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Essence of a Bizarre Adventure

“A fruity flavored, pink and white liquid”

(Optional) You find yourself part of a family line of extraordinary people, you’ll
gain some form of birth park or personality trait or small skills/ability that
proves your relation to this family
You gain access to an Inheritance, be it just a huge stack of money or a mega
corporation with world wide connections, you can even gain a Criminal
organization/Gang/Mafia as an Inheritance, any organization or group gained will be
completely loyal to you
Examples of families you could become part of: Joestars, Zeppeli, Brando,
Speedwagon, Higashikata or if you wanted you could make your own
Your body is increased to the peak of human ability. Strength, stamina, and
dexterity easily surpassing Olympic athletes, as well as near perfect health, your
appearance has also been amped up a few notches giving you a hypnotic like presence
Your Sexual Skills and Abilities are also Peak levels enabling you to have mind
blowing sex and seduce the pants off anyone even when your age 60+, you’ll also
leave a lasting, positive impression
You become beyond stylish, gaining the ability to find affordable clothing of any
design, regardless of where you are and how tight your budget is. Should you
choose, any world you go to may instantly become close (but never at) your level of
style. This also affects hair, makeup, and anything else "Stylish"
You are now a master at projecting emotions via Posing. Should you wish, any world
you go to may learn to come close (but never surpass) to your Posing prowess.
You are now a master of combat!, fighting is in your blood enabling you to think
fast and fight with the skill and ferocity of a sessioned master, you adapt to new
fighting styles and techniques effortlessly and you can even adapt to a person's
mindset granting you to power to predict what your opponent will say
(Optional) You gain the ability to use Hamon: a powerful energy created by
breathing. Hamon is capable of applying a variety of effects to organic objects and
liquids, such as: hardness, sharpness, programmed movements, and even increasing
strength and durability. Hamon may also heal from grievous injuries as long as
blood continues to flow to the extremity (be it yourself or another person), and
slows down the aging process equal to the amount of Hamon your body can store.
Your initial store of Hamon energy are above average for a human. However your
reserves and precision increase rapidly, enabling you to match the sheer energy of
the sun after a few years and potentially beyond that should you truly practice.
You can teach people the art of Hamon, and they in turn can teach others. While no
one will be as powerful as you, those you personally teach will still be incredibly
(Optional) You gain the ability to use Spin: a state of rotation defined by its
closeness to the perfection of the Golden Rectangle, more specifically the Golden
Spiral that is derived from the Rectangle, this spiral is mathematically endless,
and a feature said to be omnipresent in the surrounding nature and a fortiori in
works of art. The way to use the most basic form of the Spin is to typically try
and spin objects to follow as best they can the Golden Rectangle, creating a near
endless rotation that may then create an infinite amount of rotational energy,
before throwing said objects at a target, the way to improve the Spin is to further
your understanding of the Golden Rectangle and the Spiral within and then tracing
the path of the Golden Spiral as best you can in the hopes to replicate it with an
object, The rotational energy produced by The Spin can be transferred to nearby
objects in the form of vibrations and can be wielded for a wide array of purposes
such as enhancing the range, accuracy and destructive power of a projectile,
hardening the body enabling it to easily transmit energy somewhere else, granting
supernatural but temporary sturdiness, Spin infused objects can even effect biology
to heal people or flatten, mutate and alter appearances
You can even utilize the Super Spin without the need for a horse enabling you to
utilize an infinite rotation with the power to manipulate space, time, gravity,
dimensions and reality as a whole, it can even spontaneously evolve Stand's Acting
like a Mini Requiem, with enough training and understanding you'll even be able to
go beyond even that effectively bypassing or outright breaking logic enabling you
to effect concepts to their very core, eventually you'll master the Spin to the
point of being closest to the Golden Spin meaning that with enough time, training
and understanding you'll eventually become Liken to God thought Spin
(Optional) You additionally gain a Stand: a manifestation of your inner Spirit,
desires and character that may interact with the world. Its appearance can be
whatever you wish. Your Stand is particularly potent, easily rivaling top tier
Stand’s like Star Platinum and The World, it also has an unlimited range on it’s
movement and power effects but if you wish it can start off as an Act 1 making it
weaker but enabling it to grow more powerful and unlock new unique powers. This
Stand of yours will possess an all mighty power, up to limited Reality Warping and
Time Manipulation. Alternatively you may possess several powers from the Stand’s of
Jojo, such as having the powers of Anubis, Magicians Red, Killer Queen, King
Crimson, and Hermit Purple in a single Stand.
If your Stand comes against a rivaling force that it’s equal in power to it, a
Unstoppable force meets an immovable object type situation your stand will always
You may give and remove the ability to form Stands to anyone in the world, with or
without knowing the person, and from any point on the planet, this doesn’t give
people Stand but grants them the potential for a Stand so if they’re stabbed by the
Stand Arrow they won’t die and instead gain Stands
You may Absorb or copy the Stands of others. Absorbing the Stand of another person
grants you the power of that Stand, as well as allowing you to give that particular
Stand to another person should you desire
Your a Child of The Earth and Fate bends in such a way to support you, the Flow of
Gravity/Fate/Luck is the overarching hand of The Jojoverse, The God who grants plot
armor, protects & pushes the main cast till they reach their destiny, this Fate is
the reason for everything in Jojo and now it's your side, granting you it’s boon
What this means is you are more likely to meet people who can help you and your
overall luck will be incredibly high, you'll have good first impressions and you’ll
also be able to survive things normal people shouldn’t be able to, get shot 20
times? Well lucky you all those bullets missed your organs, have a knife thrown at
you? well luckily you stuffed your clothes with books beforehand just because you
got a feeling it would be useful!, so on and so forth
(Optional) You gain one or several Pets with Stand’s, these Pets can have a house
within its body or be an effective guard with a powerful ability, or if you wish
you can have any of the animal stand users from Jojo as pets
Examples are Iggy, Petshop, Coco Jumbo
(Optional) You gain one or several Companions, these can be OC’s or actually Jojo
characters, either way they can have Stand’s, be Vampires, Pillar men or Rock Human
Examples are The Jojo’s Themselves, Ceaser, Gryo, Wamuu, Avdol, Hol Horse and so on
(Optional) You gain a Super Aja Stone that magnifies the effects of light by 100x,
when worn by a hamon user they’ll find their hamon to be far more potent
(Optional) You gain a Perfect Steel Ball, a ball that’s nearly impossible to
replicate that allows for easy use of Spin
(Optional) You gain a Bow and Quiver, within this quiver is 4 Stand Arrows each
with the power to create Requiems and if stabbed into the body of a Stand user will
merge with them granting a new ability based off their current powers and desires
(Optional) You gain All Corpse Parts granting you a blessing that deflects bad luck
and evolves your Stand granting it and you some from of near-invincibility through
The Stand’s pre-existing powers

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