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Short Letter To Mother, My Pride Woman

That facial expression no longer radiated a refreshing glow. Slowly but surely
new wrinkles were growing every inch. My proud woman is not young anymore. He
is getting old and ready to enter his old age.
It feels strange writing this letter to you. In fact, if I want to talk and
pour out my heart, all I have to do is the door of the room and Mother will
surely listen. But this time, I deliberately packed my words into writing that
could be read over and over again. So that Mother knows how special you are at
A personal letter is a type of letter which conveys personal messages between two or more
close families, friends, or relatives.

Personal letters usually use the following words:

 Dear,
 Best wishes
 We have lost contact for too long
 It’s been a long time since we last met
 Give my regards to your sister
 I look forward to hearing from you soon
 Let me know as soon as possible
 Hope to hear from you soon

Personal letters, also known as a friendly letters and social notes, normally have five parts.

1. The heading

This includes the address, line by line, with the last line being the date. Skip a line after
the heading.

2. The greeting
The greeting always ends with a comma.
3. The body
Also known as the main text or the content.This part includes the message that you
want to write.
4. The complimentary close
This short expression is always a few words on a single line. It ends in a comma. It
should be indented to the same column as the heading.
5. The signature line
Type or print your name. The handwritten signature goes above this line and below the
6. Postscript
If your letter contains a postscript, begin it with P.S. and end it with your initials.

There are many different types of personal letters:

 Pen pal
A pen pal is someone you communicate with by sending letters regularly.
 Fan mail
You write fan mail to someone you idolize or admire.
 Love
You can write a love letter to someone whom you love or care about.
 Farewell
In a farewell letter, you would say goodbye and good luck to someone who is moving
interstate or overseas, or changing schools.
 Get well
You send get well letter to wish someone a speedy recovery from his/her illness.
 Condolence
In a condolence letter, you show sympathy, usually for the death of someone close to
the recipient.
 Congratulations
You would send this letter to congratulate someone on birth, wedding, achievement, or
 Thank you
When you write a thank you letter, you are showing your appreciation to someone.
 Holiday/Celebration
Your holiday letter could celebrate a birthday, or any other special event.

This is the example of Personal Letter:

Bandung, 5 November 2017

To my beloved friend, Aurora.

In Paris

          Hello Aurora, How are you today? Hopefully you are fine. It's been a while since you left
me here alone, huhuhu so sad. My family and I here are missing you a lot.

          How is Paris? I guess it's very beautiful. Winter is coming soon right? Ah, I really want to
know how the winter is. But, most Importantly, please wear warm outfits and don't get sick.

          And how about your college life? Is it run smoothly as you expected. I guess you will be
the best in the class because you are the smartest one haha. Oh, By the way I will be starting my
study in January. I'm very excited about it, because it is the first college class. I take English
Education as my majority.
Okay, I think that's all for now. I want to hear everything about your new life in
Paris.Please don't forget to reply my letter! See you and good luck~

With Love,

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