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MATA KULIAH : Metodologi Penelitian

TUGAS : Menjelaskan subjek penelitian pada NEJM dan APEM, karakteristik, teknik
sampling & teknik rekruitmennya
DOSEN PENGAMPU : Prof. Rovina Ruslami,dr.,SpPD.,PhD
NAMA : Andi Makhury M.
NPM : 1309 2021 0012


Dari ke-3 paper pada Tugas Pre Kuliah 1, jelaskanlah mengenai subjek penelitian pada
paper NEJM dan APEM:
 Karakteristiknya
 Teknik samplingnya
 Teknik rekruitmentnya

Nama Yang Mengasess : Yusnani Tanjung

NPM : 131020210060
Jurusan : Magister Kebidanan

Thyroid function in girls with central

precocious puberty
Subjects were girls who had visited the
Pediatric Endocrinology Clinic at Korea
University Ansan Hospital between
March 2013 and February 2017 for
precocious puberty evaluation. Subjects
showed signs of the pubertal
development such as breast
development, pubic hair or relatively tall Karakteristik responden sebaiknya
height comparing to peers. A total of di jelaskan kriteria inklusi dan
1,247 girls aged between 6.0 and 8.9 kriteria eksklusi sampel, agar
years who had undergone a GnRH sampel yang akan diteliti egibilitas.
stimulation test to determine the onset of
puberty were included in this study. All
the subjects showed Tanner breast
scores ≥ II before the age of 8 years old.
All subjects showed neither clinical
hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism nor
CPP caused by organic reasons.
Dalam penelitian ini populasi nya
adalah anak perempuan yang
SAMPLING berkunjung ke klinik pediatric
Stratified Random Sampling
TECHNIQUE endokrin Ansan Universitas pada bulan
maret 2013 - februari 2017 dengan
keluhan CPP yang berjumlah 1247
anak, dimana semua kasus menjadi
subjek penelitian, hal ini berarti tehnik
sampling nya adalah total sampling.

Four Months of Rifampin or Nine

NAMA JURNAL Months of Isoniazid for Latent
Tuberculosis in Adults
Adults (18 years of age or older) were
enrolled if they had a documented
positive tuberculin skin test or
interferon-γ–release assay, if they met
the criteria for an increased risk of
reactivation to active tuberculosis (see
the Supplementary Appendix),6,8 and if
their provider recommended treatment
with isoniazid. Before randomization,
adults underwent medical evaluation,
including radiography of the chest, to rule
out active tuberculosis. Testing for the
Sudah ditentukan kriteria subjek
CHARACTERISTICS human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
was offered to participants who had risk
factors for HIV infection. The exclusion
criteria were exposure to a patient with
active tuberculosis whose isolates were
resistant to either trial drug, current or
planned pregnancy, the use of
medications with potentially serious
interactions with either trial drug, history
of allergy to either trial drug, or current
active tuberculosis. All the eligible
patents provided written informed
Stratified Random Sampling
Randomization was generated centrally,
by computer, in blocks of varying length
SAMPLING (2 to 8) and stratified according to center
TECHNIQUE with an assignment ratio of 1:1. All the
contacts within the same household were
assigned to the same trial group if they
were all identified within the same week.
RECRUITMENT Data sekunder Semua pasien potensial sebagai partisipan
TECHNIQUE dari 9 negara yaitu Australia, Benin,
Brazil, Kanada, Ghana, Guinea,
Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, dan Korea
Selatan direkrut mulai bulan Oktober
2009 sampai dengan Desember 2014.
Dari 16.907 partisipan potensial dan
melewati proses penapisan didapatkan
6.063 partisipan yang memenuhi
persyaratan dan menyetujui informed
consent tertulis, kemudian mengikuti
proses randomisasi menjadi 2 kelompok
uji. Sebanyak 3.016 partisipan
mendapatkan isoniazid 9 bulan dan 3.047
partisipan mendapatkan rifampisin 4
bulan. Setelah dilakukan penapisan
kembali total didapatkan 6.012 partisipan
yang ikut serta dalam the modified
intention-to-treat analysis. Sebanyak
5.744 partisipan (95.5%) menyelesaikan
follow-up selama 28 bulan setelah
pengobatan. Pada penelitian ini juga
diikutsertakan 847 partisipan dari
penelitian fase 2 sebelumnya untuk
menilai pemantauan terjadinya
tuberkulosis aktif setelah pengobatan.

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