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Stand Name: 「Come Along」

Stand User: Leone Finocchiaro


Destructive Power: C

Speed: B

Range: A

Stamina: B

Precision: B

Development Potential: D

Appearance: 「Come Along」 is a humanoid stand which acts independantly of its

user. It is well built in appearance despite its non-exceptional strength stats,
and is outfitted with a face mask and an eye patch, and can often be seen with a
gun which it uses to make up for its low combat ability.


Feast With Abandon:

「Come Along」 can spawn exponentially growing fungus, which, once entered a
being's body and bloodstream, can affect the creation of hormones in the brain and
eat away at their flesh. Once the fungus has traveled up to their brain, it will
quickly grow throughout it and drive them to act as if intoxicated. The stand's
fungus will then attempt to grow more throughout the body, eating away at its
nutrients and cells while maintaining a fantasy in their mind to prevent them from
sensing pain. The main goal of this stand is to stay alive and grow, much like most
living creatures, and so it will take any neccesary means to pursue this goal,
mostly by using other living creatures to spread its spores (which can not travel
by air). This stand is extremely resiliant and it acts independently of its user,
but since it understands that any damage to the user may cause it to disappear, it
keeps them well protected as they are comatose, and maintains their happiness
through a fantasy, as instructed. Despite its stand status, the fungus shows
similar behavior to real world fungus, and grows from its center outwards, with the
center being where user is located.

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