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Stand Name: Electric Heart Damage

Namesake: Elkectra Heart by MARINA, Emotional Damage Trap remix by KEIRON RAVEN


Electric Heart Damage (EHD) takes the appearance of two humanoid arms and is not
able to be seen by non stand users. EHD's user was born with their stand which
replaces their own arms, unbeknownst to their parents, two non-stand users, who
upon learneing their child's arms are there, but invisible, they taught them to
hide them as much as they could, and cover them with gloves and long sleeves.

Electric Heart Damage is capable of seperating from its user - it can travel to up
to 7 meters away from its user's body and can slice itself into horizontal slabs
which can seperate and move freely with velocity depending on the inverse of their

Stacking Up:
The crux of Electric Heart Damage's main ability is stacking up objects in the most
stable way it can. Once an object/person comes into contact with the stand (or one
of its parts), they may be sliced into many horizontal slabs which quickly organize
into the most stable shape they can get into without reordering themselves. People
and living things affected by this ability may not move themselves (as the cuts
usually remove their muscles' ability to stretch) and may not use their stand, but
they remain within the living if not damaged further. The only way to return the
objects to normal is to knock over the stack, which may be done by other people or
by natural causes, like the wind. The objects may not return to their original form
naturally after the user's death or incapacitation. EHD can affect multiple people
at once, which will usually lead to stronger, more stable structures, but only if
they are all in range, and touched at the same time.

The user can also reorganize themselves to evade damage without falling down.

Soul Balancing:
The stand has a unique capability to affect souls as well, and by touching a
person's soul, they can balance their mood and improve their mental stability,
which has helped the user heal people and draw them to their side.

In general, the structures build by EHD's ability are able to stand, but may only
remain standing if made in the right circumstances; if not, a simple gust of wind
or a small push may cause them to fall and for the ability to deactivate.

"`Emotional Damage` Trap Remix"

"motion damage" for the name

uncle roger is famous for cooking criticism, anger at draining rice
e could stand for something, than have "motional"
Electra Heart Damage

character from mythology, vengeful, kills mother, opposite of the oedipus complex,
with the daughter villianizing the mother to get to the father. not a common
seperating people into a tower of rocks, Cairn
Cairns were used to signify things, they are balanced and without support, maybe
this could be something based on people who are unbalanced, or objects, maybe
balance the different parts of their body and morph it into a stable thing that
hardly resembles the person
like cutting a person up into slices and arranging them so they hold together
whats the catalist? it should be somthing that could enable a maintained control,
also relate to emotions somehow? maybe they can make souls stable by shifting them,
and people get addicted to their stability, and they can also make physical objects
should the stand be autonomous, or let the user's belief in of what is stable, like
let them for a bridge? maybe it should relate to points of contact, like it should
be held up by whatever things it's touching, so it you have the things effected by
electra heart damage be connected in moltiple points, itll try to stablize all of
them, and the range makes this make more sense since if they are very far apart
it'll be hard
the stability related to movement, like it the idea of the person is moving, they
are rearranged (?)
maybe they're stuck in place for a certain period of time

touches people, they organize into a stable tower made from horizonal cuts of
themselves. do they die? probably not as this would be too op. are they stuck? this
causes for strategies that aren't very complex for a power that could make them be
complex; if they are stuck, you're golden. how do they kill people with this power?
having towers of bodies is kinda creepy, maybe they do it by themselves too.
it can either shift people and move them themselves or cut them up and move
their slices.

CUTS THEM UP. how do they escape?

it picks the people it does it to/ the objects and the points of contact and builds
a stable structure with it

do they have to work with it? to help it make the best structures? maybe they can
make structures that hold up on their own but have to help to make them stand up to
other stuff, that could help with the souls thing to help them stay stable as
people it offers additional support. does it offer up some of its body? or does it

can it make bridges? maybe it has to have only up to 2 points of contact, or just
be two seperate things for it to be like that

maybe it picks the places by slicing the stand itself, like if its feet are
somewhere then it will build itself there. maybe the feet look weird like stuff
they use to mark things, not actual feet. you'll get sliced up people anyway, you
don't need the stand to be a slced up person as well.
also I have to accomodate the soul thing, so maybe the user can touch a
person and they are stable on one place but that's not very stable for getting
knocked over so they pick multiple people and two places, so they stay standing in
case of wind or something. maybe they cut up themselves to get to those people to
pick them. maybe the stand replaces a body part of theirs, like their arms, so the
parts fly out to hit people and get them affected.

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