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PwWeLVE ARTICLES, b : : : OY J) / L= ST it may more Quarrels breed, } I will never hear you read. aR By difputing I will never ‘o conyince you, once endeavour. When.a Paradox you tick to, I will never contradiét you. d IV. When I talk, and you axe heedlefs, _ I will thew no anger needlefs. ‘When your Speeches are abfurd, _ Twill n’er object a word, saber ‘oi2 7 VI. act When you furious argue wrong, _ Iwill grieve and hold my tongue, ERS po 3 VII. fae it or hum'rous ftory Will T ever tell before ye: Tob e chidden for explaining, j you quite miltake the meaning. F cs : Never 60 POEMS ‘ov vat VIM Neyer more will I fuppofe, You can tafte my verfe or profe, . Ix ‘ You no more at me thall fret, While I teach, and you forget. x You fhall never hear me thunder, Wlien you blunder on, and blunder, ‘ - XI. Shew your poverty of Spirit, And in drefs place all your merit; Give yourfelf ten thoufand airs, That.with me hall break no {quares, XII. Never will I give advice, Till you pleafe to afk me thrice: Which, if you in fcorn reject, *T will be juft as I expect. Thus we both hall have our ends, And continue fpecial friends.

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