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Phases of the Cell Cycle

Name:_______________________________________ Year & Section: _____________Date: _______

Enrichment Activity 1: Study the diagrammatic representation of the stages of mitosis in Figure 3 and answer the
questions below. For numbers 8 to 11 based your answer on your understanding on Figure 5. Write your answers on a
separate sheet of paper.

1. What is the diploid chromosome number (2N) of the cell?

2. How many kinds of chromosomes does the cell contain? How are they represented in the figure?
3. Are the chromosomes at prophase single-stranded or double-stranded?
4. What attaches the chromosome to the spindle fiber during metaphase?
5. How many chromosomes are there in the cell at metaphase?
6. How many chromosomes are in the cell at anaphase? Are the chromosomes single-stranded or double-stranded?
7. How many chromosomes are present in each nucleus formed at telophase?
8. How many chromosomes attach to each spindle fiber during Metaphase I?
9. How many chromosomes are there in the cell at Metaphase I?
10. How many chromosomes are in the cell at Anaphase I? Are the chromosomes single-stranded or double-stranded?

Assessment 1: Read carefully each item. Use a separate sheet for your answers. Write only the letter of the best
answer for each test item.

1. Which stage of cell division takes the longest to happen?

A. Anaphase B. Interphase C. Metaphase D. Prophase

2. Which of the following stage in interphase allows chromosomes to replicate?

A. Gap1 (G1) phase C. Anaphase
B. Gap2 (G2) phase D. S phase
3. Which of the following stage of the cell cycle results in the formation of daughter cells?
A. Mitosis C. S phase
B. Gap2 (G2) phase D. Gap1 (G1) phase

4. Which of the following stage of the interphase “double checks” the duplicated chromosomes for error, and
needed repair.
A. M (mitosis) phase C. S phase
B. Gap2 (G2) phase D. Gap1 (G1) phase

Enrichment Activity 2: Match the term to the description. Write your answers on a separate sheet of paper.
A. Prophase
B. Interphase
C. Telophase
D. Metaphase

E. Anaphase
_____1. The sister chromatids are moving apart.
_____2. The nuclear envelope fades from view.
_____3. A new nuclear membrane is forming around the chromosomes.
_____4. The cytoplasm of the cell is being divided.
_____5. The cytoplasm are located at the equator of the cell.
_____6. The nuclear membrane begins to fade from view.
_____7. The division (cleavage) furrow appears.
_____8. The chromosomes are moving towards the poles of the cell.
_____9. Chromatids line up along the equator.
_____10. The spindle is formed.

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