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Advances in Dental Anthropology, pages 13-31

© 1991 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

Scoring Procedures for Key Morphological
T raits of the Permanent D entition:
The Arizona State University Dental
Anthropology System
Christy G. Turner II, Christian R. Nichol, and G. R ichard Scott

Department of Anthropology, Arizona Srate University, Tempe, Arizona 85287 (C. G. T, C. R.N.); Department of
Anthropology, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Alaska 99701 (G.R.S)

INTRODUCTION dards for the observation of dental morphological

variants in the permanent dentition has continued at
The observation of a dental morphological charac- the Dental Anthropology Laboratory of Arizona State
teristic in a manner other than by the presence/ab- University. The result of this work is the Arizona
sence dichotomy is first seen in Ales Hrdlicka's State University Dental Anthropology System.
(1920) work on incisor shoveling. To be sure, other The intention of the Dahlberg and AS U standards
early workers discussed gradations in tooth fom1, but is to permit observation beyond the presence/absence
as rightfully criticized by Hrdlicka, they examined dichotomy, and at the same time, to promote repli-
the form of the whole tooth rather than focusing upon cability of results between \)bservers. The theory be-
individual anatomical variants. In his classic paper hind the development of th:)se standards is to devise
on the shovel-shaped tooth, Hrdlicka (1920) notes a plaque which give:s physi<~tl representations of min-
that the characteristic, when present, takes on differ- imal and maximal trait exfiression and various gra-
ent forms ranging from minimal to maximal expres- dations between th0se twc( points. In selecting the
sion, and he gives descriptions and photographs to representatives of these graiies, the developer should
aid others in making the same sort of observations . have the intention i"if makir;~ the finest level distinc-
The next phase in the deveiopment of standardized tions possible that -~ an be ·f.epeated accurately. The
technique for the observation of dental morphology class intervals betwS~n the gi·ades of a standard should
was the work of A.A. Dahlberg beginning in the late be approximately e(f;ral. Mc)re than 5, but less than 10
1940s. Not only did he develop graded standards for grades of occurren2~ is idenl for most characters.
a large anay of characteristic's, but he made the im- Dental anatomy ··iextboo~s ·describe many more
portant step of devising plaster plaques which could features than those !Ised in -·\he ASU Dental Anthro-
be distributed to other workers in the field (Dahlberg, pology System. Tlw traits 4sed in this system have
1956). Some of the standards represented in the been selected for standardiz~d study because they are
Dahlberg series include plaques for shoveling , dou- those most easily aQd relia~ly observed, most persist
ble-shoveling, the hypocone, Carabelli's trait/cusp, for many years in dentally h-1\rsh lifeways (usually the
and the protostylid. During the early I 960s, Hanihara case with archaeolcigicanj::derived samples), most
(1961) developed observation standards for various have low or no sex dimorph(sm, the fossil record has
characteristics of the deciduous dentition. shown that (whatever thd r adaptive value) they
As Dahlberg (I 956) has stated, his standards were evolve very slowly ~nd, altqgether, these traits pow-
not intended to be the final word on this subject. erfully characterize .popula\!ons for affinity studies.
With-this in mind, work on the development of stan- Furthemwre, this battery of characters provides the
14 Turner et al. Scoring Procedures for Dental Traits 15

Fig. 2. Double-shoveling plaque, upper incisors.

Fig. 1. Shove ling plaque, ·upper latera l incisors.

there is a tendency for ridge convergence at the Comments. The medial two-thirds of the tooth ,
maximum information with a minimum of observa- rotated. The other is straight. No subclasses are rec-
cingulum . rather than the margins. should be observed to avoid
tion time and cost. These and other reasons for the ognized.
4. Semishovel: Convergence and ridging are false impressions which can result from the presence
use of dental morphology in anthropological research 3. Straight: Both teeth form a straight labial sur-
stronger than in grade 3. of shoveling or double-shoveling. Ideall y, labial con-
are extensively discussed by Scott and Turner face , or follow the curvature of the dental arcade.
5. Shovel: Strong development of ridges, which vexity should be assessed at a location approximately
(1988). 4. Counter-winging: One or both teeth are rotated
almost contact at the cingulum. one-third of the way down from the occlusal surface,
The following is a description of the scoring pro- distolingually.
6. Marked shovel: Strongest development. Mesial or two-thirds of the distance up from the crown-root
cedures in the current AS U Dental Anthropology and distal lingual ridges are sometimes in con- junction. Labial convexity ' is inversely correlated
System. For each character in the system, the name tact at the cingulu m. with double-shoveling. These two traits should not
Comments. Because the mesiolingual rotation of
of the trait, the teeth on which it may be observed, a 7. (U/2 only) Barrel: Expression exceeds grade 6. be used together when a stupy assumes independent
both of the incisors is thought to be the result of a
definition or tocational comment, the name(s) of the To be considered barrel-shaped, the form traits. Whi le designed for 'the central incisor, the
genetic system, and mesiolingual rotation of a single
developer(s) and reference (if any) of the procedure, should not result from a hypertrophied tuber- plaque may also be used su£cessfu ll y for the lateral
incisor or distolingual rotation of one or both incisors
the name of the standard reference plaque (if any), culum dentate. inc isor.
seems to be caused by tooth crowding, the status of
the scoring categories, and any additional comments Doiible-sh.qveling
both antimeres must be considered , when possible.
to aid in the use of the trait or procedure are given.
Judgment is required if winging is present and there Comments. This scaling approximates that of Upper incisors, ca'rtine, q' premolar, and lower
Space limits illustrating all trai ts, but a few examples incisors. The presence of l~b ial marginal ridges. A
is crowding of adjacent teeth. Hrdlicka as: ASU 0 = Hrdlicka none; 1-2 = trace;
are provided. A complete set of plaques can be ob- standard reference .··was developed by Dahlberg
tained at cost from the senior author. The plaques 3-4 = semishovel; 5-6 = shovel. Because shov-
Shoveling eling correlates on all incisors and the upper canine, (1956). ASU procecjure de~eloped by Turner and
should be used for making observations, not the pho- Laidler Dowda in 19]9 . Refg-ence plaque: ASU Ull
tographs in this article , so that a three-dimensional Upper incisors, canine, and lower incisors. The only one tooth should be used in characterizing pop-
ulations. The upper central incisor is preferred. The double-shovel. Figury 2 sho~ys the Ul double-shovel
appreciation of the characters may be obtained. presence of lingual marginal ridges. Scaling of this
plaq ue . Scoring: ...
feature was first proposed by Hrdlicka (1920) , a three plaques can be emp loyed for. studying the gen-
MORPHOLOGICAL FEATURES OF THE plaque developed by Dahlberg (1956) , and an ex- eral shoveling field effect. 0. None: Labial ~wface is smooth.
CROWNS AND ROOTS panded classification developed by Scott (1973). l. Faint: Mesial H!ld dist~l ridging can be seen in
Reference plaques: Ull -ASU Ull shovel; UI2 , Labial Convexity strong light. Distal ridge may be
UC-ASU UI2 shovel ; Lll , LI2-ASU L1 shovel. Upper incisors. The labial surface of the upper absent in this gnd stronger grades .
Upper central incisor. Rotation of the upper central
Figure 1 shows the UI2 shovel plaque. Scoring (Uil , incisors , when viewed from the occlusal aspect , can 2. Trace: Ridging is moi·e easily seen and pal-
incisors is a character discussed. by Enoki and Dahl- pated. -',
UI2, UC): range from being essentiall y fl at to showing a
berg (195 8) . Their procedure as modified by Turner
marked degree of convexity. Procedure developed by 3. Semi-double-shove/: Ridging can be readi ly
(1 970) is followed (no reference plaque). The scoring palpated. ·
Nichol et at. (1984). Reference plaque: ASU Ull
is as follows : 0. None: Lingual surface is essentially flat. 4. Double-shovel: Riding is pronounced on at
labial curvature. Scoring:
1. Faint: Very slight elevations of mesial and di- least one-half qf the tqtal crown height.
l. Bilateral winging: Central incisors are rotated stal aspects of lingual surface can be seen and 5. Pronounced double-slipvel: Ridging is very
mes iolingually, giving a V-shaped appearance when palpated. 0. Labial surface is flat.
prominent and may occur from the occlusal
viewed from the occlusal surface. When the angle 2. Trace: Elevations are easily seen. This grade is 1. Labial surface exhibits trace convexity.
surface to the crown-r6ot junction.
formed is greater than 20 degrees, it is classed as 1A; probably cons idered minimal expression by 2. Labial surface exhibits weak convexity.
6. Extreme double-shoveC
when less than 20 degrees, lB. most observers . 3. Labial surface exhibits moderate convexity.
2 . Unilateral winging: Only one of the incisors is 3. Semishovel: Stronger ridging is present and 4. Labial surface exhibits pronounced convexity. Comments. Judgment about double-shoveling pres-
16 Turner eta!. Scoring Procedures for Dental Traits 17

ence can only be made safely for grade 6 on heavily combination of ASU UII t.d . and ASU UC distal
worn teeth. The UI! plaque can be used for the upper accessory ridge. Scori ng:
lateral incisor, canine, first premolar, and lower in-
cisors. Although the correspondence in fo rm is not 0. No expression. Cingular region of the lingual
particularly good, the strength of ridging can usually surface is smooth . Ignore any shoveling pres-
be assessed without difficulty. ence .
Interruption Groove 1. Faint ridging. Matches grade I of the ASU UI I
t.d. plaque.
Upper incisors. Grooves which cross the cingu-
2. Trace ridging. Matches grade 2 of the ASU Ull
lum , and often continue down the root, are occasion-
t.d. plaque.
ally seen on the upper incisors (more frequen tly on
3. Strong ridging. Matches grade 3 of the ASU
the lateral incisor than on the central). The morpho-
UII t.d. plaque.
genesis of these grooves is not understood, but they
4. Pronounced ridging. Matches grade 4 of the
seem to be related to the tuberculum dentale. First
ASU Ul l t.d. plaque.
systematically studied by Turner (1967). No refer-
5-. A weakly developed cuspule is attached to ei-
ence plaque . Scoring:
ther the mesio- or distolingual marginal ridge.
Cuspu le apex is not free. Not represented on a Fig. 3. Distal accessory ridge plaque, upper canines . Note that there is no grade I, which usually can be seen on ly on
0. None . The mesial, distal, and medial areas plaque. Interpolate between ASU UII t.d. unerupted teeth.
of the lingual surface of the incisor are grade 4 and the tuberculum dentale fo und on
smooth , continuous, and not disrupted by ASU UC DAR grade 4.
any vertical to near-horizontal groove. size. Neither is attached to the tuberculum den- 4. Distal accessory ridge is strongly developed.
5. Weakly developed cuspule with a free apex.
tale if present. 5. Distal accessory ridge is very pronounced.
M. An interruption groove occurs on the mesi- Size corresponds appro ximately with ASU UC
I. Mesiolingual ridge is larger than the distolin-
olingual border. DAR grade 4 tuberculum dentale. Comments. Because there is no dentin involvement
gual, and is weakly attached to the tuberculum
D. An interruption groove occurs on the disto- 6. Strong cusp with a free apex. Size is equal to or in this trait, it can be worn off without leaving any
lingual border. greater than the ASU UC DAR grade 5 tuber- trace of its having been present. For population stud·
2. Mesiolingual ridge is larger than the distolin-
MD. Grooves occur on both the mesio- and dis- culum dentale. ies, use scores of children and young adults. This
gual, and is moderately attached to the tuber-
tolingual borders. trait appears to be the most sexually dimorphic fea-
culum dentale.
Med. A groove occurs in the medial area of the Comments. Ridge strength, not num ber of ridges, is ture of the human den!ition. Observers may not wish
3. Morris's type form. Mesiolingual ridge is much
cingulum. assessed in grades 1- 4. Only one of the three teeth to pool sexes in popu)ation studies where sex ratios
larger than the distolingual, and is fully incor-
should be used for population characterization. The porated into the tuberculum dentale. among samples are unequal. '
Comments. Because the location of most interrup- center of the tu berculum dentale morphogenetic Premolar Mesial a~d Distal Accessory Cusps'
tion grooves is near the crow n base , they can usually field, and most trait variation, seems to be at the
be scored on heavily worn teeth. However, they are Comments. The canine lingual surface morphology Upper premolars. Small aciessory cusps are some-
lateral incisor. This tooth is preferred for population of grade 3 appears strongly asymmetrical when
probably often obscured by gingival tissue in the liv- times seen at the me~ial and/or distal ends -of the
descriptive purposes.
ing. Therefore, considerable judgment should be ex- viewed from the lingual aspect. T his trait infre- sagittal grooves of th~;upper pJemolars. T hese cusps
ercised in their use for characterizing living popula- Canine Mesial Ridge quently exhibits symmetrical expression on antim- are defined by a strong separajion from both the buc-
tions, especially if children are included . eres. cal and lingual cusp{ What ·)nay appear as .a very
Upper canine. Normally, the mesiolingual mar-
Canine Distal Accessory Ridge small accessory cusp but is still attached to either the
ginal ridge of the upper canine is similar in size to the
Tuberculum Dentale buccal or lingual cus~s , shou(d not be considered as
distolingual marginal ridge. Occasionally, the mesial Upper and lower canines. Occurs in the distolin-
Upper incisors and canine . This feature occurs in an accessory cusp. hocedury proposed by Turner
ridge is larger than the distal, and, in pronounced gual fossa between the tooth apex and the distolin-
the cingular region of the lingual surface of the upper (1967). No reference plaque. -~coring:
cases, it possesses a distal deflection approx imately gual marginal ridge. Standards developed and dis-
incisors and canine. (Tubercles may also appear on
two-thirds of the way down from the occlusal surface cussed by Scott (1973 , 1977). Reference plaques: 0. No accessory Cl!SPS occ~r.
the lower canine, but these are not currently consid-
due to its attachment to the tuberculum dentale. This UC-ASU UC DAR, LC-ASU LC DAR. Figure 3 I. Mesial and/or · distal accessory cusps are
ered in the ASU system.) This feature can take the
extreme form occurs with. some frequency among shows the UC distal accessory ridge plaque. Scoring: present.
form of ridges on the lingual surface (referred to as
Africans (especially Bushmen) and has been called
mediolingual ridges) or various degrees of expres_sion Comment. Because no apparent dentin involvement
the Bushman canine by Morris (1975). In keeping 0. Distal accessory ridge is absent.
of a cusp (known on the can ine as the canine tuber- occurs, observations should be limited to younger
with all other trait names, which do not have ethnic I. Distal accessory ridge is very faint. (No exanl-
cle). Several attempts have been made to classify individuals.
labels, an anatomical name has been assigned. Scale ple of grade I appears on the UC plaque, in-
tuberculum dentale variation . None , including the
developed by Turner and Dale Klausner ·in 1979. terpolation required.) Tricusped Premolars
one presented here, has been fully satisfactory , and
Reference plaque: ASU UC mesial ridge. Scoring: 2. Distal accessory ridge is weakly developed. Upper premolars. An upper premolar with three
much within and between-observer error has been
found (Nichol and Turner, 1986). Reference plaques: 3. Distal accessory ridge is moderately devel- cusps is a rare variant (1 /8 ,000 teeth) observed in
UII-ASU UII tuberculum dentale; Ul2, UC- 0. Mesial and distal lingual ridges are the same oped. southwestern U.S. Indians but among almost no
18 Turner eta!. Scoring Procedures for Dental Traits 19

other peoples of the world. No reference plaque. 5. Metacone is very large (equal in size to a large by Turner and Richard Warner in 1977. Reference third molar. The parastyle may also occur on the
Scoring: Ml hypocone). plaque: ASU UM cusp 5. Scoring: other !JlOlars in the same location. A similar structure
can also be found on the buccal surface of cusp 3 on
0. Extra distal cusp (hypocone) is absent. Comments. The present plaque was developed spe- 0. Site of cusp 5 is smooth, there being only a any molar, suggesting either that the position of the
I. Hypocone is present. Its size eqtials that of the cifically for the third molar but works reasonably single distal groove present separating cusps 3 parastyle is not morphogenetically fixed, or an inde-
normal lingual cusp. well for the other molars if form is ignored and only and 4. pendent feature is being confused with the parastyle.
size is considered. The grade 3.5 was inserted (but i. Faint cuspule is present. Given the rarity of the parastyle, any expression on
not added to plaque) after field testing revealed the 2. Trace cuspule present. the buccal surface is scored . Plaque developed by
Comment. One specimen (UARK Upper Nodena
need for a full interval grade. The designation 3.5 3. Small cuspule present. Joseph F. Katich and Turner in 1974. Reference
256) has been found that has the hypocone and a
does not mean that the interval is less than the other 4. Small cusp present. plaque: ASU UM parastyle . Scoring:
crown confi guration like the following trait (Turner,
personal observntion). grades; it was added in this manner so as not to 5. Medium-sized cusp -present.
change computer files of hundreds of earlier obser- 0. The buccal surfaces of cusps 2 and 3 are ·
Distosagittal Ridge vations by Turner. Observers beginning work with Comments. When present, cusp 5 usual! y has two smooth.
Upper first premolar. A trait first defined and the current classification may wish to renumber adjacent distal grooves: On a worn tooth, double- I . A pit is present in or near the buccal groove
termed Uto-Aztecan premolar by D.H. Morris et al. grades 4 and 5 as 5 and 6, respectively, and to label grooving can be used to identify that cusp 5 had been between cusps 2 and 3.
( 1978). It occurs when a pronounced ridge from the the inserted grade as 4 rather than 3. 5. present. However, this means of identification 2. A small cusp with an attached apex is present.
apex of the buccal cusp extends to the distal occlusal Hypocone should not be used for the third molar, where multi- 3. A medium-sized cusp with a free apex is
border at or near the sagittal sulcus. There is also a ple distal grooves are common, even in the absence present.
Upper molars. The distolingual cusp or cusp 4.
mesial rotation of the buccal surface and a buccolin- of any cusps. 4. A large cusp with a free apex is present.
Absence and severely reduced forrns of this cusp are
gual expansion of the buccal cusp. It is possible that 5. A very large cusp with a free apex is present.
more common on Ml and (especially) M2 than the Carabelli's Trait
the distosagittal ridge is an intermediate or weak ex- This forrn usually involves the buccal surface
same forms of the metacone. Plaque developed by Upper molars. Occurs on the lingual surface of the
pression of the very rare three-cusped premolar de- of both cusps 2 and 3.
Larson (1978) and modified by Turner and Scott in mesiolingual cusp (the protocone or cusp 1) of the
fined above. Given the rarity of these two characters, 6. An effectively free peg-shaped crown attached
1975. Reference plaque: ASU UM hypocone. Scor- upper molars. Plaque developed by Dahlberg (1956).
it is not possible to determine if they do represent to the root of the third molar is present. This
ing: Reference plaque: Zoller Laboratory UM Carabelli
parts of a continuum and in fact shou ld be combined. condition is extremely rare, and is not shown
Example given on ASU Uta-Aztecan premolar. Scor- cusp. Scoring: on the plaque.
ing: 0. No hypocone. Site is smooth.
I. Faint ridging present at the site. 0. The mesiolingual aspect of cusp I is smooth. Enamel Extensions
2. Faint cuspule present. I. A groove is present. Upper premolars a~d molars. Projections of the
0. Norrnal premolar form occurs.
3. Small cusp present. 2. A pit is present. enamel border in an apical dir~ction. First scored and
1. Distosagittal ridge is present.
3.5. Moderate-sized cusp present. 3. A small Y-shaped depression is present. classified by Pedersen (1949). His classification is
4. Large cusp present. 4. A large Y-shaped depression is present. followed with minof" modification. No reference
Comment. Originally discovered among Uta- 5. Very large cusp present. 5. A small cusp without a free apex occurs. The plaque. Scoring:
Aztecan speaking peoples of the southwestern United distal border of the cusp does not contact the
States. Now known -to occur in many other Amerin- lingual groove separating cusps I and .4.
Comments. As with the metacone, a full interval
dian populations but nowhere else in the world. 0. Enamel border is straight, or rarely curved to-
grade had to be added to the plaque after develop- 6. A medium-sized cusp with an attached apex
wards the crown. Score. any extension not at-
Metacone ment, again labeled 3.5. The plaque works well with making contact with the medial lingual groove
tached to the crpwn as absent.
the first and second molars, but judgement is re- is present.
Upper molars. The distobuccal cusp or cusp 3. I. A faint, approximately !.0-mm-long extens ion
quired for the third molar because many distal acces- 7. A large free cusp is present.
Absence and weaker forms of expression are ex- projecting toward and a]ong the root.
sory cuspules can be present, and cusp 5 can be 2. A medium-sizeq, approximately 2.0-mm-long
tremely rare for M I and M2, but do occasionally
larger than the hypocone . Identifying homologous Comments. This classification assigns numbers to extension. " .
occur on M3. Plaque developed by Turner and Diane
distal cusps on the third molar can be difficult. Cor- the lettered categories of Dahlberg's plaque. The
Kaschner in 1978. Reference plaque: ASU UM meta- 3. A lengthy extension, g~nera lly >4.0 mrn in
respondence between the categories of this standard plaque works well for all three molars. A pit can length is present. It may extend all the way to
cone. Scoring:
and the Dahlberg (1951) 4, 4 - , 3+, 3 standard for occur in the medial lingual groove (differing from the the root bifurcatjon on molar teeth.
hypocone reduction are given in Turner (1979). mesiolingual position of the pit of grade 2) , which is
0. Metacone is absen t. suspected of being related to Carabelli's trait. This
I. An attached ridge is present at the metacone Cusp 5 (Metaconule) Co~ment. Any of these four grades may have an
pit has not yet been incorporated into the Carabelli' s
site, but there is no free apex. Upper molars. A fifth cusp, the metaconule, may trait standard. enamel pearl present at or near the site of the exten-
2. A faint cuspule with a free apex is present. occasionally be present in the distal fovea of the up- sion, even when there is no extension , Pearls are not
3. Weak cusp is present. per molars between the metacone and hypocone. Parastyle scored in the ASU system because intersample com-
3.5. An intermediate-sized cusp is present (not This trait has been discussed and scaled (no plaque) Upper molars. One of the paramolar cusps of Bolk parability would requ ire that all molar root surfaces
shown on plaque, interpolation necessary). by Harris (1977; Harris and Bailit, 1980). The ASU (1916). It is most common on the buccal surface of be examined-an impossibility for most dental se-
4. Metacone is large. scaling is similar to that of Harris . Plaque developed the mesiobuccal cusp (the paracone or cusp 2) of the ri·es. Premolar enamel extensions almost never ex-
20 Turner et a!.

2. Two roots: Separate roots are greater than one-

Scoring Procedures for Dental Traits 21
ceed grade 2. They are almost always on roots with Peg-shaped Molar studied by Montagu (1940). Skeletal reports vary in
strong buccal developmental groove expression. quarter to one-third of the total root length. · their ..use of X-ray equipment. Their comparability,
Upper .third molar. Recognized by many workers
Enamel extensions can also occur on the lingual sur- Length determination should take into account therefore, is low. Here, no X-ray films are suggested
as a small tooth. lacking the appropriate crown mor-
face. The upper first molar is the key site. If the bending which is common on third molars. because many studies are too far-ranging to make
phology. As with the lateral incisor, a continuum
enamel extension is discontinuous or interrupted, 3. Three toots: Length defined as in grade 2. X-ray films time and cost effective or standard X-ray
ending in congenital absence, with the peg-shaped
only the portion in contact with the crown is scored 4. Four roots: Length defined as in grade 2. procedures possible. No reference plaque . Scoring:
form being near the absence threshold, probably ex-
for length. ists. Usage defined by Turner. No reference plaque.
Radical Number
Premolar Root Number Scoring: 0. Tooth is present. Any degree of visible impac-
All teeth . In cross section , a root may be single tion is considered as present.
Upper premolars. The upper premolars are usually
and lack any developmental grooving. More often, a 0. Full-sized crown with normal third molar mor- I. Tooth is congenitally absent. No sign of tooth.
single-rooted. When two roots are present there is
single-rooted tooth will exhibit developmental phology.
normally a buccal and a lingual root. Three roots
grooves which partition the cross-sectional area into 1. Molar reduced in size to 7- to 10-mm bucco-
result from the bifurcation of the buccal root. When Comments. Congenital absence should be consid-
two or more " unseparated " rootlike di visions termed lingual diameter. Form is near normal or some-
multiple roots occur, they are usually on the first ered on ly in adult individuals who are older than
radicals. First defined by Turner (1967). No refer- what "shriveled. "
premolar. Multip le-rooted upper incisors and canines 17-20 years, as determined by basisphenoid syn-
ence plaque. Scoring: 2. Molar is <7 mm in buccolingual diameter.
have not been found in more than 15,000 observed chondrosis or other dentally independent growth
individuals. The upper first premolar is the key site . I. One radical: No developmental grooves. Crown is peg or cone-shaped with rarely more
events (Ubelaker, 1984). When congenital absence is
Procedure defined by Turner (1967, 198 1). No ref- 2. Two radicals: Two developmental grooves or than two rounded cusps lacking any secondary
suspec ted in adults for upper or lower third molars ,
erence plaque. Scoring: two round roots with no developmental morphology. Root is simple and single.
the distal surface of the existing second molars
grooves . should be inspected with a 10 x hand lens for wear
I. One root: Tip may be bifurcated (bifid). 3. Three radicals: Three developmental grooves Comment. Peg-shaped upper third molars can easily facets that would indicate antemortem third molar
2. Two roots: Separate roots must be greater than or one round root with no developmental be identified from socket size and circular form if presence. Gaps at the incisor or premolar sites usu-
one-quarter to one-third of the total root length. grooves and one root with two developmental tooth has been lost postmortem. ally indicate antemortem loss. This method does
3. Three roots: Length defined as in grade 2 . grooves. leave the possibility that totally noneru pted teeth will
4. Four radicals: Continuation of above with var- be mi sidentified as congenitaily absent. In large stud-
ious root number and developmental groove Upper and lower premolars. Recognized by Ped-
Comment. Root number can often be scored when ies, this potential source of error may be acceptable
combinations. ersen (1949) and defined by Alexandersen (1970) as
teeth are missi ng by simply counting the number of due to cost and time considerations.
5. Five radicals: Continuation of above. any pin-sized , spike-shaped enamel and dentin pro-
complete sockets. Root number can sometimes be
jection occurring on the premolar occlusal surface.
detennined for molars that are loose in their sockets, 6. Six radicals: Continuation of above.
No reference plaque . Scoring: Premolar Li~gual Cusp Variation
but cannot be easily removed, by li fting the tooth as 7. Seven radicals: Continuation of above.
Lower premolars . .. Yariou~' procedures have been
much as possible and then shining a small flashlight 8. Eight radicals: Continuation of above.
0. Odontome not present. developed to classifY. the considerable variation in
on the root area, where, if root separation occurs near Comments. More than eight radicals may occur on a lower premolar crowJ)S (e. g .;·Pedersen, 1949; Kraus
the crown-root junction, white light will pass 1. Odontome present.
multi-rooted molar. Radical number has not been and Furr, 1953). The· proced!lre in the ASU system
through the interroot space. Practice on teeth that can
found to show much variation except on molar teeth . considers only the mi1nber ol' lingual cusps and their
be removed from their sockets is strongly recom- Comments. Because odontomes usually have a den-
Definitions given here apply to all teeth. Radical as- relative size. Procedttres developed by Scott (I 973)
mended for this flashlight procedure in order to ex- tin component, they can be recognized as having
sessment should not be done when there is extensive with slight modification. Reference plaques : LPI-
perience what is obstructed and unobstructed passage been present by a circular light brown dentin expo-
cement. In some cases of hypercementosis, even root ASU LP I cusp; LP2·.- ASU !·-P2 cusp. Scoring:
of light. sure even after these fragile structures break off.
numbers cannot be identified with certainty.
Moreover, because they often occur in or near the
Upper Molar Root N umber A. No lingual cu>p: A ridge may be present that
Peg-Shaped Incisor sagittal sulcus, they can be identified even in premo-
Upper molars. The upper first molar usually has suggests a muc]j reduq;d structure without a
lars with moderate cusp wear. Once a premolar has
three roots. The greatest variation in root number
free tip, but it is scored as cusp absent. Grade A
. Upper lateral incisor. Defined by various workers worn to the extent that normal dentin is visible on the
occurs on the second molar, the key site. The third was added after lliaque production began when it
as a tooth which is very reduced in size and lacking buccal cusp, it should be scored as missing data. was realized that lingual cusps can be absent.
molar usually has one or two roots; rarely, fi ve or Because of their rru·ity , it is suggested that their fre-
the normal crown morphology, being instead peg-
more third molar roots are present. This unusual con- quency be determined by a '' tooth count'' rather than 0. One lingual cusp: Size and form may vary a
shaped. A continuum probably exists that ends with
dition seems to be associated with developmental an " individual count" basis. Odontomes are only great deal but ti p can b~ seen.
congenital absence of the tooth, the peg form being
problems where hypo- or hyperplastic crowns form rarely found on other teeth. All premolar crown sur- I. One or two lingiwl cusps: This indecisive class
near the absence threshold. Standardization by
and excess cusp numbers and/or other anomalies'ex- faces should be inspected with a 10 x hand lens . should not be used for worn teeth. It is better to
Turner . No reference plaque. Scoring:
ist. Procedure .defined by Turner (1967). No refer- score such teeth' as mis§ing data.
ence plaque . Scoring: 0. Normal sized incisor. Congenital Absence
2. Two lingual cusps: Mesial cusp is much lru·ger
I. Incisor reduced in size, but having norn1al Upper lateral and lower central incisors , upper and than distal cusp.
I. One root: T ip may be bifurcated with deeply crown form . lower second premolars, and upper and lower third 3. Two lingual cusps: Mesial cusp is larger than
inset developmental grooves. 2. Peg-shaped incisor as defined above. molars. Congenital absence was first extensively distal cusp .
22 Turner et al. Scoring Procedures for Dental Traits 23

were expanded by Hellman (1928), and culm.inate in 0. Deflecting wrinkle is absent. Medial ridge of
the three class system developed by Jorgensen cusp 2 is straight.
(1955). No referenc:e plaque. Scoring: I. Cusp 2 medial ridge is straight, but shows a
midpoint constriction.
y. Cusps 2 and 3 are in contac t. 2. Med ial ridge is deflected distally , but docs not
+. Cusps 1-4 are in contact. make contact wi th cusp 4.
X . Cusps I and 4 are in contact. 3. Medial ridge is deflected distally forming an
L-shaped ridge . The med ial ridge contacts cusp
Comments. Groove pattern sho uld always be deter- 4.
mined with the aid of a lO x hand lens. Even with
advanced attrition, groove pattern is often recogniz- Comments. T he deflecting wrinkle seldom occurs

·; j able. Caries can obliterate the pattern site quickly,

and plaster dental casts may be very unreliable. On
third molars with many supernumerary cusps and hy-
on the second or third molars. Because there is no
apparent den tin involvement in this trait , it is difficult
to score on teeth of individuals much older than 12
1 poplastic form , groove pattern detem1 ination is dif- years of age due to wear.
ficult. The lower second molar has the greatest
Distal Trigonid Crest
amount of interpopulation variation, thus making it
Fig. 4 . Anterior fovea plaque, lower first mo lars. the key tooth to score if time does not perm it all three Lower molars. A ridge or loph that bridges cusps
to be studied. D.H. Morris ( 1970) made the obser- and 2 . It is rare in the permanent molars. When
4 . Two lingual cu,ps: Mes ial and distal cusps are considered to be taxonom ical ly significant by vation that groove pattern can be affected by the present, it is usuall y on the first molar. Hrd licka
equal in size . Hrdlicka ( 1924). Variation standardized by Turner deflecting wrinkle, which should also be studied for (1924) studied this feature and found it to be useful
5. Two lingual cusps: D istal cusp is larger than and Shawn-Mari Chilton in 1979. Reference plaque: correlation purposes. for comparative purposes. A trait occurrence plaque
mesial cusp . ASU LMI anterior fovea. Figure 4 shows the LMI was developed for deciduous teeth by Hanihara
6. Two lingual cusps: Distal cusp is much larger an terior fovea plaque. Scoring: (1961). No reference plaque for permanent molars.
Cusp Number Scoring:
than mesia l c usp.
7. Two lingual cusps: Distal cusp is very much 0. Anterior fovea is absent. The sulcus between Lower molars. The pioneering work on molar
larger than mesial cusp. With wear, this class cusps I and 2 continues without interrupt ion cusp number was by Grego1y (1 916) . Only slight 0. Absent: Distal borders of cusps 1 and 2 are not
can be confused with grade 0. When in doubt, from the center of the occlusal surface to the modification is made to his classification in the ASU con nected by a crest orloph.
score individual as missing data. mesial border. system (Turner, 1967). No reference plaque. Scor- 1. Present: Distal borders are connected by a
8. Three lingual cu,ps: Each is about the same I . A weak ridge connects the mesial aspec ts of ing: ridge .
size. cusps l and 2 producing a faint groove ..
9. Three lingual cusps: Mesial cusp is much 2. The connecting ridge is larger and the resulting 4. Cusps 1-4 (1, protoconid; 2, metaconid; 3, hy- Comments. Hanihara's deciquous molar plaque can
larger than medial and/or distal cusp. With groove deeper than in grade l. poconid, 4, entoconid) are present. be used to help ident!fy the '[rail on the permanent
wear, grade 9 can be confused with grade 3. 3. Groove is longer than in grade 2. 5. Cusp 5 (hypoconulid) is also present. molars. To be considered pres~nt , it should appear as
When in doubt, score indi vidual as missing 4. Groove is very long and mesial ridge is robust. 6. Cusp 6 (entoconulid) is also present. one of the two exampjes on t~e plaque. Note that the
data. example on the right is som,;what obscured by the
Comments. Score cusps as present regardless of presence of a pronounced deflecting wrinkle. T his
Comments. This classification of premolar crown Comments. Due to the early eruption of [he first size . Do not confuse cusp 7, which is not used in this trait is difficu lt to score, even ·wi th only grade 1 wear
variation is very sensitive to wear. Careful judgment molar, it is almost always very worn, even in young classification, with cusps 2 or 4 . Cusp 7 is not used (some dentin exposui·e), an'J unreliably identified
is needed so as not to misidentify a given tooth. If a adults. Scoring such individuals is hazardous, espe- in this classification to avoid confusion of cusp ho- with grade 2 wear (c4.sps wo:;n off).
worker is not experienced in side identification , loose cially for grades 0-2. It is recommended that anterior mologies (i.e., counting six cusps on a to.oth that has
fovea observations be limited in nonindustrial indi- Protostylid
teeth should not be scored. A useful rule for side a cusp 7 , but no cusp 6). If cusp 5 exists , but pres-
detem1ination is that the root tip is usuall y deflected viduals to those whose age is less than 12 years. ence of cusp 6 is uncertain , score tooth as having Lower molars. A paramolar cusp found on the
distally, it usuall y has stronger developmental groov- Caries can rapidly obliterate the anterior fovea site. more than 4 cusps so that a 4/>4 dichotomy can be buccal surface of cusp I. It j$ normally associated
ing on its mesial border, and the buccal cusp is al- Readers concerned abou t the dental morphology of used for comparative purposes. Note: cusp 3 can be with the buccal groove separating cusps I and 3. The
most always hu·ger and morphologically more com- fossil hominids instead of subfossil or rece nt popu- very small in third molars. protostylid is most cgmmon ' o n the first and third
plex than the lingual cusp . Odon to mes are not lations should also score anterior fovea for the third molars. Standard de veloped by Dahlberg (1 956) .
considered in this classification. T he second premo- molar. It is the senior author's impression that this Reference plaque : Zoiler Laboratory LM protostylid.
trait is many times more common in Pleistocene third Deflecting Wrinkle Scoring:
lar is considered the key tooth for this variation and
molars than in those of more recent populations. Lower first molar. The form of variation of the
is easier to score .
medial ridge on cusp 2. First recognized by Weiden- 0. No expression of any sort. Buccal surface is
Anterior Fovea Groove Pattern reich (1937), variation was standardi zed by Richard smooth.
Lower first molar. Located on the anterior occlusal Lower molars. Well defined studies of the lower Seyben and Turner in 1975. Reference plaque: ASU 1. A pit occurs in the buccal groove .
surface, this feature, termed precuspidal fossa, was molar groove pattern begin with Gregory (1916) , LM deflecting wrinkle. Scoring: 2 . Buccal groove is curved distally.
24 Turner et al.. Scoring Procedures for D ental T raits 25
3. A faint secondary groove extends mesially 0. Cusp 6 is absent.
from the buccal groove. I. Cusp 6 is much smaller than cusp 5 .
4. Secondary groove is slightly more pronounced. 2. Cusp 6 is smaller than cusp 5.
5. Secondar; groove is stronger and can be easily 3. Cusp 6 is equal in size to cusp 5.
seen. 4. C usp 6 is larger than cusp 5.
6. Secondary groo ve extends across most of the 5. Cusp 6 is much larger than cusp 5.
buccal surface of cusp I. This is considered a
weak or small cusp. Comment. T here is no way of knowing whether a
7. A cusp with a free apex occurs. single distal cusp is 5 or 6. This procedure requires
that ·t here be two distal cusps to define cusp 6 .
C omments. The buccal pit (grade I) is frequently
Cusp 7
the site of dental caries in agricultural populations. If
the pit can be identified in a carious molar, score Lower molars. Cusp 7 , the metaconulid or tuber-
appropriately. However, if caries has destroyed the culum intermedium , occurs in the lingual groove be-
protostylid site , no observation can be made even tween cusps 2 and 4 of the lower molars, most com-
though it is very likely that a pit had been present. monl y on the first molar. Standard developed by
Also, the buccal pit is often fill ed by dentists as a Turner (1970) . Reference plaque: ASU LM cusp 7. Fig. 5. Root fonn plaque, lower firsl premolars .
preventive measure , making identification difficult in Scoring:
dental casts of !iving people . Not scoring such indi-
viduals will cause some underreporting of protostylid 0. No occurrence of cusp 7 . root surfaces are deeply grooved. As now known, I. One root: Root tip may be bifurcated. If tips
occurrence. 1. Faint cusp is present. Two weak lingual this anomaly is part of a morphogenetic continuum are free for more than one-fourth to one-third of
grooves are present instead of one. from a single to a double-rooted tooth. Standardized the total root length, score as two roots. T he
Cusp 5 lA. A faint lipless cusp 7 occurs displaced as a variation scale developed by Turner and Stephen fi rs t molar root will usually be U-shaped in
Lower molars. Cusp 5, or the hypoconulid , occurs bulge on the lingual surface of cu sp 2. Herzog in 1979. Reference plaque: ASU LPI Root cross section with a deep developmental groove
on the distal occlusal aspect of the lower molars . It is 2 . Cusp 7 is small. Form. Figure 5 shows the LP I root variation plaque . in the lingual surface. In the second and thi rd
graded in terms of size only in the absence of cusp 6. 3. Cusp 7 is medium sized. Scoring: molar roots, a single deep lingual, or deep lin-
Standard developed by Turner and Richard Warner in 4. Cusp 7 is large. gual and buccal qevelop':'ental grooves can oc-
1977 . Reference plaq ue : ASU LM cusp 5. Scoring: cur.
0. Developmental grooving is absent or, if
Comments. Because of its lingual position and the present, shallow with rounded rather than Y- 2. Two roots: T wo ~eparate roots exist for at least

0. No occurrence of cusp 5. The molar has only 4

nature of upper and lower molar occlusal contact, shaped indentation. one-fourth to one-third of the total root length.
cusp 7 can be commonly identified and graded even I. Developmental groove is present and has a
A strong di stoli ngual racJical is likely an unat-
cusps (cusps 1-4). tached supernu merary tt\[rd root.
in molars with the main cusps worn off (grade 2 shallow V-shaped cross-section.
I. Cusp 5 is present and very small. 3. Three roots: A ihird (si;pernumerary) root is
wear). Cusp 7 is never considered in detem1ining 2. Developmental groove is present and has a
2. Cusp 5 is small.
lower molar cusp number, only cusps 1- 6 are in- moderately deep Y-shaped cross section. present on the ci)stoling~al aspect. It may be
~. Cusp 5 is medium-sized.
volved. 3. Developmental groove is present, V shaped, very small but is. usual/¥, about o~e-third the
4. Cusp 5 is large. size of the normal distar root.
5. Cusp 5 is very large . and deep . Groove extends at least one-third of
C anine Root Number
the total root length. Commen ts. A single-rooted fits! molar can occur as
Lower canine. T he mandibular canine can have 4. Developmental groov ing is deeply invaginated indicated above, appar~ntly b~~ause of the failure of
C omment. There is no way to know if a single distal one or two roots. Standardization by Turner (1967).
cusp is number 5 or 6. If single, assume cusp 5 as 6 No reference plaque. Scoring:
on both the mesial and distal borders. complete separation Qfa doi,ble-rooted condition.
5. Two free roots are present. They are separate The rule to follow for qll molru;; is that, when no light
seems to be a supernu merary cusp . Others (Bigger- for at least one-foutth to one-third of the total can be seen between i)Jcompl~tely separated mesial
staff, 1969) ha ve considered the develo pment of the I. One root. root length. and distal roots, the tooth should be considered single
distal fovea a pan of ihe hypoconulid range of ex- 2. Two roots, free for more than one-quarter to rooted . Even if the root tips ar~ united , light through
pression. We do not currentl y consider the expression one-third of the to tal lingual root length. Comment. Tomes's anomalous root is equivalent to the middle of the rooi' definef a two-rooted molar .
of the distal fo vea in the ASU system.
grades 3 and 4 of this classification. Use of a tlu-ee volt pen light i~: recommended. Occa-
Comment. When a second root is present it is usu- sionally , one will find ~1 lower first or third molar that
C u sp 6 Lower Mola r Root Number
ally small, conical in form , and present on the lingual has the one root form ;··but als(l possesses the super-
Lower molars. Cusp 6 , the entoconulid or tuber- aspect. Lower molars. The lower molars can have one to numerary third distal root. In such cases, the tooth is
culum sextum, occurs in the distal fovea of the lower three roots. The history of studies on lower first mo- scored as having two roots, even though this may be
molars lingual to cusp 5. It is scored by size relative Tomes's Root lar root number are reviewed in Turner (1971). Vari- homologically erroneous. If ce.mentosis is excessive,
to cusp 5. Standard developed by Turner (I 970). Lower first premolar. Tomes (1923) was the first ation standardized by Turner (1967). No reference the individual should be scored as "missing data. "
Reference plaque: ASU LM cusp 6. Scoring: to draw attention to this condition where the mesial plaque. Scoring: The third molar may have so much developmental
26 Turner et al. Scoring Procedures for Dental Traits 27

noise, in the form of hypercementosis, bent roots, 2. Medium: Elevation is 2-5 mm. 2. Cusps worn off. Incisors are graded as 2 if · have localized infection , such as pockets of bone loss
and hypoplasia, that the scoring of root number is 3. Marked: Elevation is >5 mm. most of the crown mass is gone . adj ace~J t to one or a few teeth, or the bone loss can be
diflicult and susceptible to error. 3. Exp6sed pulp. Incisor crowns usually worn generalized. affecting most or all teeth. Procedure
off. defined by Turner ( 1979). Scoring:
T orsomolar Angle Comment. Torus is scored by size, regardless of de- 4.' Root stump is funct ional. All or most of the
gree of bilateral asymmetry. Score the strongest ex-
Lower third molar. This condition occurs when th~ enamel is worn off. None: No identifiable bone loss. Alveolar tooth
pression. As with the palatine torus, use only ad ults
third molar has rotated lingually or buccally relative border is hard and smooth. Root exposure does not
for comparative purposes . The most marked degrees
to a line draw n through the midd le of the t1rst and exceed 1-3 mm dependent on age. Note that supcre·
of expression known occur in Eskimos. These may Other notations used if wear status cannot be
second molars. The torsomolar angle was first rec- ruption can occur with as much as one-third of the
be so large that bony contact almost occurs near the scored:
ognized as common in American Indians, and de- entire root length being exposed without any indica·
fined by Neiberger (1978). Proced ure: tion of alveolar bone loss, necrosis, or pocketing.
A. Antemortem loss: Socket is partly or fu lly
Lay a small transparent protractor on the lower Pockets. One to three teeth may have localized
Rocker Jaw filled in .
third molar and rneasure its rotation relative · to a alveolar bone loss. Pockets vary in size . Remainder
Curvature of the in ferior surface of the horizontal C. Congenital absence: This indicator is never
baseline formed from the middle of the first and sec- of a! veolar bone is smooth. Record affected teeth.
ramus of the mandible. Standard developed by used for subadults, as defined by third molar
ond molars . Without rotation. the angle is 0 degrees . Generalized. slight: Periodontal disease affects
Turner. No reference plague. Scoring: eruption or basisphenoid sutu re closure .. A con-
If rotation is present, record it by degree, tooth, and many teeth with 3-5 mm of exposed root plus pos-
genital absence score Of I should be given for
direction (buccal or li ngual). Torsomolar angle sible alveolar border pitting . Pockets usually occur as
those teeth in which that feature is recorded.
should not be meas ured when a tooth is impacted, or 0. Absent: Lower jaw does not rock back and well.
I. Impacted: Usually third molars or second pre·
if there has been possible posi tional shift (mes ial forth when set on a f lat surface because the Generalized, medium: There is 4-5 mm of root
drift) due to antemortem loss of the l'irst or second projections formed by the chin and distal bor- '. P. Postmortem loss: Socket is open and smooth
exposure, alveolar border is usually ragged, and deep
molar. ders of the ascending rami form a tripod. pockets can occ ur.
and shows no sign of tilling or resorption.
I . Almost rocker: The lower border of the hori- Generalized, marked: More than 50% of the root
OTHER FEATURES U. Une;upted: Tooth is present but unerupted.
zontal ramus is sufficien tly curved to make the is exposed in many teeth . Alveolar border is severely
Missing data. Site not available for scoring.
Palatine Torus jaw unstable when placed on a flat surface. !. eroded. Pocket depth and form easily grade into the
A linear exostosis that can develop along part or all Such a mandible will rock for abo ut I sec . Comments. Intermediate wear grades of I-2, 2-3 , appearance of an abscess . Because bone loss is usu-
of the palatine suture . Standard developed by Turner. 2. Rocker: Horizontal ramus is so convexly and 3-4 can be used where appropriate . Scores of A, ally not uniform, generali zed amount is estimated on
No reference plague. Scori ng: curved that the mandible will rock back and P, U, I, and 0-4 equal presence for congenital ab- an average slate of one or both jaws.
forth on a fl at surface for several seconds. sence considerations. Comment. Deep pockets in an advanced case of pe·
riodontal disease cannot be differentiated from ab-
0. Torus is absent: Palate is smooth. scesses. An abscess is de l'ine~ as any perforation of
I. Trace: Torus is elevated about 1-2 mm. Comment. As with the tori, rocker jaw is an age- Caries
the alveol ar bone that .ex its fr{lm a root socket. Any
2. Medium: Torus is more extensive, elevated 2-5 dependent condition. Only adults should be used for All teeth. A tooth is considered carious if the le- shallow to deep necro tic area without a perforation is
nun. comparative purposes. sion has an irregular border and discolored, easily called a periodontal ~.ocket. :~core periodontal dis·
3. Marked: Torus is elevated more than 5 mm. removed, necrotic dentin at the lesion site . An oc· ease according to bon.c loss, :,:egardless if there has
4. Very marked: Torus may be 10 mm high and Tooth Status clusal pit with a hard polished interior and usually been post infective healing. ·
10-20 mm wide. This degree of development hemispherical shape is not considered carious. Such ......
All teeth . It is useful to make observations of the
is seldom encountered outside of Arctic popu- presence/absence status and degree of attrition of all occl~sal pits are· rare, and, when observed, occur
lations, and even there it is rare. teeth, not onl y for the intrinsic value of the informa- chiefly in Arctic populations. The same sort of oc- Cultur al Tre<1tment
tion , but for cross-checking of data after recording clusal pits have been found in sea otter molars. Pro· Anterior teeth are S~!JTICtim~~ modified or removed
Comment. Torus can be recorded regard less of in· and before analysis. Obviously, data recorded for cedure defined by Koritzer (1977). Procedure: according to various ~ u ltural practices and customs
dividual age, bu t for comparative purposes, one teeth that are missing must be in error. Traits suscep· Caries are scored by location on a tooth with nine (see also Chapter 20. this volw;~e) . Categories to look
should use only ad ul ts si nce the torus is age depen- tible to obliteration by wear have been mentioned , possible sites: Occlusal (Oc), mesial (M), distal (D), for aJe as follows:
dent. and in some cases, the wear grade at or above which buccal (B), lingual (L), and combinations of occlusal
trait observation should not be made is noted . When and the other four surfaces, i.e., mesio-occlusal A. Tooth removal rr ablation : Seldom found in
Mandibular Torus a tooth is present , scoring is as follows: (MO). All carious sites on a tooth are recorded. individuals less than 12 years of age . Ablation
Nodular bony exostoses that can develop on the Comment. If a crown is totally destroyed by caries, can be certain if gaps occur or if there is strong
lingual aspect of the lower jaw in the canine and leaving only a necrotic root stump, the status for such differential wear~ in opppsing upper or lower
0. No wear. This occurs only in unerupted .or
premolar region. Standard developed by N.T. Morris a tooth is scored as 4 (root stump functional), and teeth. To be certain that ~b lation and not trauma
erupti ng teeth.
(1970). No reference plaque. Scoring: caries is scored as occlusal (Oc). is the cause of missing ieeth, a population pat-
0-1. Wear facets can be seen with a 10 x hand lens
on one or more cusp occlusal planes. tern must ex ist.
Abscessing and Periodontal Disease B. Filing: Teeth may be filed to a point, ha·ve their
0. Absent: No elevation can be palpated. I. Dentin is exposed on one or more cusps. Al-
I. Trace: An elevation can be palpated but not most always occurs earlier in incisors t11an in Alveolar bone loss is correlated with soft tissue labial smface filed flat or depressed, or be dec-
easily seen. postincisor teeth. periodontal disease. The di seased individual can orated with inci sed lines. Filed or chipped
28 Turner et al.
..r-r- 0 ~ ~
--"--' ll~r--:
notches at the tooth corners may occur along times deeply so, and sometimes with raised !il-l--'
with other treatment. borders.
C. Staining: In betel-chewing regions of eastern
Asia and the Pacific, crania are frequently en-
3. Severe: More than one-half of the TMJ area is
pitted, eroded , and raised borders may be sub- "'I- t-- .,
. .
" -
countered with red-brown stained teeth. This is stantial. Eburnation may be present. < 0
uninte ntional treatme nt , whereas inte ntionally
=I- r- -~ §
"'1- t- 1-
black-stained teeth are fo und in the same re- Comments. TMJ damage can be observed in an ef- ~

gion . Use of to bacco stains teeth; but it is fort to account for the bilateral asymmetry in tooth
il_ r-
"'~1- r-
black-brown in color.
D. Inlaying: Cup-shaped holes can be drilled into
wear that occurs in many individuals , and as a sec-
ondary source of information on stress ari sing from
;1- t-
1- "."
the enamel of an incisors labial surface fol- tooth-use ac ti vity. TMJ damage is age-dependent.
lowed by the insertion of various decorati ve Therefore, inter-gro up comparisons should be lim- i l- t- 1- "'I ~ 1-
materials li ke gold , pyrite, or tu rq uoise .
E. Cleaning striatiO!IS: Abrasives like pumice
ited to adults. ~I- t-
I]I_ 1-r- ~1" :I
.j -
mixed with charcoal will scratch enamel. Such RECORDING AND t- 1-
t- 0
cleaning or brushing striations can easily be COUNTING PROCEDURE t l- t--
I ~ :~ .I 1- t - 1-
seen on lab ial and buccal surfaces with a I 0 x A typical ASU Dental Anthropology Laborato ry "' - -
. . J
c .,. "" . .... 1- 1- 1-
hand lens. Excess ive brushing can leave
notches on buccal surfaces, usuall y at the
data form is show n in Fig ure 6. All teeth are ob-
served and noted for the vario us features on the data ;I- t-
g 0
"~ u
"'c " """
" "", .,,
"." 1- 1- 1- t-
crown-root j unction. Toorhpick grooves can be : 1- r- a ~ " ·B u "o "w 1- 1- 1- t--

. ..
form. Except fo r the caries rows where empty boxes p,

., J .. g .
found on buccal surfaces , but more often on are used to signi fy that no carious lesions are present , H

distal or mesial root surfaces at or near the " g

., • . ~ ~ . . . ~. . B. • .
it is ou r procedure to leave boxes unfilled where ob-
crown-root junction. servations are not possible, regardless of the indi- ~
" -
~ B
~ .~ 0
cated tooth status. For example , the upper canines ;!' 0
Crown Chipping ,. -~ > ~
~ ~ ~ 0
it ~·
~ t .~
i 1~
0 0
might be present , but no o bservation could be made ,; 0
Exfoliation or pressure chi ps are indicative of var- for the distal accessory ridge (C d.a.r.) because of u g u 0 ~ • i ~ r , u, u,
u ~ ~ ;
ious tooth use activiries (Turner and Cadien, l 969) . wear .
J !il- r - '--'
When less than ten teeth are chipped , each is scored. f....=
If chipping is present on the majori ty of teeth regard-
The data form illustrated in Figure 6 was slightly
' j;l
1- t -

modified after the text of this article was written.
less of number, it is identified as generalized. Minor Only three changes were made: (I ) supernumerary or ~1-1- £!1 i.···- 1-
fl aking of marginal enamel in teeth with grade 2 or 3

t :I-
extra teeth have been added to the observation sched- !;!_

. ~I
'- 1-
wear is not considered as crown chipping. ule ; (2) new variants are formally searched for; and ~ ;_ r-
(3) hypoplasia will be scored in the future when a <
:1 I-
O ther T reatment
A categ01y used for any tooth mod ification that is
standard reference plaque has been completed and
tested for reliability.
.I . .5 ., "

., . . " .
>!1- t- 0
not listed under cultural treatment. An example of
other treatment is a newl y recognized wear pattern
No box is reserved for the extremely rare tri-
cusped upper premolars. When these occur, we in- >-~ ~
~1- 1-
u ·~ -~ " I
that Turner and Machado ( 1983) termed LSAMAT dicate them as present by placing an asterisk in the P
~1- t -
"0 ~
t) I
~1- 1-
(lingual surface att rition of maxill ary anterior teeth) . !
m & d boxes . The single box for lower incisor shov- ~ O>"' 1-
Such treatment or conditions should be scored per
eling is used for scoring onl y the lower central inci- .~~ il- - r- -
sor$ . Congenital absence is redundantly scored ""
(status lines and boxes) in this system. Upper incisor ~~ ul- - - - u
-t- 1-
Temporo-mandibular Joint Damage <C
tl- r-
Z< ~
labial convexity was not being observed at the time
Osteoruthritic damage/destruction can affect the 1- ~- -
of the design of this form .
articular surface of the temporalo-mandibular joints
(TMJ). Categories defin ed by Turner in l 980. Scor-
While observations are made for each trait on both
.'l .-
1- -
the right and left antimeres, when groupi ng observa- l- t-
tions for population comparisons, individuals (not 1- t- 1-
teeth) ru-e counted. Several different methods may be ~
0. No damage: TMJ surface is smooth and unpit-
. s . e .,"
used to ruTive at a single score for a trait for an
I. Slight: One-fourth of the TMJ surface is pitted.
individual. However, we recommend the individual

. . . . .,.
ti .
... . ~
coun.t method of Turner and Scott (1977). This < u
2. Medium: More than one-fourth but less than
~ g M
0 ~
method makes the ass umptions that there is only a E u u

.0 0 0
one-half of lhe TMJ smf ace is pitted, some-
~ ., ~ ~ "
single genotype for any specific trait, and that , when 8
" " "' 1 ~ i f
30 Turner et al. Scoring Procedures for Dental Traits 31
asynunetry is present, the antimere exhibiting the logic and familial analysis of a molar cusp in humans. 39lh annual meetings American Association of Physical · Turner CG ll , Machado LMC (1983): A new den tal wear
greater degree of trait expression is the more accurate Am 1 Phys Anthropol 53 349-358. Anthropologists, Washington, DC. · pauern and ev idence for high ~arbohydrate consumption
indicator of the genotype. Therefore, the score used Hellman M (1928): Racial c haracters in the human denli ~ Turner CG II (1971): Three-rooted mandibular first perma- is a ·Brazilian Archaic skeletal population . Am 1 "Phys
tion. Proc Am Phil Soc 67 157-164. . nent molars and t.he-question of American Indian origins. Anthropol 61 125- 130.
for the individual is the highest grade of expression Hrdlicka A ( 1920): Shovel-shaped teeth. Am J Phys An- Am J Phys Anthropol 34 299-242. Turner CG ll , Scott GR (1977): Dentition of Easter Island-
observed between the two sides. This method maxi- thropol 3 429-465. Turner CG II (1979): Dental anthropological indications of ers. In Dahlberg AA, Graber TM (eds): "Orofacial
mizes the sample size over a method where only one Hrd licka A ( 1924): New data on the teeth of early man and agriculture among the Jomon people of central Japan. X. Growth and Development." The Hague: Mouton, pp
or the other antimere is used. The operational char- certain fossil European apes. Am J Phys Anthropol 7 Peopling of the Pacific. Am J Phys Anthropol 51 619- 229-249.
109-132. 636. Ubelaker DH (1984): "Human Skeletal Remains: Excava-
acteristics of this method are discussed in greater
Jorgensen KD (1955): T he Dryopithecus pattern in recent Turner CG U (1981): Root number determinat ion in max- tion, Ana lysis, Interpretation." Washington DC: TaraX-
detai l in Scott (1 980). Recording of the scores for Danes and Dutchmen. J Dent Res 34 195-208. illary_first premolars for modern human populations. Am acum.
both ·anti meres is important for asymmetry studies. Koritzer RT ( 1977): An anthropologica l approach to the J Phys Anthropol 54 59-62. Weidenreich F (1937): "The Dentition of Sinalllhropus pe-
study of dental pathology. In Dahlberg AA, Graber TM TurnerCG II, Cadien JD (1969): Dental chipping in Aleuts, kinensis: A Comparative O~ontography of the Homi-
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS (eds): "Orqfacial Growth and Development." The Eskimos, and Indians . An1 J Phys Anthropol 31 303- nid s." Palaeontologia Sinica, New Series D, No. I, Pe-
Hague: Mouton, pp 283-299. 310. king.
The ASU methodology was initially aided by a Kraus BS, Furr M (1953): Lower first premolars. J Dent
grant from the Wenner-Gren Fou ndation. Several Res 32 554-564.
students have contributed directly to the . system . Larson MA (1978): "Dental morpho)ogy of the Gran Qui-
vira Indians.·· MA thesis, Arizona State University.
These indi viduals are identified in the descriptions Tempe.
for each trait. We wish to especially thank Roy A. Montagu MFA (1940): The sign ificance of the variability of
Barnes, physical anthropology technician, who for the upper lateral incisor teeth in man. Hum Bioi 12 323-
many years has helped immensely with the develop-
Morris DH (1970): "On deflecting wrinkles and the Dryo-
ment, production, and distribution of the ASU pithecus pattern in human mandibular molars." Am J
plaques. The ASU Department of Anthropology has Phys Anthropol 32 97-104.
also been very supportive of this activity, as has Al- Morris DH (1975): Bushmen maxillary canine polymor-
bert A. Dahlberg . phism. S Afr J Sci 71 333 - 335.
Morris DH, Dahlberg AA, Glasstonc-Hughes S (1978): The
Uta-Aztecan premolar: The anthropology of a dental
REFERENCES trait. In Butler PM, Joysey KA (eds) : "Development,
A lexandersen V (1970): Tandmorfologisk variation has Es- Function, and Evolution of the Teeth." London: Aca-
kimoer og andre Mongoloide populationer. Tandlaeg- demic Press, pp 69-79.
bladet 74 587- 602. Morris NT ( 1970): The occurrence of the mandibular toru s
Biggerstaff RH ( 1969): The basal area of posterior tooth at Gran Quivira. MA thesis, Arizona State University,
crown components: The assessment of within tooth vari- Tempe.
_ations of premolars and molars. Am J Phys Anthropol 31 Neiberger EJ ( 1978): Incidence of torsi version in mand i b~
163-1,70. ular third molars. J Dent Res 57 209-212.
Bolk L (1916): Problems of human dentition. Am J Anal 19 Nichol CR, Turner CG II ( 1986): Intra- and interobserver
91-148. concordance in observing dental morphology. Am J Phys
Dahlberg AA (1951): The dentition of the American Indian. Anlhropol 69 299-315.
In Laughlin WS (ed): "The Physical Anthropology of the Nichol CR, Turner CG Jl, Dahlberg AA (I 984): Variation
American Indian." New York: Viking Fund, pp 138- in the convexity of the human maxillary incisor labial
176. surface. Am J Phys Anthropol 63 361-370.
Dahlberg AA (1956): Materials for the establishment of Pedersen PO (1949): "The East Greenland Eskimo Denti-
standards for class ification of tooth characteristics, at- tion." Med om Gr¢nland 142 1-256.
tributes, and techniques in morphological studi es of the Scott GR (1973): "Dental morphology: A genetic study of
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University of Chicago. west Indians." PhD dissertation , Arizona State Univer-
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incisors. Orth J Jpn 17 157-159. Scott GR (1977): Classilication, sex dimorphism, associa-
Gregory WK (I 916): Studies on the evolu tion of the Pri- tion , and population variation of the canine distal acces-
mates. Part I. Cope-Osborn ''theory of trituberculy'' and sory ridge. Hum Bioi 49 453-469.
the ancestral molar pauerns of the Primates. Part 11. Phy- Scott GR (1980): Population variation of Carabelli's trait.
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reference to the origin of man. Bull Am Mus Nat Hist 35 Scott GR, TurnerCG ll (1988): Dental anthropology. Annu
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Harris EF ( 1977): "Anthropologic and genetic aspects of Turner CG ll ( 1967): "The dentition of Arctic peoples."
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sia." PhD dissertation, Arizona State University, Tempe. Turner CG 11 ( 1970): New classifications of non~metrical
Harris EF, Bailit HL ( 1980): The metaconule: A morpho~ dental variation: Cusps 6 and 7. Paper presented at the

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