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It's good! It's good, good!


[What am I doing?]

Wow, this is crazy!

[Love you, ARMY]

[JK Vlog / Oh?]

Let's see

He uses a lot of leg space

I sit up like this when driving

I've never driven this car before so I'm nervous

[Run BTS Director's car]

Hello, everyone, great to see you

-Are we all set?

[I'm with the directors of BANGTAN BOMB and Run BTS]

Start navigation

Let's see
[It's going to be a comfortable vlog
with the directors and my management team]

Is it that way?

Yes, keep going that way

Let's go

[Why is my mouth open]

Will I do a good job today?

It feels like...

[I wasn't thinking about anything, sorry]

This is awkward

The weather's nice

[I had no idea then]

What should I do today?

What should I do?

Oh yeah, the ARMY song is complete

It's called "My You"

It's not the correct English expression

but I used "my" in the lyrics...

I had to fill up a blank

The lyrics were originally

"Hope you to sleep tight"
[That zit is an eyesore...]

but they told me

"to" isn't the right grammar

So I was thinking of another word

and tried "Hope my you sleep tight"

And they loved "my you"

The light is directly on top of me

It's so nice today

The clouds are kind of low these days

They're pretty

It's pretty
[I miss Gureum]

To ARMY...

When I think about ARMY

only things to be grateful come to mind

I always mention in interviews

that ARMY is the reason we exist

That was the theme of it

[So true]


the song is kind of


If I didn't have them

how should I put this...

I don't know how my time would have gone

I don't think it would've moved at all

And what if all these moments


what if they were just a dream

I kept thinking about that

and made this song

You are my reason

My you

Kind of like that

I hope you like it when it's released

The lyrics...

the 2nd verse

was really hard to write

When was it?

[So true 2]

When I came back from New York

It was hard to find words

that both fit the melody and the message

so I kept working on it

I had to skip my drum lesson once

because of that

I kept working on it

and I decided I needed a break

and took a shower

Something went through

my head for a second

and I was like "What was it? What was it?"

when I came out of the shower

and tried to write it down


I keep listening to this song

and started thinking, "Is this any good?"

When I was making the melody

the song could be boring if it's too long


the melody

in the part where I felt

'there should be another verse here'

in that part...

it moves from 1st verse

right into prechorus

so it was hard to connect the melody

I thought about both fans abroad

and our Korean fans

and split up the lyrics in half

I know

If it was all English

they would be disappointed



I'm hungry

I'm hungry

Should we go to the service area

and eat something?

I think so

I think we should eat samgyeopsal today

Samgyeopsal sounds good

I'm craving it so much

I'm so hungry!

So hungry

I brought a caldron lid


We could fry kimchi in oil!

That's delicious

-The oil gathers in the center

That sounds amazing

Did I mention that I'm going camping?

Yes, hello ARMY, good to see you

I'm headed to Goseong right now

I'll be doing my first car camping

through this vlog

Oh! Instagram...

I just wanted to make it look neater

I just deleted them

without thinking to deeply

I was brushing my teeth in the morning

and I just felt like

[I always have to do what I want]

doing it all over again

so I deleted them

I wanted to make my account cooler

I wanted to sound polite

when I asked if I could

delete them so I said "Hey, ARMY"

[You get me, right?]

I wasn't being cold

I'm sorry

I like that even better

It looks closer

I think it makes us look closer

You use family names

when you're really close to somebody

If it's awkward with a friend,

you'll be like



You'd call them like that

[It is the MINGYU you know]

But you call them "Kim Jonggyu"

if you're close


It's only possible with close people

[Repeat after me, possible]

[Thinking that I look nice right now]

[JK Vlog / Ooh]

The sky is so pretty

We can stop by Gapyeong Service Area

and buy some snacks


and head right

to the destination

I'll drive

You can switch to a mukbang vlog


Sit over here and just eat

Oh no...
[Nice one, director]

Service area food review

Evaluating foods from

Gapyeong Service Area

I'll have to work out after this

Gangjeong sounds good

That's awesome!


I love algamja

I love hotteok

I love everything

It's the service area!

There shouldn't... should be

lots of people
There are a lot of cars
[Yeah, there were]

[Spin spin]

I'm at the service area

[What's happening with the focus]

I feel like a YouTuber

[Press subscribe, like, notification

and leave a comment]

I didn't have breakfast yet

so I'm really hungry

Let's eat something

Our promotion is coming up

so I wasn't gonna eat anything


There are too many people

so I lowered the camera

It's so nice today

Wow, it's so nice

Where should I go?

What should I get?

Let's see

[There were so many foods

and people that it was hard to choose]

Tornado potato!

It looks delicious

What should I get?


What do you want?


Do you need a bag?

Where's the sotteok stand?

Sotteok-sotteok, let's get it!

Thank you!


They look so good!

I have to film a mukbang

so I'll have to pass on driving


It looks so good

[This one was really delicious]

This is the best

I shouldn't be eating
[Stop lying]

A bit late, but here

I finished it

Chicken gangjeong!

Shrimp and chicken gangjeong

Now it's sotteok-sotteok

The sauce is all over the place

And sweet potato sticks

[So delicious]

I'm so full

It's good, right?

[You said you were full]

Why is it raining?
[Here comes the rain]

What's happening!

No way! No way!

No way!


Breaking news
Due to bad weather

this might not go as planned

I'm sorry!

And we're almost there...

Where did all that bright sunlight go to?

The weather was really nice

but it did a 180

It's raining

I could buy some clothes here

and swim in the rain

I did bring my toiletries

Yeah, the sea will be right in front


We arrived at the caravan

Let's go

Let's go!

You have to take this apart?

Should we do it here?

This rain...

it's raining softly

It's so cool

It's really cool


Do we have to go?

[JK Vlog / Yay]

What should we do today?

How about a boat ride?

Let's go to the beach!

We'll go to the beach

and do a barbecue
It's so nice coming out here

I should just swim

I recorded a guide version for "Run BTS"


One minute left

[I had a blast making it]

There are things like this in the guide

"Where did Namjoon go?"

"He went to eat jjajangmyeon"

We're here!

We're here
[It took around 4 hours]

Because of the sudden bad weather

it's not what I originally planned

but I'll try some things here

[JK Vlog / Vroom]

It's a bit different

from what I imagined
[Do you think I can swim in there?]

It's a bit disappointing

It's disappointing

but we're here


we'll see what we can do

What can I do here?


That looks fun


No, the one above that

-You see it?
So the caravan...

Wait, so it's in the air just a bit

Yeah, just a bit!

Good, okay


On your mark, get, set, go


I like using my hands

I just don't like hassle

This is fun

Like that

Same thing with the other side

I'm good at this


This is for water!

Where are the taps?

This is fun

It fits perfectly

This is easy!

Ooh, this is cool

So that's how you use it


I'm driving from now on

[Grocery shopping]

This is great weather

I like it, it's beautiful here

This is it

This is adventure

What kind of meat should we get?

Let's go!

[I choose my meat carefully]

Isn't this enough?

How many grams is this?

This should be okay


I don't eat

that much these days

[Liar liar pants on fire]

"T*sty Ramyeon" is really tasty

[Tasty rhyming]

Should we get that?

"T*sty Ramyeon" is really tasty


Radish slices

This should be fun

It's gonna be fun

Let's go

[JK Vlog / I drew this]


[It was cool using the moka pot

for the first time]

This is really cool!

[Using vapor pressure to make the coffee]

[#How about a cup of coffee #Nice nice]


[But why does my face look like that...]

It looks so cool

Thank you

Do I have to cut this?

No, just put two of them in the bottom


[Stop with the exclamations!]

Nice! That's perfect

This is nice

[If anyone can guess right

how many times I say nice...]

I can't believe I thought about swimming

I hope it gets dark soon

Do I look like someone

who's good at camping?


If you get a taste of camping

I bet you'd want to go camping anywhere

This is my first camping ever

This has gotten cuter

It's the sea!

[Everyone knows]

We're going to do a barbecue soon

The weather isn't that bad

The sea!


Is it because I haven't been

in front of cameras in a while?

I don't think so

I know this is a vlog

but I don't know what to talk about

I'm just not a fun person

How about a V LIVE?

It's my first time doing an outdoor V LIVE

[Attempting to do something]
It's so pretty

There's really nothing to do

What should I do?

Should we start the barbecue?

Let's do it

Let's eat!

And drink!

[Hear hear!]

Do a V LIVE!


Grill the meat on the edges

and when the oil gathers in the center

we can fry some mugeunji

It's gonna be awesome

[That's what I'm talking about]

[We did another barbecue later

and I did a better job for that one]

The grease will come out

then we can fry the kimchi

There's this too

Butter's a good idea


I like butter

The heat is really strong


This is great


[No, this is not the time!]


[Don't go over the line]


It looks so good

I think we could start

eating the ones in the middle

The meat is gonna be really good

with the radish and kimchi

We should lower the heat

You have to eat it all together

Put everything on it and eat it whole

This is really cool!


This is nice!

I am really enjoying it

This is so nice

Nice, nice, nice

[It was so delicious]


Oh, the sky cleared up!

The sky is pretty now!

It's pretty! Wow...

It had a plan
[We started seeing blue in the sky]

Every cloud has a silver lining

[Stop eating]

It's so good

You're really enjoying it

When I eat good food

I keep saying it's good

My dad said I was always like that


I was always like

"This is good, this is good"

"It's good! It's good, good!"


It's so good!

It's so good...

Let's let this settle

and then eat ramyeon and samgyeopsal

We have a packet of kimchi left

We do


It's gonna taste good

if we fry some rice there

[JK Vlog / Off to the restroom]

What are the members doing right now?

Are they enjoying their life?

I miss you guys

It's looking weirder and weirder

It's cute

It looks like a flower roll

Have patience

Flower roll, let's get it

Wow, this is so good

[JK Vlog / I'm back]

Long time no see!


I'm here camping

and the weather started off great


we arrived here...

"What did you eat today?"


I dropped by a service area on the way

ate some snacks

and ate samgyeopsal

Store-bought mugeunji is really good

This is a secret

but I drank a little bit

I feel good
[Feel good seeing ARMY]

The purple...

Huh? Purple? Purple...

I purple you
[Sneak attack]

Finger heart


Aren't there lots of kinds of hearts?

There's this heart

and this heart

and this






Bye, see you!

[JK Vlog / I have nothing else to add now]



[#Aurora fire
#Wow wow wow wow wow wow wow]

Wow, this is crazy!

[It was so pretty and cool]

Wow, this is really cool!

How does it do that?


It's really awesome!

It's crazy!

This is shocking

It's nice!

[Yoga fire]

Did you get that?

Did you get that?

Are you filming?

It looks nice

[I can't watch this]

[#So pretty #Wow]

Wow, so pretty

[Second round]

I love samgyeopsal

Do you know what happens

if I fry kimchi in this oil?

It's gonna be amazing

I added kimchi too early the last time

Do you hear the sizzle?

Do you hear this sizzling sound?

You know it's gonna be amazing!

How can this not be good?

[Eat samgyeopsal today, ARMY]

Turn up the heat

This looks so good

Dig in!

I added a bit of soy sauce

It's gonna be perfect

with some dried seaweed flakes

[JK Vlog / You're almost there]

The camping is over

and now I'm going to go sleep

See you next morning


I had fun


[JK Vlog / Who wants to go camping, ARMY?]

[Not one cloud...]

[That's always how it goes]

The sun is really bright

The weather is kind of

not kind of, very different from yesterday

No speck of cloud

It was raining yesterday

I thought it would be like this

It's really disappointing

[But I did have so much fun
and a good time relaxing]

It's hot

I even bought sunscreen

in case of the strong sunlight

My face is swollen!

Of course it is,
I ate so much yesterday

What are we eating?

Bread and coffee


The weather is so breezy and nice


Is it working?
[I keep thinking about this coffee]

Is it working?

No, not yet

It has to make a sound like this

[It was windy so the coffee took some time]

This is nice


I open the curtain and there's the sea

It's starting to heat up

[Coffee jjigae]

It's so cool

Can you turn the heat off

when it starts boiling?


When the steam starts going off

Should I add water?


[I can't live without coffee]

This is good coffee!

This place is nice

Is he here?

Let's go!


I love this


if you go real camping in the mountains

you won't see these kinds of stuff

"What's the one food you'd eat forever?"

If someone asks me that, I choose sandwich

I'm full

Can I use that stick to write it?

[For the final moment on the beach]

I have to go this way

for a good shot

This is good

This is... you know what I'm talking about, right?


I can't write with this

What else is here?

Where should I write?

Over there

[This is what I'm talking about!]

Only if I had a drone...

[We didn't have a drone]

BTS♡ARMY Forever




[ARMY forever, BTS forever!]

[I miss you]


[Camping is a wonderful thing! I had a great time]

[JK Vlog / The end!]

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