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Types of Transport

● Passive Transport – no energy required

- Diffusion – dispersal of substances from a region of high concentration to low concentration,
principal way of movement within the cell
- Osmosis – movement of substances across selectively permeable membrane, usually lower
to higher solute concentration or higher water concentration to low water concentration
o Water Potential
▪ Capacity of water to work

▪ Move to lesser water potential (negative)

● Water Potential = Osmotic + Pressure + Gravitational + Matrix
o Types of Membrane
▪ Freely permeable

▪ Selectively permeable

▪ Completely impermeable membrane

o Tonicity
▪ Ability of a surrounding cell to change

▪ Turgid – hypotonic

▪ Flaccid – isotonic

▪ Plasmolyzed – hypertonic
- Facilitated Diffusion
o Channel Proteins
o Carrier Protein
● Active Transport – requires energy, always uses energy/carrier proteins
- Electrogenic Pump
- Co-transporter
● Short-Distance Transport
- Few cells
- Apoplastic Route – everything external to the plasma membranes of living cells, can pass
through dead cells
- Symplastic Route – cytosol to plasmodesmata to plasma membrane
- Transmembrane Route – cell wall to plasma membrane to cytosol
● Long-distance transport
- via xylem and phloem
- land plants
● Vesicle-Mediated Transport
o Exocytosis – cells move materials from within the cell into extracellular fluid
o Endocytosis- phagocytosis, pinocytosis, receptor-mediated endocytosis

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