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The most common savant abilities are called splinter skills.

These include
behaviors such as obsessive preoccupation with, and memorization of, music and
sports trivia, license plate numbers, maps, historical facts, or obscure items such
as vacuum cleaner motor sounds, for example.
Talented savants are those persons in whom musical, artistic, mathematical or other
special skills are more prominent and highly honed, usually within an area of
single expertise, and are very conspicuous when viewed against their overall
The term prodigious savant is reserved for those very rare persons in this already
uncommon condition where the special skill or ability is so outstanding that it
would be spectacular even if it were to occur in a non-handicapped person. In such
a non-handicapped person the term “genius” would be applied. There are probably
fewer than 75 prodigious savants living worldwide at the present time who would
meet this high threshold of special skill.
Music is generally the most common savant skill - usually playing piano by ear and
almost always with perfect pitch. Musical performance abilities are dominate, but
outstanding composing skills have been documented as well, most often linked to
performance ability, but not necessarily so. The triad of mental disability,
blindness and musical genius occurs with a curious, conspicuous frequency in
reports over this past century.
Artistic talent, usually painting or drawing, is seen next most frequently. Other
forms of artistic talent can occur as well, such as sculpting. Lightning
calculating or other mathematical skills, such as the ability to compute multi-
digit prime numbers contrasted with the inability to perform even simple
arithmetic, has often been reported.
Calendar calculating is curiously and conspicuously common among savants,
particularly considering the rarity of that obscure skill in the general
population. Beyond being able to name the day of the week that a date will occur on
in any particular year, calendar calculating includes being able to name all the
years in the next 100 in which Easter will fall on March 23rd, for example, or all
the years in the next 20 when July 4 will fall on a Tuesday.
Other skills are occasionally seen including multilingual acquisition ability or
other unusual language (polyglot) skills, exquisite sensory discrimination in smell
or touch, perfect appreciation of passing time without access to a clock face, or
outstanding knowledge in specific fields such as neurophysiology, statistics,
history or navigation, to name a few.

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