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What is a standardized assessment in education?

I consider standardized assessment, can be use as placement tests as of questions for that all
student´s so that everyone can answer same this questions , as a strategy for comprobate
masteryand of skills for categorize the student appropriately for improvement.

What is the purpose of a standardized test?

American University School of Education recommends in a timely manner

Standardized tests or examinations are evaluation instruments that measure the particular
strengths or weaknesses of students, detect population groups in need of educational
improvement, identify factors that impact student performance and observe changes or progress
at the educational level. (american, 2020, pág. PARR 3)

What are the types of standardized test?

According with the process of developing a standardised test Should taking that account suggests
that interpreting the finding some the necessitates a wide range of knowledge in subjects such as
curriculum, that need use the statistics, and psychometric.

Achievement Tests

Diagnostic Tests

Standardized IQ Tests

Aptitude Tests
What are the norms for standardized test?

Here we can see the functions referred to ICFES described below in (MIM EDUCACION , 2009):

1. Establish methodologies and procedures to guide evaluation quality of education.

2. To develop theoretical foundations, design, develop and apply instruments for

evaluating the quality of education for levels of basic, secondary and higher education, in
accordance with

guidelines for this purpose defined by the Ministry of National Education.

3. Design, implementation, management and updating of databases with information on

the results of the tests applied and the associated factors, in accordance with accepted
international practices.

4. The organisation and management of the test bench and questions, in accordance with
the level programmes, shall be reserved.

5. Design, application and control of the processing of information and production and
dissemination of evaluation results; according to the needs identified at each educational

6. To provide technical assistance to the Ministry of National Secretariats of Education on

issues related to the evaluation of the quality of education within its area of competence.

7. Conduct studies and research in the field of quality assessment of education with
quantitative and qualitative aspects.

8. To promote and strengthen the culture of evaluation by disseminating the results of

analyses and developing training activities on issues within its competence, at local,
regional and national levels.

9. Develop the theoretical basis, design, develop and apply the complementary evaluation
tools requested by official or private entities. (p. 7).
Establish the diference between formative asseeement and summative assessment within the
educational context.

(Rangel , 2019) states that it is important to note that the initiative of the M.E.N.(Ministry of

National Education) affirms that implementing in the national evaluation system, as an

amalgam, the two forms of evaluation: qualitative and quantitative, Perhaps we should also

point out the fact that’ ‘Experts suggest that a complete understanding of an evaluation, it

need have to perform at least three tasks: as the verification, the impact assessment and

causal explanation(Parr.6)

Purely summative evaluation is the use of criteria and instruments based on learning objectives,
skills, content and processes susceptible to observation. (Rangel , 2019, pág. parr 28)

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