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In 1983, Dr. Howard Gardner says that man has multiple types of intelligence. Therefore,
there are various types of smartness in us. As a result, he developed the nine varied types
of intelligence. These Nine Varied Types of Intelligence are; (1) Natural, (2) Musical, (3)
Logical-Mathematical, (4) Existential, (5) Interpersonal, (6) Body – Kinesthetic, (7) Linguistic,
(8) Intra – Personal and (9) Spatial Intelligence. Each represents different ways of
processing information.

Some people love nature and these people are commonly natural smart or who have naturalist
intelligence. They possess a type of intelligence that can comprehend and have sensitivity to
their surroundings. Meaning to say he or she who has this type of intelligence has a high level
of understanding and knowledge about nature. Most people with this kind of intellect are farmers,
gardeners, hikers, or people who are usually involved with nature activities for they care and
have a lot of skills when it comes to nature.

However, some people have such skills and potential when it comes to music. This type of
intelligence is considered Music smart or Musical Intelligence. A man who has this ability has
talents in music pitches, rhythms, timbre, and tone to the point that they can compose, sing,
conduct, and play the music. Undoubtedly, these people will be excellent musicians, singers,
music directors, and record producers.

Moreover, we all know that there are certain types of people who are good at math, logic, and
reasoning which we commonly considered the intelligent ones. Logical-Mathematical Intelligence or
Number/Reasoning Smart people are abstract, logical and reasoning thinkers. These are the
individual who can calculate mentally and hypothetically. Which, most of the individuals who have
this ability becomes scientist, doctors, researchers, and lawyers.

Also, some individuals can collect some values and intuition for them to understand human
existence. These types of people commonly ask larger questions such as the meaning of life and
why we die or exist. These individuals become philosophers, theologians, and scientists. And this
type of intelligence is called Existential Intelligence.

Further, people with social capability or extroverts are also considered smart as well. They
have excellent nonverbal and verbal communication skills and can read and empathize with others.
This is what we called Interpersonal Intelligence or People Smart because literally, they are
good with people. Since they have these skills, they are more likely to turn to managers,
therapists, coaches, educators, and even actors.

Then, we also encountered individuals who are Body – Kinesthetic Intelligent or Body Smart.
They are the ones who are experts in coordination between their minds and bodies. These
individuals are capable of moving their bodies smoothly, can build things beautifully, and will
stay active for as long as possible they can. As a result, with this intelligence, people like
carpenters, athletes, and dancers exist and shine.

Meanwhile, some people are experts when it comes to words such as reading, writing, and
acquiring new languages. Hence, they are called the Word Smart or with Linguistic Intelligence.
They have the skills to understand word efficiently and use it creatively in various forms and
formats. And so, outstanding editors, preachers, public speakers, and politicians are made.

Furthermore, if others studies about their surroundings or values, this one hits differently.
This is intelligent about itself. They communicate with their unconscious mind which may lead to
creating direction in their lives or looking inward for answers to their life approaches. Even
though they value themselves but never neglect other people. These people will be great
philosophers, psychologists, and theologians someday just like those with existential

Last, but not least, the artistically talented individuals. Therefore, these people are more
likely artists, architects, graphic designers, and photographers. They can remember things
through an image format inside their heads and can manipulate them creatively. That is Spatial
Intelligence or Picture Smart an intelligence who are good at visuals.

And so all the nine types of intelligence are being shown and explained one by one. Every
intelligence is diverse and unique. Each represents different ways of processing
information. Hence, it concludes that anyone can be intelligent in their way and everybody is

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