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\author{Prashant Mishra}
\date{August 2022}





\begin{tabular}{|c{0.5 em}|c{0.2 em}|}
\hline PRN & SEAT\\
\hline 211 &33 \\[1 ex]

// for numbering list

\item First points
\item Second
\item Etc.

// for alphabetic, numeric numbering


\item an apple
\item a banana
\item a carrot
\item a durian

\item an apple
\item a banana
\item a carrot
\item a durian

\item an apple
\item a banana
\item a carrot
\item a durian


// Left alignment

One line with text \\
A second line with text\\

// Right alignment
One line with text\\
A second line with text \\

// Center Alignment
One line with text \\
New line with text \\

// Integration
\[ \int_a^b x^2\;\mathrm{d}x= \tfrac{1}{3} x^3 \Big|_a^b \]

// Differentiation
\diff{f}{x} &\qquad \diff*[4]{g}{t}{t = 1} \\[2ex]
\diffp{f}{x} &\qquad\diffp{g}{tu}& & \qquad & \diffp*{g}{{t^2}{u^3}}{(0,0)}

//expression sqrt(x^7+-)
This is a math expression \(\sqrt{x^7+-}\) inside
text. And this is also the same:
but by using another command. This is a simple math
expression without numbering\[\sqrt{x^2+1}\]
separated from text. This is also the same: \begin{displaymath}
\end{displaymath} \begin{equation}

//pythagoras theoram exprtession


The well known Pythagorean theorem \(x^2+y^2= z^2\) was proved to be invalid for
other exponents. Meaning the next equation has no integer solutions:

\[x^n+y^n = z^n\]


//3x3 table(3cell)
cell1 & cell2 & cell3\\
cell4 & cell5 & cell6\\
cell7 & cell8 &cell9\\

\\insert image


\title{A project with images}




\caption{symbol of our college}


\\image at center



.*****our pune university*****\\


\caption{Fig 1:}
\This is the image\\
In this we try to bing everything

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