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Activity 1

Using your knowledge on how to use the Mendeley and Microsoft Word Referencing for proper
referencing, make a 500 to 600-word essay about the title,

How Technology Helps Aid the Delivery of Education on this Pandemic Time?

Use the following format:

Times New Roman, 12 fonts, justify, and double space

Save your document in pdf format, using this format; family Name_ Section

Upload your Activity 1 in USTEP

Remember, I will randomly select any document from this assignment for the plagiarism test. Please
don’t plagiarize it.

Please use this example

Activity 1

Name:____________________________________ Section:_____________

How Technology Helps Aid the Delivery of Education on this Pandemic Time?

300- 500 words with proper citation


Ketut Sudarsana, I., Bagus Made Anggara Putra, I., Nyoman Temon Astawa, I., & Wayan Lali Yogantara, I.
(2019). The use of Google classroom in the learning process. Journal of Physics: Conference Series,
Owen, G. S. (1996). Integrating World Wide Web technology into undergraduate education. ACM
SIGCUE Outlook, 24(1–3), 101–103.
Program, E. P. (2000). How to Evaluate Educational Software and Websites G r e gg B . J a c k s on. 57–

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