, its economic prosperity, national peace and unity heavily
depends on the family.
Aside from being an institution, the family is the life of the community. The family cannot exist on
its own. As such, it needs to co-exist with other families in the community to be able to create a
society where harmonious relationships abound.
The protection of the family is ensured by the nation through its laws. It is essential that one is
aware of the provisions of the Family Code of the Philippines in the 1987 Constitution.

Section 1, Article XV. “The state recognizes the Filipino family as the foundation of the nation.
Accordingly, it shall strengthen its solidarity and actively promote its total development.”
Section 2, Article XV. “Marriage, as an inviolable social institution, is the foundation of the family
and shall be protected by the state.”
Section 12, Article II. “The state recognizes the sanctity of family life and shall protect and
strengthen the family as a basic autonomous social institution.”

The Family Code of the Philippines strongly demands that the state strengthen the sacredness of
the family being the basic social institution. In fact, it tells the state to safeguard the life of the
mother and the child from conception. Hence, it is the duty of the state to aid and support the parents
in rearing their children to make them effective citizens of the nation. It is likewise the duty of the
state to initiate laws and measures that would prevent the weakening of every Filipino family.
To ensure that Filipino family truly become natural institutions of love and unity, the Family Code
presents provisions for the protection of children.

Chapter 3. Effects of Parental Authority Upon the Persons of the Children

Art. 220. The parents and those exercising parental authority shall have with the respect to their
unemancipated children on wards the following rights and duties:
• To keep them in their company, to support, educate and instruct them by right precept and
good example, and to provide for their upbringing in keeping with their means;
To give them love and affection, advice and counsel, companionship and understanding;
To provide them with moral and spiritual guidance, inculcate in them honesty, integrity, self-
discipline, self-reliance, industry and thrift, stimulate their interest in civic affairs, and inspire in them
compliance with the duties of citizenship;
• To furnish them with good and wholesome educational materials, supervise their activities,
recreation, and association with others, protect them from bad company, and prevent them from
acquiring habits detrimental to their health, studies and morals;
• To represent them in all matters affecting their interests;
• To demand from them respect and obedience;
• To impose discipline on them as may be required under the circumstances; and
• To perform such other duties as are imposed by law upon parents and guardians.

Checking your Understanding

Character Speaks

The two stories below teach us ways to honor and show family solidarity. Read and understand

Dad’s Hat

Amid the celebration, there was a tragedy. It was the opening ceremonies of the 1992 Summer
Olympic Games in Barcelona. One by one, the teams entered the stadium and paraded around the
track to the cheers of 65,000 people. But in one section of the Olympic Stadium, shock and sadness
fell as Peter Karnaugh, father of United States swimmer Ron Karnaugh, was stricken with a fatal
heart attack.
Five days later, Ron showed up for his race wearing his dad's hat, which he carefully set aside
before his competition began. Why the hat? It was the swimmer's tribute to his dad whom he
described as "my best friend:' The hat was his dad's favorite, the one he always wear when they do
things together like fishing. Wearing the hat was Ron's way of honoring his dad for standing beside
him, encouraging him, and guiding him. When Ron dove into the water, he did so without his dad's
presence but inspired by his memory.

Questions for Discussion

1. How did Ron lose his father?

By a fatal heart attack.


2. Why did he wear the hat in the competition?

Because it was his dads favorite.


3. How did wearing the hat affect Ron?

Wearing that hat encouraged, guided, and inspired him.


4. How did Ron express his solidarity with his family?

By wearing his dads hat.


5. How do you honor your parents? How would you like to be honored by your future children?
I help with the grocery's


C. Guided Practice

Mother knows Best

Just when everybody was blaming Jenny for not passing the grade and for failing calculus, her
mother makes a remark that stopped the blaming. She said:
Jenny did not want to fail. She worked hard for the subject and devoted much time to study for
it. You may not have noticed but when everyone is asleep at night, she gets up, picks up her book
and diligently does problem solving. All you see is Jenny watching TV, cracking jokes during dinner
time and drawing on her sketchpad.
Jenny is creative rather than analytical or logical. She likes doing things differently, interpret ideas
through images. She likes studying while playing music.
Jenny is not cut out for math or science. She is an artist, and that is what she will pursue in college.
As for failing calculus, she has one more grading period to raise the grade. We'll get her a tutor
for that.
After hearing this, Jenny smiled and gave her mother a loving hug.

D. Analysis Questions

1. Describe Jenny's mother based on the statements she made. Quote some line in the text that
support your answer.
2. Why do you think her mother's statement stopped the blaming?
3. How did mother's understanding of Jenny affect her?
4. Do you think Jenny will do better after this? Why?

Being with our parents everyday may seem to be an ordinary experience. What we do not realize is
that ordinary events can be truly significant to the whole family. See how this is possible. Read the
selection below.

E. Synthesis/Closure

Remembering Things Past

An old man tries to remember his wife who died oy looking at her old things which she kept in
their attic. Under a cover of cobwebs, the old man retrieved some photo albums in some of the
boxes. Looking at the old photographs in the albums, the old man suddenly had a recollection of the
love of his life, who died a long time ago. He saw a picture of her. Silent as a mouse, he patiently
opened the long buried treasures and was soon lost in a sea of memories. Although his world had
not stopped spinning when his wife left it, the past was more alive in his heart than his present
Also in the pile of old things was a journal from his grown son's childhood. He could not remember
having seen it before and he did not know that his son had a journal and that his wife had saved it.
It seemed like junk. But when he opened the journal's yellowed pages, his son's words slowly put
a smile on his old face. He began to read and it seemed that in the utter silence of the place, the
words of a guileless six-year-old worked their magic and carried the old man back to a time almost
totally forgotten. Every entry in the journal stirred a sentimental hunger in his heart. But it was
accompanied by the memory-a painful one at that- and the fact that the recollection he had of those
days were a bit different from his son's. But how different?
Reminded that he, himself, had kept a daily journal of his business activities over the years, he
took it from the glass cabinet where he has kept it and put the two journals side by side.
As he opened his journal, his eyes fell upon an entry. The brevity of this entry, a June 4, compared
with the others, made it stand out. It read, "Wasted the whole day fishing with Jimmy. Didn't catch
a thing."
With a deep sigh and shaking hands he looked over Jimmy's June 4 entry: "Went fishing with my
Dad. Best day of my life."

Questions for Discussion

1. Who is the main character of the story? Describe him. __________________________________

The old man.

2. Describe how the father reacted to what he found from the stack of boxes. _________________
the sons journal. He felt happy to read

3. What is the significance of June 4 to the father and his son? _____________________________
He went fishing with his son.
4. How is family solidarity shown in the story?
By spending time with his son.


III. Independent Practice

Doing it Right

On the space provided below, write a short note to your parents or guardian about their
significance in your life. Make a promise on how you can contribute to building a strong family in
solidarity with them. Ask your parents/guardians to affix their signature in your letter.

Dear Mom and Dad,



Sincerely Yours,

Signature of the Parents: (Father: ___________ or Mother: ___________ or Guardian:

You may not be aware that you have classmates or friends whose parents are not living with
them because they work abroad. There are occasions when family members are required to go to
school, such as Family Day celebration or during PTC meeting.
If any of them feel bad due to the absence of their parents, you can cheer them up.

Write down what you can say to them:


If you, have OFW parent/s, what would you say to others like you?

Think of the people with whom you would like to share the important aspects below. Describe how
you will share these aspects to benefit you family and strengthen family solidarity.

How I will share this

Aspects to Share The person to share with





1. Why do you want to share the specific aspect to the person you intend to share it with?



2. How will the sharing of these aspect increase family solidarity?



Explain the meaning of the quote below.

“We are angels with only one wing. And we can only fly embracing each other.”




Post - Assessment

Taking the Challenge

Answer the following questions based on the lesson.

1. What is the definition of family? ____________________________________________________

2. Why is the family central to the life of every Filipino? ___________________________________


3. What is the role of the state t. ward the protection of the Filipino family? ___________________

Read the situations given below. Write your reaction to each one on the space provided.

1. One morning, you heard you father talking angrily to your mother because he could not find
something after the house renovation. What will you do?

2. You never expected that something special on your birthday. However, upon your arrival from
school, you discovered that your parents prepared a birthday celebration for you. What will you
do? ___________________________________________________________________________

3. You are playing computer game when your younger brother asks you to go with him to the
kitchen because he is hungry What will you do?

4. It is finally weekend and you really want to extend your hours of sleep. However, your mother
insists that you wake up and do household chores. She demands that you fix your bed
immediately and start the day's work. What will you do?

5. You have some problems with your Math subject. You have a hard time opening up about the
matter to your parents. You think your sister should do it on your behalf. What will you do?

After knowing that the protection of children is enshrined in the Family Code, examine the rights
that you fully enjoy as a member of the family. Determine which one of these rights your family
should pay attention to ensure family solidarity.

Right that I should fully enjoy:


In what way is this right experienced?


Prepared by: Checked by: Approved by:

Faculty Department Head School Principal

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