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In the case of our garden set project, I realized how important it is to utilize a Gantt Chart

in assessing the duration of tasks that need to be accomplished for a certain period. The creation

of a garden set is quite difficult and challenging most especially now with the current health

crisis, because it’s like constructing a house, you need materials (inputs) and labor (process) in

order to finish it into something substantial (gth of time required for the tasks that we need to get

done. As I refer to our module readings, I have learned that Gantt chart adapts in real time as the

project progresses, providing an up-to-date project schedule and keeping everyone (teams,

clients, and stakeholders) updated on the status. Also, Gantt charts can be used to replace

meetings and improve other status reports as they make it simple for teams to understand work

progress and discuss any issues that arise. Furthermore, the more tasks in your project and the

more crucial the order in which they are completed, the more likely you are to enrich your Gantt

chart. In this scenario, the need to embellish your Gantt chart becomes apparent.

Moreover, you'll need to make managerial decisions to keep the project on schedule as a

whole if you find yourself slipping behind in one area and these said decisions include: (1)

Reallocating Resources; (2) Reducing the Level of Effort, or Scope, on Tasks or Subtasks; and

(3) Altering the Task Sequence. Overall, Gantt charts are excellent tools for project planning,


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