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Siren seduction (17+)


Britney Spears- gimme more slowed

Britney Spears-criminal slowed

Kesha- chain reaction slowed

Aye now, don't come at me for the age rating! I care about your safety and wellbeing!! This sub is
aimed for 17+, of course there is no age block in the subliminal, BUT if your under 17 I would
recommend waiting, ok?

In this particular sub I wanted to experiment by changing my formula a bit.

*gender neutral attraction affs*

Onto thy benefits!

+inbuilt forced booster

-my midnight magic booster + new formula

+changes your DNA and genetics

"Woah...Your hot"

_symmetrical facial features

_become your desired level of skinniness

_weigh your desired weight

_healthy and perfect metabolism which functions perfectly

_stomach liposuction

_your stomach is free from unnecessary fat and is flat to how you desire
_your stomach is well toned and has an ideal feminine ab line

_gain a tiny waist line

_your waist looks pinched, snatched and attractive

_forcefully lose unwanted stomach, waist and back fat

_back is slim and curvy

_slim and elegant neck

_slim, defined, smooth jawline that looks 999x more attractive

_smooth cheekbone line

_cheekbones are narrow and ideal

_your eyelashes are a rich black colour, long, curly and fluttery

_my "eyelash treatment" affs

_my "eyebrow waxing kit" affs

_soft, smooth, velvety, rejuvenated, kissable,cherry pink coloured lips that are ideal and bigger

_straight nose bridge

_my "clearest skin of them all" affs

_my "kitty Kat" affs

"Sugar, spice and everything nice"

_smell and taste like a mixture of enhanced choc chip cookies and vanilla blossom

_body is completely odourless and is immune to smelling bad

_saliva tastes like exotic spiced berries

_your scalp hair possess a natural scent of Bulgarian roses and honey suckle

_always remain your true authentic self

_high self esteem, self confidence, self acceptance etc

_mentally capable and healthy

_perfect, balanced, positive, happy mental state

_immune to putting on facades

_gain an enhanced personality

_all your good qualities become more dominant and interest people

_know how to easily start a conversation

_have the ability to be able to talk about basically ANYTHING

_nobody dares trash talking you

_everyones reviews about you are always positive and music to ones ears

_always have witty, smart, cunning and burn worthy roasts

_people want to get to know you on a personal level

_immune to feeling ashamed or embarrassed of yourself

_be immune to caring what others think about you

_immune from feeling and portraying jealousy and envy

_have a sweet, caring, angelic and seductive personality and vibe

_be kind, loyal, honest and generous

_be the full package of cute, hot, sexy and beautiful

_be emotionally balanced

_love living and appreciate your life

_be fully aligned with your solar plexus chakra and heart chakra

_always take care and pamper yourself

_be independent

_your presence is strong and noticeable

_wake up everyday looking flawless 24/7

_feel sensual, attractive and confident

"Wild candy"

_embody the natural arts of seduction

_possess a seductive, passionate and provocative aura

_attract attention just by using your body language and facial expressions

_drive people manic with your alluring expressions and actions

_walk extremely dazzlingly, enviously and flawlessly

_walk with a sexy swing in your hips

_any action you perform makes people's jaws drop

_your body fully clothed and naked makes people's mouths water in delight

_be amazing in the bedroom

_master every sexual foreplay and act

_able to portray both submissive and dominant

_easily arouse your partner / anyone you desire

_possess greater sex appeal than any sex symbol/icon, pin ups, Hollywood actresses and island

_your desired people are magnetically attracted to you

_be wanted from your desired person 24/7

_mastery of giving handjobs, blowjobs, lap dances, strip teasing and kisses

_anyone you kiss it leaves a potent magical affect of bliss

_be a head turner, turn the heads of everyone in the room

_be the centre of attention and shine above everyone else

_be the sexiest woman alive

_be immensely arousing to people and desired friends

_immune to stalkers

_repel stalkers

_always stay safe and have guidance from the universe

+more ;)

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