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What Are Endospores?

Microorganisms are adaptive to their surroundings, they can sense and

adapt accordingly to their environment. When they are in an environment
which has exhausted their natural source of nutrition, they employ
various survival strategies. One such strategy of bacteria is the
production of endospores, usually initiated in nutrition deprivation
scenarios. Endospores, as the name suggests, are seed-like formations
produced within the bacteria. These spores are metabolically inactive
and highly resistant, designed to ensure survival and preserve the
genetic information under environmental stress. Endospores make
survival possible for bacteria which would otherwise kill them in
extreme conditions such as high temperature, pressure, chemical
damage, irradiation, etc. Endospores of low gram-positive bacteria, in
particular, survive through these conditions.
Endospores can form in the terminal, subterminal and central regions of
vegetative cells

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