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Chromosome analysis and sorting

Article  in  Cytometry Part A · February 2021

DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.24324


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5 authors, including:

Sergio Lucretti Molnár Istvan

ENEA Hungarian Academy of Sciences


Petr Cápal
The Czech Academy of Sciences


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Received: 10 November 2020 Revised: 6 February 2021 Accepted: 8 February 2021
DOI: 10.1002/cyto.a.24324


Chromosome analysis and sorting

Jaroslav Doležel1 | Sergio Lucretti2 | István Molnár1 | Petr Cápal1 |

Debora Giorgi2

Institute of Experimental Botany of the Czech
Academy of Sciences, Centre of the Region Abstract
Haná for Biotechnological and Agricultural Flow cytometric analysis and sorting of plant mitotic chromosomes has been mastered
Research, Olomouc, Czech Republic
2 by only a few laboratories worldwide. Yet, it has been contributing significantly to pro-
Italian National Agency for New
Technologies, Energy and Sustainable gress in plant genetics, including the production of genome assemblies and the cloning of
Economic Development (ENEA), Division of
important genes. The dissection of complex genomes by flow sorting into the individual
Biotechnology and Agroindustry, Rome, Italy
chromosomes that represent small parts of the genome reduces DNA sample complexity
and streamlines projects relying on molecular and genomic techniques. Whereas flow
Jaroslav Doležel, Institute of Experimental
Botany of the Czech Academy of Sciences, cytometric analysis, that is, chromosome classification according to fluorescence and light
Centre of the Region Haná for Biotechnological
scatter properties, is an integral part of any chromosome sorting project, it has rarely
and Agricultural Research, Šlechtitelů 31,
CZ-779 00 Olomouc, Czech Republic. been used on its own due to lower resolution and sensitivity as compared to other cyto-
genetic methods. To perform chromosome analysis and sorting, commercially available
Funding information electrostatic droplet sorters are suitable. However, in order to resolve and purify chromo-
The European Regional Development Fund,
somes of interest the instrument must offer high resolution of optical signals as well as
Grant/Award Number: Plants as a Tool for
Sustainable Global Development; The Italian stability during long runs. The challenge is thus not the instrumentation, but the adequate
Ministry of Agriculture, Grant/Award Number:
sample preparation. The sample must be a suspension of intact mitotic metaphase chro-
Progetto MAPPA 5A (D.M. 7398/7303/08);
European Regional Development Fund, Grant/ mosomes and the protocol, which includes the induction of cell cycle synchrony, accumu-
Award Number:
lation of dividing cells at metaphase, and release of undamaged chromosomes, is time
consuming and laborious and needs to be performed very carefully. Moreover, in addi-
tion to fluorescent staining chromosomal DNA, the protocol may include specific labelling
of DNA repeats to facilitate discrimination of particular chromosomes. This review intro-
duces the applications of chromosome sorting in plants, and discusses in detail sample
preparation, chromosome analysis and sorting to achieve the highest purity in flow-
sorted fractions, and their suitability for downstream applications.

cell cycle synchronization, mitotic metaphase chromosomes, liquid chromosome suspension,
DNA isolation, DNA amplification, gene mapping and cloning, genome sequencing, marker
development, repetitive DNA labelling

1 | I N T RO DU CT I O N transmitting hereditary information and in generating genetic varia-

tion. The most frequent method to study chromosome organization
Studies initiated during the last quarter of the nineteenth century and behavior had been optical microscopy. However, in the last quar-
gradually revealed the key roles of chromosomes in storing and ter of the twentieth century, efforts were made to employ flow

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2021 The Authors. Cytometry Part A published by Wiley Periodicals LLC. on behalf of International Society for Advancement of Cytometry.

Cytometry. 2021;1–15. 1


cytometry for fast and quantitative characterization of the human genetically heterogeneous [22] and karyologically unstable [25]. A
chromosome complement (flow karyotyping) to replace laborious majority of cells in differentiated tissues in vivo, such as leaf meso-
microscopic observation [1, 2]. Unfortunately, these expectations phyll are arrested at G1 phase of cell cycle. As all cells are initially
were not fulfilled. Instead, molecular cytogenetics was established at the same cell cycle stage, they should traverse S and M phases
and provided much higher resolution and more detailed information synchronously upon cell cycle induction. Unfortunately, the exper-
concerning the molecular organization of human, animal and plant iments by Conia et al. [26] did not confirm this expectation and
chromosomes. Although flow karyotyping cannot compete with mitotic synchrony observed after transferring isolated mesophyll
molecular cytogenetics, it is fair to point to a few exceptions, such as protoplasts to a nutrient medium was low.
in the analysis of wheat cultivars where it detected recombined chro- Buds and root tips belong to a few plant organs comprising prolif-
mosomes whose presence was previously unknown [3]. erating cell populations, with root tips having large populations of
The availability of methods for flow cytometric chromosome anal- cycling cells that are easy to manipulate [27, 28]. Seeds are available
ysis also opened avenues for purification of specific chromosomes by for many plant species, and young seedlings can be grown hydroponi-
flow sorting. Interestingly, this method contributed to the develop- cally and their roots treated with chemical agents to achieve high pro-
ment of chromosome painting [4, 5] that revolutionized mammalian portions of metaphase cells [27, 29]. An important advantage is that
cytogenetics. Chromosome sorting also played an important role at the meristem cells are karyologically stable. If a certain genotype can
the beginning of the human genome sequencing project through facil- only be propagated vegetatively, actively-growing roots may be
itating the mapping of genes to chromosomes and the development obtained from genetically transformed “hairy” root cultures [30, 31].
of chromosome-specific DNA libraries [6, 7]. In plants, chromosome It is also possible to grow vegetative organs, such as bulbs or stem
sorting has been employed in many applications, ranging from the cuttings, using hydroponic systems to initiate root formation and
targeted development of DNA markers [8–11], the construction of growth [32, 33]. Due to these advantages, almost all experiments on
DNA libraries [12, 13], gene cloning [14, 15], genome sequencing chromosome analysis and sorting in plants reported so far have uti-
[16–18], and the validation of whole genome shotgun sequence lized samples prepared from synchronized root tip meristems [34–36].
assemblies [19, 20]. The subsequent parts of this paper will deal with this type of source
As compared to dealing with the whole genome, chromosome tissue.
sorting offers a massive and lossless reduction of DNA sample com-
plexity, and this both simplifies the analysis of DNA sequence data
and reduces project costs. However, there is an additional group of 2.2 | Cell cycle synchronization and accumulation
applications where sorting all chromosomes of the chromosome com- of cells in metaphase
plement is beneficial. Since the purified sample consists only of
mitotic chromosomes, this provides the opportunity to characterize In order to enable treatments with various compounds to achieve high
the proteome of mitotic metaphase chromosomes and to reveal spa- frequency of cells at metaphase, it is recommended to grow seedlings
tial organization of chromosomal DNA using the chromosome confor- in a hydroponic system (Figure 1). The nutrient medium should have a
mation capture methods. In the following, we describe chromosome defined composition and Hoagland's solution [37] has been generally
analysis and sorting in higher plants, pointing to critical steps and out- used [27]. Its concentration should be adjusted so that it does not
lining the methods for selected applications. negatively affect mitotic activity in root tip meristems. As cell cycle


2.1 | Choice of plant material

A majority of cells forming a plant organism are in interphase. Cells

in the metaphase stage of the cell cycle, which is the only stage at
which condensed chromosomes are physically separated from each
other, are rare or completely absent. In order to increase their fre-
quency and accumulate cells at metaphase, cells must be induced
to cycle and divide. In principle, different plant parts, organs, and
cell suspensions may be used, and a number of attempts have been
made to verify their suitability. Suspension cultured cells [21–23]
initially seemed an ideal system, since cells grown in vitro under
F I G U R E 1 Plastic trays with open-mesh baskets supporting
controlled conditions may be easily treated with chemical agents
young seedlings grown in hydroponic. Note that the Hoagland's
in order to induce mitotic synchrony. However, cell cultures can- nutrient solution is aerated using aquarium bubble air stones to avoid
not be easily established in every species [24], and they are often hypoxia. Photo Pavlína Jáchimová, ASCR

kinetics is sensitive to temperature, all treatments in such system are to escape the block a few hours before the roots are transferred to
performed at constant temperature in a biological incubator, the solu- hydroxyurea-free solution (Figure 2) [27].
tions are pre-heated to the required temperature, and are also aerated In order to accumulate mitotic cells at metaphase, seedlings are
to ensure an adequate oxygen supply. transferred to a medium supplemented with mitotic spindle inhibitor.
Root tips of young seedlings are first treated with a DNA syn- From a range of compounds with this property, only a few synthetic
thesis inhibitor to accumulate a majority of cycling population at herbicides have been used, the most popular being amiprophos-
G1-S interface. Hydroxyurea, a compound which inhibits ribonu- methyl, followed by oryzalin and trifluralin [29, 55, 56]. Their advan-
cleotide reductase [38], has been by far the most frequently used tage over the traditionally used colchicine is that they are effective in
because of its effectiveness and low cost. After the cycling cells lower concentrations, are less toxic to plant cells and are easier to
are accumulated at the G1-S interface, the seedlings are trans- manipulate. It is recommended that the compounds be used at the
ferred to inhibitor-free nutrient medium to allow the cells to lowest concentration that arrests chromosomes at metaphase and
resume the cell cycle and to traverse synchronously through S and that the treatment time is kept as short as possible (e.g., limited to
G2 phases. Cytological evaluation of the proportion of mitotic cells about 2 h) to avoid separation of sister chromatids (Table 1). The opti-
at different time points following the release from the block, helps mum timing of the metaphase block to achieve the highest frequency
to identify the recovery time at which the highest proportion of of cells at metaphase is determined cytologically. In some species,
cells reaches mitosis. In addition, flow cytometric analysis of DNA including maize and rapeseed, the chemicals inhibiting mitotic spindle
content of meristem tip nuclei makes it possible to follow the pro- may induce chromosome clumping. In maize, this can be avoided by
gression through the cell cycle of the synchronized population replacing common spindle inhibitors by a treatment with nitrous oxide
after the release of the block (Figure 2). The results identify the [57]. In some species, spreading of metaphase chromosomes across
optimal concentration of DNA synthesis inhibitor and the treat- the cell volume can be improved by an ice-water treatment [33].
ment duration to accumulate a majority of cells at the G1-S inter- Seedlings with synchronized roots may be treated with ice-water
face and yet allow a rapid transit through S and G2 after the overnight, allowing convenient scheduling of the next step of the pro-
release from the block [27]. The treatments optimized for a range tocol for the following morning. If the overnight treatment is not part
of plant species are listed in Table 1. In fact, it has been found that of the protocol, root tips must be fixed immediately after the meta-
the highest degree of mitotic synchrony is achieved at hydroxy- phase block to avoid separation of sister chromatids and chromosome
urea concentrations that allow the cells arrested at G1-S interface decondensation.

F I G U R E 2 Cell cycle synchrony in root tip cells of barley (Hordeum vulgare) cv. Morex induced by a treatment with 2.0 mM hydroxyurea for
18 h. cell nuclei were isolated from root tips at different time points after a transfer to hydroxyurea-free nutrient medium and their DNA content
was estimated by flow cytometry. The upper left histogram shows DNA content distribution in non-treated root tips. The sample taken at 0 h
shows a large fraction of nuclei in S phase, indicating a precocious release from the hydroxyurea block. A majority of cells are at G2 phase at 6 h
when they start entering mitosis

T A B L E 1 Plant species in which chromosome suspensions used for flow cytometric analysis and sorting were prepared by mechanical
homogenization of formaldehyde-fixed root tips

Hydroxyurea time Metaphase accumulation

Concentration Duration Duration Chemical agent and Treatment References (only the first
Species (mM) (h) (h) concentration duration (h) reports are cited)
Aegilops spp. (biuncialis, comosa, 1.25 18 5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [39]
geniculata, umbellulata) overnight
Aegilops spp. (cylindrica, 1.25 18 5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [40]
markgrafii, triuncialis) overnight
Aegilops spp. (speltoides, 1.25 18 5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [41]
tauschii) overnight
Agropyron cristatum 1.25 18 4.5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [42]
Arachis hypogea 3.0 18 5 APM 5 μM 2 [33]
Asparagus officinalis 3.0 18 6 APM 5 μM 2 [43]
Avena sativa 2,0 18 4,5 Oryzalin 10 μM 5 [33]
Avena strigosa 2.0 18 5 Oryzalin 5 μM 2 Unpublished
Cicer arietinum 1.25 18 4 Oryzalin 5 uM 2 + ice [44]
Crocus sativus 0.5 18 5 APM 5 μM 3 + ice [33]
Dasypyrum villosum (syn. 1.25 18 5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [45]
Haynaldia villosa) overnight
Elymus elongatum 1.25 18 5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [33]
Festuca pratensis 1.0 18 4.5 N2O (506.625 kPa) 2 [46]
Gossypium hirsutum 4.5 18 3.5 Oryzalin 10 μM 2 + ice [33]
Hordeum vulgare 2.0 18 6.5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [47]
Hordeum vulgare cv. Barke 1.5 18 5.5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [33]
Lens culinaris 1.25 18 4.5 APM 10 μM 2 + ice [33]
Lolium perenne 1.5 18 4.5 APM 5 μM 2 [33]
Lupinus angustifolius 3.0 18 4 Oryzalin 2.5 μM 2 + ice [33]
Medicago sativa 4.5 18 6 APM 2.5 μM 3 [33]
Pisum sativum 1.25 18 4.5 APM 10 μM 2 + ice [48]
Rumex acetosa 2.0 18 5 Oryzalin 10 μM 2 + ice [33]
Saccarum officinarum 3.5 18 1.0 APM 2.5 μM 3 [32]
Secale cereale 2.5 18 6.5 APM 10 μM 2 + ice [49]
Silene spp. (latifolia, dioica) 2.0 18 5 oryzalin 2.5 μM 2 [33]
Triticum aestivum 2.0 18 5.5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [33]
Triticum monococcum 1.25 18 5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [50]
Triticum militinae 2.0 18 5.5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [51]
Triticum dicoccoides 2.0 18 5.5 APM 2.5 μM [52]

TABLE 1 (Continued)

Hydroxyurea time Metaphase accumulation

Concentration Duration Duration Chemical agent and Treatment References (only the first
Species (mM) (h) (h) concentration duration (h) reports are cited)
2 + ice

Triticum durum 1.25 18 5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [53]

Triticum timopheevii 2.0 18 5.5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice Unpublished
Triticum urartu 2.0 18 5.5 APM 2.5 μM 2 + ice [41]
Vicia faba 1.25 18.5 4.5 APM 2.5 μM 2 [29]
Vicia sativa 2.5 18.5 3.5 Oryzalin 5 uM 2 [54]
Vigna unguiculata 1.25 18 4 Oryzalin 2.5 μM 2 + ice [33]
Zea mays 3.0 18 3.5 N2O 506.625 kPa 3 [33]

Abbreviation: APM, amiprophos-methyl.

2.3 | Release of intact mitotic chromosomes from in downstream applications, the buffer must protect DNA and pro-
cells teins from degradation. The polyamine-based LB01 buffer [58],
proved to satisfy these requirements. However, it needs to be modi-
All protocols on the preparation of chromosome suspensions from fied if high molecular weight (HMW) DNA is to be prepared from
synchronized root tip meristems published to date have been based flow-sorted chromosomes [59], or if chromosomal proteins are iso-
on mechanical homogenization of root tips. Doležel et al. [29] showed lated for proteomic analyses [60].
that a mild fixation with formaldehyde prior to root tip chopping In general, isolated plant chromosomes are not stable over time, and
increases the yield of intact chromosomes. In the original protocol therefore should be analyzed on the day of isolation. Stability can be
[29], root tips of Vicia faba were homogenized by chopping using a species-specific: for example, our unpublished results indicate that chro-
scalpel in a chromosome isolation buffer, and chromosome clumps mosome suspensions prepared from formaldehyde-fixed roots of Vicia
were dispersed by syringing through a hypodermic needle. Although faba and Pisum sativum can be stored at 4 C for several months without
this procedure results in high quality chromosome suspensions, it is detectable negative effects. On the other hand, cereal chromosomes
not practical for species with small roots and for experiments which deteriorate more rapidly and even 1 day-old chromosome samples display
require many samples. Thus, chromosome suspensions are almost uni- lower resolution of chromosome peaks or populations on flow karyo-
versally prepared by homogenization of root tips using a mechanical types. It is worth mentioning that isolated wheat chromosomes denatured
homogenizer as described by Gualberti et al. [48]. Nevertheless, chop- by sodium hydroxide, as done in the fluorescence in situ hybridization in
ping can still be useful when handling delicate and/or rare samples. suspension (FISHIS) protocol [61] are suitable for flow karyotyping for as
In both versions of the protocol, formaldehyde fixation of root long as several months. Moreover, the addition of hexylene glycol
tips enhances the resistance of metaphase chromosomes to mechani- improved the long-term stability of Vicia faba chromosome suspensions
cal shearing during the isolation and subsequent flow cytometric anal- and avoided chromosome clumping during storage [62].
ysis and sorting. To achieve the highest yield of intact chromosomes,
the extent of the fixation, which is defined by formaldehyde concen-
tration and length of the fixation, needs to be determined experimen- 3 | CHROMOSOME ANALYSIS (FLOW
tally for each species by microscopic observation of crude KARYOTYPING)
chromosome suspensions and flow cytometric analysis of chromo-
some samples [29]. The observations of Lee et al. [56] indicate that is 3.1 | Choice of instruments
possible to avoid the fixation step, however, at the expense of a much
lower chromosome yield. Chromosome samples may be analyzed on any flow cytometer with
The chemical composition of chromosome isolation buffer is criti- optical setup suitable for the quantification of fluorochrome(s) used to
cal to ensure high chromosome yields and stabilize their morphology. label the isolated chromosomes. The ability to analyze light scatter is
The composition and pH must also be compatible with chromosome helpful, but the main threshold is settled on DNA fluorescence chan-
staining conditions, and depending on the use of sorted chromosomes nel. The instrument must be stably aligned to achieve the highest

possible resolution during long runs. If the instrument has inter- generation jet-in-air flow cytometers and sorters, lasers with output
changeable flow chambers/nozzles, small orifices (typically 70 μm in power of several hundred milliwatt were needed to achieve the
diameter) are recommended as this results in higher resolution and required sensitivity and resolution of fluorescence signals [62]. The
chromosome discrimination. A simple sheath fluid, comprising 50 mM newer generation of flow cytometers in which optical parameters are
NaCl, is suitable for all chromosome analysis and sorting experiments interrogated in an enclosed stream allows high resolution flow
(unpublished). karyotyping with air-cooled compact solid state lasers output power
Prior to the analysis, chromosome samples are filtered through a of as low as 20 mW [64] (Figure 3).
nylon mesh (21–36 μm pore size) to eliminate larger particles. Flow
cytometric chromosome analysis, or flow karyotyping, leads to chro-
mosome classification according to their optical parameters. The most 3.2 | Univariate flow karyotyping
important has been fluorescence of dyes bound to DNA, and all fluo-
rescence pulse parameters, including pulse height (FL-H), area (FL-A) In single parameter, or univariate, flow karyotyping, chromosomes are
and width (FL-W) are informative [63, 64]. In addition, light scattering classified according to fluorescence of a single fluorochrome bound to
properties are useful to gate out debris present in chromosome sam- DNA, which is the most important signal in flow cytometric chromosome
ples. Due to the poorer light collection properties of the first analysis. In addition, light scatter properties are analyzed and forward light

F I G U R E 3 Comparison of bivariate flow karyotyping (GAA-FITC vs. DAPI) by two flow cytometers differing in optical design and laser output
power. (A, B, C) BC Cytoflex S equipped with solid state low power lasers (375 nm at 20 mW and 561 nm at 30 mW). (D) BD FACSVantage SE jet
in air sorter equipped with two water-cooled argon lasers (357–361 nm at 200 mW and 488 nm at 400 mW). Chromosomes isolated from durum
wheat (Tricum durum, 2n = 4x = 28) cv. Cappelli were labeled by FISHIS using the same probe GAA7 and counterstained by DAPI. The
chromosome discriminative capability of the bivariate analysis is shown by single chromosome regions (in color)

scatter (FSC-A) is a recommended parameter to couple with DNA fluores- small to permit discrimination of all chromosomes using a single DNA
cence pulses (FL-A) to discriminate small debris and chromosomes fluorochrome. Unfortunately, bivariate flow karyotyping after simulta-
(Figure 4(A)). The analysis of chromosome fluorescence intensity (FL-A) neous chromosome staining with AT- and GC-binding fluorochromes,
results in histogram of relative fluorescence intensity, representing the which is a standard in human flow karyotyping [67], does not lead to a
univariate flow karyotype (Figure 4(B)). The ability to discriminate individ- significant improvement [68, 69] and has been rarely used. An alterna-
ual chromosomes within the flow karyotype depends on differences in tive, and to date the only successful method for bivariate flow
chromosome DNA content, or DNA base content, among the chromo- karyotyping in plants, has been to fluorescently label a repetitive DNA
somes within karyotype and on the resolution of the analysis. The latter sequence which is abundant and non-homogenously distributed
depends on: (i) the quality of the chromosome sample, which should con- across the chromosomes of the karyotype.
tain the highest proportion of intact chromosomes and lowest of dam- First attempts to label particular DNA sequences of chromosomes
aged chromosomes and chromosome clumps; (ii) the method used to in suspension by modified primed in situ DNA labeling (PRINS) [70]
stain chromosomal DNA; and (iii) the technical parameters of the instru- brought some promising results [71], but the method suffered from
ment and quality of its alignment. poor reproducibility and has not been used further. Afterwards,
From the range of DNA binding fluorochromes that are available, attempts to apply fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) to chromo-
only a few have been used for univariate flow karyotyping in plants. somes in suspension were made and although Ma et al. [72] achieved
These included the DNA intercalators ethidium bromide [21] and chromosome labelling in suspension, the suitability of the samples for
propidium iodide [22], the fluorescent antibiotics mithramycin and flow cytometry was not confirmed. The difficulties were finally over-
chromomycin A3 [22], and DAPI, which binds preferentially to AT-rich come by Giorgi et al. [61], who developed a protocol for FISHIS, which
regions of DNA [29]. The choice of a fluorochrome depends primarily is fully reproducible (Figure 4(C)). Their method differs from standard
on the available lasers and the optical setup of the instrument. Given FISH protocols in that chromosomal DNA is denatured by alkali and
the lack of comparative analyses, it seems that for native non-fixed no washing steps are performed, avoiding chromosome clumping. To
chromosomes, any of the above-mentioned fluorochromes are useful. date, the method has been used to label different microsatellite
The situation is different for chromosomes isolated after formalde- repeats on chromosomes in suspension from several plant species
hyde fixation. Here, only DAPI is recommended as its binding is not (Table 2). The probes are mainly fluorescent oligonucleotides, which
affected by the fixation [62], most probably a consequence of the do not require DNA denaturation prior to use. In some species, chro-
way DAPI binds to chromatin [65, 66]. mosome resolution can be further improved by using oligonucleotide
probes for two different microsatellites [50, 73, 74]. Lucretti et al. [74]
demonstrated that other repetitive sequences, such as the 18S-5.8S-
3.3 | Bivariate flow karyotyping 26S ribosomal DNA [77] labeled by a fluorochrome by nick-transla-
tion, can also be used as probes for FISHIS. It is important that FISHIS
In a majority of plant species analyzed so far, differences in relative can be easily integrated into chromosome sample preparation pipeline
DNA content, or DNA base content among the chromosomes, are too as it can be performed at room temperature in less than 2 h.

F I G U R E 4 Flow cytometric chromosome analysis (flow karyotyping) in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, 2n = 6x = 42) cv. Chinese spring.
(A) Dot-plot DAPI-A versus FSC-A is used to select the population of intact chromosomes and exclude small chromosome fragments and cell
debris (gate window is shown as black rectangle). (B) Monovariate flow karyotype (DAPI-A) shows three composite peaks representing groups of
chromosomes; only chromosome 3B is represented by a well discriminated peak visible on the right side of the distribution. (C) Bivariate flow
karyotype GAA-FITC versus DAPI-A permits discrimination of almost all 21 chromosomes of bread wheat. Note that in panel (C) the Y axis is log
scale to accommodate the large range of FITC fluorescence intensities after labelling GAA microsatellites by FISHIS

T A B L E 2 Plant species for which chromosome labeling by FISHIS 4 | CHROMOSOME SORTING

has been used for flow cytometric chromosome sorting

Species Probe Reference 4.1 | Chromosome population gating and sort

Aegilops biuncialis (GAA)7 Unpublished windows
Aegilops comosa (GAA)7 + (ACG)7 [73]
There are two basic applications of chromosome sorting. The first is
Aegilops geniculata (GAA)7 Unpublished
the purification of mitotic chromosomes in bulk to study their molecu-
Aegilops markgrafii (GAA)7 + (ACG)7 [73]
lar organization [83, 84], prepare microscopic slides for mapping DNA
Aegilops sharonensis (GAA)7 Unpublished
sequences by FISH at high spatial resolution [85, 86], and localize
Aegilops speltoides (GAA)7 + (ACG)7 [73]
chromosomal proteins by immunocytochemical methods [87, 88]. The
Aegilops triuncialis (GAA)7 Unpublished
second, and by far more frequent application, has been the purifica-
Aegilops umbellulata (GAA)7 [73] tion of particular chromosomes to dissect nuclear genomes to chro-
Aegilops uniaristata (GAA)7 Unpublished mosomes, or small groups of chromosomes, to aid in genome
Agropyron cristatum (GAA)7 [42] sequencing [16–18], targeted development of DNA markers [8–11],
Dasypirum villosum (H. villosa) (GAA)7 [61] and gene cloning [14, 15, 89–92].
Dasypyrum villosum (H. villosa) pTa71 (rDNA) [74] To discriminate a particular population of chromosomes from other
Triticum aestivum (GAA)7 (AG)12 [61] particles in the sample, optical parameters which define the population of

Triticum aestivum (GAA)7 [75] interest are selected. In monovariate flow karyotyping, it is advisable first
to electronically filter out small debris by setting a gate on a dot-plot
Triticum aestivum (transgenic (GAA)7 [76]
lines) FSC-A versus DAPI FL-A, and then define the region of interest on a dot-
Triticum. dicoccoides (GAA)7 [52] plot DAPI FL-A versus DAPI FL-W (Figure 5(A)). Setting the sort windows

Triticum durum (AG)12 (AAT)7 [61] may be easier on bivariate flow karyotypes, such as DAPI FL-A versus
(AAC)5 GAA-FITC FL-H, where the chromosome populations can be more cleanly
Triticum durum (AG)12 [74] separated (Figure 5(B)). The definition of sort windows is critical since

Triticum militinae (GAA)7 [51] these determine the chromosomes that are sorted and affect the degree
of contamination of the sorted fractions by other chromosomes, chromo-
Triticum monococcum (ACC)5 + (GAA)7 [50]
some clumps and fragments.
Triticum timopheevii (GAA)7 Unpublished

4.2 | Discrimination and sorting chromosomes of

3.4 | Flow karyotype description interest

Interpretation of flow karyotypes requires the assignment of chromo- The karyotypes of some plant species comprise two or more chromo-
somes to individual peaks on histograms of fluorescence intensity, or somes that are similar in size and DNA repeat content, and currently
in populations of bivariate flow karyotypes. This is a difficult task if available methods for fluorescent staining of chromosomal DNA or
the analysis is done using an instrument without a sorting option. In labeling particular DNA repeats may fail to discriminate between
principle, one may compare the experimental data with theoretical these chromosomes. The consequence is the appearance of compos-
models calculated based on relative chromosome lengths [78, 79] or ite peaks on monovariate flow karyotypes, or mixed populations on
even estimating the total fluorescence labeling intensities coupled bivariate flow karyotypes. The extent of the problem varies between
with DNA content [80]. However, this is a rough approximation and species, from the ability to discriminate all chromosomes using a single
differences in AT/GC content, and heterogeneity in chromatin con- FISHIS probe, such as in Haynaldia villosa [61] and some Aegilops spe-
densation among chromosomes in a karyotype may cause differences cies [73] (see Table 2 for the list of probes used for FISHIS), to the
between theoretical and experimental flow karyotypes [81]. The task ability to discriminate only a few chromosomes even after FISHIS
is somewhat easier if one or more chromosomes differ significantly in labeling, such as in Secale cereale. There is a clear effect of polymor-
size, or AT/GC content from other chromosomes. Such situation may phisms in DNA repeat content, and whereas in some Hordeum vulgare
be observed in chromosome deletion, translocation, or alien addition cultivars only five of the seven chromosomes can be resolved, all
lines [62]. However, the only truly reliable way to assign chromo- seven chromosomes can be distinguished in other cultivars.
somes to peaks or populations on a flow karyotype is to sort chromo- In polyploids, and in bread wheat in particular, one solution has
somes and identify them after microscopic observation, or using PCR been to use lines with chromosome deletions, such as the telocentric
with specific primers, or by sequencing. Microscopic observation is stocks [3]. In polyploids, it is also possible to develop alien chromo-
the preferred method, since it allows a detailed characterization of the some addition lines (Figure 6). Thus, wheat-rye chromosome addition
sorted fraction by determining the presence of individual chromo- lines were used to purify rye chromosomes for shotgun sequencing
some types [82]. and draft genome assembly [16], and wheat-barley telosome addition

F I G U R E 5 Setting sort windows (red rectangles) to isolate particular chromosomes from bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, 2n = 6x = 42)
cv. Chinese Spring. (A) in monovariate flow karyotyping, when chromosomes are stained just by DAPI, sort window is set on a dot-plot DAPI-A
versus DAPI-W. The example is given for sorting the largest chromosome 3B. (B) Bivariate flow karyotyping DAPI-A versus GAA-FITC allows
discrimination of chromosomes that cannot be discriminated using the monovariate analysis. The window is set to sort chromosome 5B, which is
included in the large composite peak representing 10 different chromosomes on a monovariate flow karyotype

F I G U R E 6 Chromosome discrimination in bread wheat (Triticum aestivum, 2n = 6x = 42) cv. Chinese Spring with a wild-type karyotype (left
column), wheat-barley 7HS ditelosomic addition line (middle column) and wheat chromosome translocation line T5BS.7BS + T5BL.7BL (right
column). The upper row shows monovariate flow karyotypes obtained after the analysis of DAPI fluorescence pulse area (DAPI-A) and red arrows
point to peaks representing chromosomes, which can be easily discriminated. The lower row shows bivariate flow karyotypes DAPI-A versus
GAA-FITC and red rectangles define the populations of chromosomes represented by peaks in monovariate flow karyotypes (upper row). Note
that the small translocation chromosome T5BS.7BS is included in the composite peak of wild-type chromosomes 1D, 4D, and 6D on a
monovariate flow karyotype, while it is clearly discriminated in the bivariate flow karyotype

lines facilitated isolation of barley chromosome arms for SNP mapping a microscopic slide into a small drop of chromosome isolation buffer
using DNA arrays [93] and sequencing to obtain a high resolution LB01 supplemented with 5% (w/v) sucrose to preserve chromosome
sequence-based gene map of the crop [17]. Certain translocations morphology during air-drying [81]. The slides prepared this way are
may alter chromosome size, and, as they may be induced also in dip- used for FISH with probes that enable identification of individual
loids, provide an attractive way to discriminate particular chromo- chromosomes within a karyotype (Figure 7). The added bonus of
somes [47, 62, 63, 94]. However, the development of such lines is labelling chromosomes by FISHIS prior to sorting is that the chromo-
time-consuming, and they cannot be easily obtained. Although the somes sorted onto a microscope slide do not have to be labeled by
sorted translocation chromosomes facilitate gene mapping [47, FISH and are directly suitable for fluorescence microscopy as the fluo-
94, 95], their DNA may not be directly suitable for other purposes, rescent labels are not removed during the sorting. Evaluation of a few
such has the genome sequence assembly. hundred chromosomes is sufficient to characterize the population of
If the chromosome of interest cannot be distinguished by any of sorted chromosomes.
the above-mentioned strategies, the option is to sort single copies of This approach is feasible only with droplet sorters as the volume
chromosomes from a composite peak/population into a set of PCR droplets in which the particles are sorted is small (e.g., 1 nl) and chro-
tubes, or wells in a microtitre plate, and amplify DNA of single chro- mosomes are spread across a small area on the slide making micro-
mosomes to produce microgram amounts of DNA [96]. As anonymous scopic observation easier. In principle, fluidic switch sorters could also
chromosomes are sorted, their identity is revealed only after amplifi- be used. However, as the volume of the sorted fraction is much larger,
cation using specific primers or shotgun sequencing. Although the it is necessary to pellet the chromosomes before transferring them
spectrum of applications may be limited due to variable DNA frag- onto a slide, and the centrifugation can result in chromosome loss and
ment lengths, ranging from 300 bp to 20 kb, and by amplification that clumping.
is not fully representative [96], the approach has been used recently
to validate reference genome assembly of garden pea and reveal chro-
mosome translocations in its wild relatives [19]. 4.4 | The yield of sorted chromosomes

As in other applications of flow cytometric sorting, chromosome sort

4.3 | The identity of sorted chromosomes and the purity and yield are inversely proportional, and setting up a very tight
purity in sorted fractions sort window may lead to higher purity, but also low sort rates. It is
thus critical to run chromosome samples at rates securing high resolu-
The observation of sorted fractions by fluorescence microscopy is tion of DNA peaks/chromosome populations. When analyzing chro-
strongly recommended to assign chromosomes to populations within mosome samples prepared from bread wheat according to Vrána et al.
a flow karyotype, confirming that a chromosome of interest is sorted, [81], the recommend sample rate is about 2000 particles/s. The exact
and to identify other chromosomes or fragments that contaminate the size, shape, and position of the sort window needs to be determined
sorted fraction. To do this, about 1000 chromosomes are sorted onto experimentally, relying on the results of microscopic observation of

F I G U R E 7 Images of chromosomes flow-sorted onto microscope slides. (A) Chromosomes 5B sorted from bread wheat (Triticum aestivum)
cv. Chinese spring. (B) Chromosomes 1B and 6B bearing NOR loci sorted from durum wheat (Triticum durum) cv. Creso. Prior to analysis and
sorting, chromosomes in suspension were labeled by FISHIS: (A) using a probe (GAA)7-Alexa488 (yellow–green), and (B) using a probe for
pTa71-Cy3 (red). Note that during landing on a slide, a satellite has been lost from the chromosome on the top left side. In both cases,
chromosomes were stained by DAPI (blue). The specific fluorescent labeling patterns obtained after FISHIS remain stable during the sorting and
facilitate identification of the sorted chromosomes. Bars = 10 μm

flow-sorted particles. In a typical experiment, a chromosome of bread The tubes with chromosomes are spun down using a microcentrifuge
wheat can be sorted from a sample prepared according to Vrána et al. immediately after sorting and kept at −20 C until used for DNA
[81] at rates of 5–10 particles/s. In order to keep the final volume of amplification.
the sorted fraction low, the sorting is done using the single-
droplet mode.
5.3 | Sequencing non-amplified chromosomal DNA

5 | C HR OM OSOM E SO R TI N G F O R The introduction of protocols for Illumina sequencing libraries requir-

VARIOUS APPLICATIONS ing nanogram amounts of DNA or less, made it possible to skip the
chromosome amplification step. In fact, sequencing non-amplified
Plant chromosomes sorted by flow cytometry have been used in a chromosomal DNA results in better assemblies compared to those
variety of applications, including molecular cytogenetics, molecular from amplified DNA [90]. The number of sorted chromosomes and
biology, genome sequencing, and gene cloning, and proteomics [36]. the way they are collected is the same as in the protocol for sequenc-
The way chromosomes are sorted for each application may differ as ing amplified DNA. The tubes with chromosomes are spun down using
outlined below. a microcentrifuge immediately after sorting and kept at −20 C until
used for preparation of DNA sequencing libraries.

5.1 | Preparation of high molecular weight DNA

for BAC library construction, optical mapping and 5.4 | Single copy chromosome DNA sequencing
long-read DNA sequencing
As minute amounts of DNA are amplified in this case, special precau-
In order to maintain chromosomal DNA integrity, chromosomes tions need to be taken to avoid sample contamination by DNA of
should be isolated into a buffer optimized for this purpose [59]. As other organisms and the samples should be processed under sterile
these applications require hundreds of nanograms to several micro- conditions in a laminar flow hood. Single chromosomes are sorted into
grams of DNA, a large number of chromosomes (typically 105–106) 3 μl whole genome amplification mix in 0.2 ml PCR tubes, which are
must be sorted. When determining the number of chromosomes to be sterilized by autoclaving [96]. To prepare a positive control, 1000
sorted, one needs to consider the molecular size of the sorted chro- chromosomes are sorted into another tube. A negative control is the
mosome, the fact the mitotic chromosomes have two chromatids, and 0.2 ml PCR tube with the amplification mix and without chromo-
also the losses during the preparation of HMW DNA from sorted somes. All tubes with chromosomes should be spun down using a
chromosomes, which may reach 75%–80%. In bread wheat, a typical microcentrifuge immediately after sorting.
sort yield is 400,000–900,000 chromosomes per working day, hence
the preparation of HMW DNA takes days or even weeks, and many
chromosome samples will need to be prepared. The chromosomes are 5.5 | Chromosome conformation capture (Hi-C)
sorted into 1.5-ml DNA low-binding polystyrene tubes in batches,
ranging from 200,000 to 700,000 for bacterial artifical chromosome Chromosome flow-sorting can be used to study chromatin conforma-
(BAC) library construction and optical mapping, respectively. It is rec- tion by inferring its spatial contacts in all-versus-all manner using a
ommended to sort into 1.5× chromosome isolation buffer (220 μl for chromosome conformation capture method termed Hi-C [98]. As the
BAC library construction and 770 μl for optical mapping) to counter- formaldehyde fixation is a crucial step in this analysis and directly
balance dilution by sheath fluid. impacts sequencing results, it needs to be optimized and usually
slightly differs from the standard protocols used to prepare suspen-
sions of intact chromosomes. In order to obtain sufficient number of
5.2 | Sequencing amplified chromosomal DNA contacts between DNA loci, 3–5 million chromosomes per replicate
are sorted into 15 ml protein low-binding tubes with 2 ml LB01
Many applications in molecular biology and genomics do not require buffer, which are kept on ice during the entire sorting procedure.
high molecular weight DNA, and DNA samples with fragments sizes
up to 20 kb are sufficient. This offers the possibility to employ whole
genome amplification of DNA to produce microgram amounts of DNA 5.6 | Proteomic analysis
from a smaller number of chromosomes [97]. The number of chromo-
somes that need to be sorted depends on chromosome size, being Proteomic analysis requires that proteins of flow-sorted chromosomes
determined such that the equivalent of 40 ng sorted DNA is obtained. are protected from degradation. This is achieved by using a modified
In case of bread wheat, this corresponds to about 20–30 thousand chromosome isolation buffer and a modified buffer into which the
chromosomes, depending on chromosome size. The chromosomes are chromosomes are sorted. In order to improve the accessibility of chro-
sorted into 0.5-ml PCR tubes containing 40 μl sterile deionized water. mosomal proteins, it is also recommended to reduce the extent of

formaldehyde fixation of synchronized root tips. This application has ACKNOWLEDG MENTS
been developed to study protein composition of mitotic metaphase Funding was provided in part by grants from the European Regional
chromosomes [60] and all chromosomes of a plant are sorted, Development Fund project “Plants as a Tool for Sustainable Global
avoiding the need to discriminate particular chromosome type. The Development” (CZ.02.1.01/0.0/0.0/16_019/0000827 to J.D.,
sample rate may thus be higher, reaching 6000 chromosomes/s, and P.C. and I.M.) and the Italian Ministry of Agriculture “Progetto MAPPA
sort yields range between 3.5 and 6.6 million chromosomes/working 5A” (D.M. 7398/7303/08 to S.L. and D.G.).
day. In order to isolate enough proteins for mass spectrometry, 5–10
million sorted chromosomes are required. To accommodate the high CONFLIC T OF INT ER E ST
number of droplets with sorted chromosomes, sorting is done into The authors declared no potential conflict of interest.
5 ml polystyrene tubes, containing 1 ml of modified chromosome iso-
Jaroslav Doležel: Conceptualization; funding acquisition; supervision;
writing-original draft; writing-review & editing. Sergio Lucretti: Con-
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