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HA ANH  6.

Evening time
Do you like the morning or the evening?
- Gud
What do you usually do in the evening?
- Do scores of recreational activities
- Apply myself to studying
What did you usually do in the evening when you were a kid?
- Spent quality time with families (mealtime + chitchat + friend outing

13. Describe a family member you want to work with in the future


- phát âm: colleagues

- rave reviews due to her competence

- she aces tact and diplomacy

Reasons why I want to work with her:  PHẦN NI CẦN NÓI RÕ RÀNG HƠNNNNNN

- unrivalled/unparalleled productivity —> invariably aces any task despite her gruelling schedule
and weighty duties  I can learn her time management skills

- tact and diplomacy —> know me inside out —> proffer reciprocal help and many pieces of
advice for me

- constructive comments for self-betterment

Part 3:
What kinds of family businesses are common in Vietnam?
Why do people want to build their own family business?  PHẦN CUỐI NHƯ CHẬP :D
- Every family member can assume a position
-  blood is thicker than water → Trust/loyalty → dispel the suspicion of distrust or betrayal
- easier to gather funding + All the profits/turnover belongs to the family → a well-off family
Is it always good to work with family members? Why?
- Sometimes, work-related disputes can result in frictions in the relationships
NINI  6.25
Sitting down
Where is your favorite place to sit down and relax?  răng nghe hấn cứ hề hước kiểu chi á
Do you always sit down for a long time?
- To complete the workload at school and at home
- Pose a health hazard
Do you feel sleepy when you have to sit still for too long?
- Depends on the nature of tasks
- Doing something that is intriguing: wide awake
- monotonous (Listening to long-drawn lectures): easily nod off
Did you sit on the floor when you were a kid?
- Yes: to crawl around + less risky than sitting on the chair

Describe something that helped you learn a language

- Khá tốt
- Nhưng chưa miêu tả được hấn, mới chỉ nói được lợi ích của hấn thôi  THIẾU ĐỀ

Part 3:  cần xem lại ý của bài ni

What difficulties do people face when learning a language?

- Hesitation
- Lack of chance for interaction
- Lack of time for study
- Different writing systems + pronunciation + vocabulary
Do you think language learning is important?
- Enhance our employability
- Promote integration into a multicultural world
THAO ANH  5.75-6.0
Boring things  ahm uhm hơi nhiều + FLUENCY chưa được tốt!
What kinds of things are boring to you?
- Boring = monotonous = lackluster
- I am bored to death by …
What will you do when you feel bored?  câu trả lời ngắn quáaaaa

What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?  ý tưởng như chập

Describe a gift you would like to buy for your friend  FLUENCY???????????????
- Chưa miêu tả đc hấn
- Xong phim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Part 3:  may mà có phần ni hấn kéo lên 1 chút

When do people normally send gifts to others?

- Personal celebrations: birthdays, wedding
- After holiday
- National celebrations: teacher’s day
Do people give special gifts on special occasions?
- There are some typical gifts for specific occasions:
+ chocolate for Valentine’s Day
+ Tet?

Is it hard to choose a gift?
Khá tốt
Dreams  cố gắng trả lời dài hơn chơ ri thì ngắn quáaaaaaaaaaaa
Can you remember the dreams you had?
They usually slip my mind
Phát âm: ghost
Do you share your dreams with others?
Do you think dreams have special meanings?
Some subconscious meanings/symbols  speak volumes about a person’s emotions
It can also deliver the message from the divine
Describe something that you can’t live without (except a computer/phone)
- It is part and parcel of my life
- Enrich my knowledge
- Gain vicarious experience
- My life would be turned upside down without this

Part 3:  KHÔNG HỌC BÀI RỒI??????????????????????????????

Why are children attracted to new things (such as electronics)?

- Peer pressure  want to jump on the bandwagon
- Acquisitiveness  want to try things out  broaden their experience
Why do some adults hate to throw away old things?
- Might come in handy in the future
- Hold sentimental values to them (gifts/a remembrance)
How has the way people buy things changed?
- Has undergone a sea change
- E-commerce: buy at their fingertips
- Tighten their belts  only buy bare necessities
KHANH HUYEN  6.5-6.75
1. When do you have to use computers?
 Hardly a day goes by without my using it
 Use them for numerous purposes
 + Studying + seek information  add to my wealth of knowledge
 + keep myself abreast of the news
 + Listening to music → a panacea for my daily stress 
2. When was the first time you used a computer?
 It was in dim and distant past
 6 years ago, dad brought home a computer.
 Learn basic functions, how to access the Internet.
 Eye-opening to me  I was so eager to try this miracle
3. What would your life be like without computers?
 Couldn't imagine a life without computers  my life would be turned upside down
 The disappearance of computers  a significant hindrance to my studying process
 It can deprive me of the chance for diversion
4. In what conditions would it be difficult for you to use a computer?
 No internet access
 Being damaged if getting wet
 Eyesore

17. Describe an interesting neighbor  FLUENCY HƠI BUỒN 1 CHÚT

- phải paraphrase chơ
- when we struck up a conversation  hit it off immediately + have a lot in common
- we usually go on a shopping spree
- he has prodigious academic attainments  come to my rescue
- she has a facility for baking  she usually shows me the ropes
- emotional crutch  she is all ears to my story whenever I encounter setbacks in life

Part 3:

Do you think people nowadays are close to their neighbors?

- No
+ preoccupied with their work
+ the use of technology
What are the ways people can improve the relationship with their neighbors?
- Have small talks
- Communal activity
- Offer reciprocal help
- Be considerate and thoughtful (avoid making boisterous noises)
Is there any benefit of getting along with neighbors?
- it confers manifold benefits
- broaden social sphere
- can receive reciprocal help
       + emotional crutch
       + material support
KIỀU ANH  6.5
Shopping at street markets  CHÚ Ý FLUENCY MỘT CHÚT + ENDING SOUNDS
Are there any street market near where you live?
- Within walking distance from my house
- Cater to the needs of the people
What do people usually buy on street markets?  YOU?????????
- Agricultural produce
- Consumer goods
Do you prefer to go shopping in a shopping mall or on a street market?
- Từ vựng như ẻ
-  has all the products under the sun + less time-consuming
When was the first time you went to a street market?
- To the best of my recollection

Describe a rule that you dislike and want to change

- Fluency chán quá, đặc biệt là đoạn đầu, đoạn sau thì tốt hơn
- Discrimination

What are the rules students should follow at school?

What rules should children follow at home?
- Daily routine
- Domestic chores
- Respect
What are the differences between the attitudes of the young and the old towards social
- Young: tend to question these rules + want to change
- Old: uphold these rules
NGỌC THUÝ  6.75
Meeting places
Where is your favorite place to meet with your friends?
- Gud
- Frequent the coffee shop  Mew Coffee is my oasis
How can you choose a place to meet with a new person?  hình như sai đề
Cần phải nêu ra các tiêu chí để chọn
- Distance
- Preference
- money
Do you think some places are more suitable for meeting people than others?  ý tưởng
cụng như chập
- It depends on the purpose of the meeting:
+ discussion: coffee
+ paint the town red: disco/bar
13. Describe an interesting conversation you had with your friends  chú ý thì quá khứ
- meeting at the coffee shop can dispel the feeling of shyness and reservsation
- we have a lot in common
- he proffered some pieces of advice as to my future orientation
- the conversation was eye-opening + perspective-changing

Part 3:

At what age do children start to have their own opinions?

- Ok
Who has the most influence on children’s opinion - parents or teachers?
- They both play an important role
- Parents: accompany them since their birth: moral values + conduct
- Teachers: studying/job orientation
Old buildings
Have you ever been to any old buildings in your city?
- Pay a visit to them  broaden my horizon + gain an insight into the past + decompress
- Leaves a lasting impression on me
Do you prefer to live in an old building or a modern house?
- Gud
Are there any old buildings you want to see in the future? Why?
- I have itchy feet  travel far and wide
- The Great Wall of China  marvel at quaint architecture
Do you think preserving old buildings is important?
- Help people know about the past
- Boost tourism

1. Describe someone you really like to spend time with  FLUENCY TÈO RỒIIIIIIIII

Part 3:

What kind of people are easy to get along with?

- OK, chơ mà nên thêm ý tưởng: candid people
How do leaders get along with their subordinates?
- Lend an ear to their employees’ problems
- Financial incentive
- Bonuses
- Teambuilding activities
YẾN NHI  6.5
Do you wear a watch?  FLUENCY HƠI BUỒN
- Trả lời có dệ hơn là không chơ :D
- Have more one???
- In the future  definitely  Serve functional and aesthetic values
Have you ever got a watch as a gift?
- In recognition of my academic achievements
- It carries sentimental values  I highly treasure this gift
Which one do you prefer, expensive watches or comfortable ones?
- I would give precedence to comfort

10. Describe an occasion when you lost something  FLUENCY CỤNG HƠI BUỒN NÈ
- cần miêu tả hấn kĩ càng hơn nha (appearance/functionality)
- phát âm: diversion
- after I came back, it was nowhere to be found  it was panic stations for me
- I desperately sought help from other people
- it was a salutary experience
Part 3:

What kinds of things do people usually lose?

- Gud
- Uncareful???  carelessness???
What do people often do when losing things?
- Seek help from others, including the police
- Rack their brains to remember what happened
Advertisement  FLUENCY + GRAMMAR
Do you like watching TV advertisements or Internet advertisements?
- Internet advertisement: a wealth of information about the products
What kinds of advertisements do you dislike?
- Those that give incorrect information  may misleads people
- Domestic violence  nỏ quảng cáo mô có domestic violence hết???
Do you share advertisements with others?
- Share: broaden knowledge about a product  buy if necessary

2. Describe a place in a village that you visited

- Chú ý INTONATION, còn phần ý tưởng và từ vựng thì tốt rồi nha

Part 3:  chú ý Ý TƯỞNG + FLUENCY + ĐỘ DÀI

Is there anything special about the countryside in Vietnam? Landscapre

- Tranquil ambience
- Cultural value
What do people usually do when going to a village?
- Go sightseeing
- Take photographs
- Marvel at the scenes
MINH ĐẠT  5.5

Talents  FLUENCY tèo rồi  cần nói suôn hơn

Do you have any special talent?
- Mental calculation
- I am usually showered with compliments thanks to this talent
Did you learn it when you were young?
Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work?
- This talent can be of service to my job (accountant/business/…)
Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?
- This talent actually runs in our blood

9. Describe a special day out that cost you little money / didn’t cost you much
- HL bay is a manget for tourists
- cần phải nói mình làm được những cấy chi + nhấn mạnh được giá cả như vậy là rất rẻ  BÀI NÓI

Part 3:  QUÁ NGẮN

Do people like to spend their leisure time out in your country?

- Counteract the stifling ambience at home/office
- Be in nature + discover
How do Vietnamese people like to spend their leisure time?
- Vẩn quá ngắn
How does technology affect the way people spend their leisure time?
- cần dùng các từ mang tính so sánh (while/in contrast)…
Public garden or park
- Relish the fresh air
- Frequent the park in the afternoon  sports  dispel the stress
- The parks have undergone a sea change  the upgraded sports equipment

Describe something that you can’t live without (except a computer/phone)

- books are part and parcel of my life
- phát âm: bosom
- quá tốt :D
Why are children attracted to new things (such as electronics)?
- There are some justifications for this
+ They have an innate sense of curiosity
+ These devices boast intriguing features

Why do some adults hate to throw away old things?

- The item might be expensive
- The item might be of service in the future
- The item might also carry sentimental values for them
DƯƠNG NGUYỄN  6.5-6.75
Boring things
What kinds of things are boring to you?
Sitting still and at a loose end  bores me stiff
What will you do when you feel bored?
- Social media + confide in friends
- Take a stroll
- Basketball
 dispel the boredom
Do you think school is boring?
- Phát âm: intriguing
- Widen my reservoir of knowledge  lots of intriguing activities –> piques my curiosity
- Interaction with friends

Describe a rule that you dislike and want to change

Nội dung đảm bảo rồi chơ mà chưa có từ vựng

What are the rules students should follow at school?

- Wearing uniform
- Be punctual
- Complete the assignments
Are the rules at school necessary or not? Why?
- Maintain order
- Bolster studying morale
- Ensure fairness among students
HIỀN:  6.25
Boring things
What kinds of things are boring to you?
- Studying for hours on end  bores me stiff
- Especially lackluster/mind-numbing subjects
What will you do when you feel bored?
- Social media + confide in friends
- Take a stroll
- Basketball
 dispel the boredom
What was the most boring thing you did when you were young?
- Gud
Do you think school is boring?
- Widen my reservoir of knowledge  lots of intriguing activities –> piques my curiosity
- Lively confabulations with friends

Describe something that was broken in your home and then repaired
- Chưa miêu tả được ci vật đó
- Cảm xúc của mình khi vật đó bị hư (ngay khi hấn hư thì mình hoảng hốt/tiếc a răng?)
What kinds of things do people like to repair by themselves?
- Nên chia thành các nhóm vật: household appliances (light bulbs)/technological devices
Why do people like to get their mobile phones repaired in specialized stores?
- - Warranty from the stores
- - Save money —> more affordable than a new phone purchase
- - rest assured given the expertise of the staff
HOÀI PHƯƠNG  5.75-6.0
Talents  part 1 khá tốt, trừ 2 câu cuối
Do you have any special talent?
Khó nghe quá, thật ra là không hiểu chi luôn
Did you learn it recently?
I acquired this skill from …  hone this skill
Do you think your talent can be useful for your future work?
Khá tốt
Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?

3. Describe an invention that has changed the world in a positive way

Áp dụng được khá tốt


What do you think is the most helpful household appliance?

Do you think technology makes people lazy?
What kind of invention can be used at school?

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