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BSN - 1


Creativity and originality of the depicted theme - ( 20 pts )

Beauty is, and always will be, in the “eye of the beholder.” So I
chose and allocated 20 pts to this because the decision about
the beauty or lack of beauty in a particular work of art is
instinctive and natural.

Quality of artistic composition and overall design based on the

theme - ( 30 pts )

I allocated 30 pts to this because as you look at a painting you

probably will be able to determine how skillfully it was created
simply by comparison with other works.

Inherent meaning - ( 20pts )

Art is powerful, not just for its beauty or the talent needed for
its creation, so I chose and allocated 20 pts to this and
allocated this because it can cause emotion, make political
statements, or challenge preconceived ideas.

Fulfilled intent - ( 30pts )

I allocated 30 pts to this because it can answer the question:

what is the artist trying to say? I hear this question a lot, and
for the most part there’s a simple way to find out.

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