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OOPs is a programing concept That comes under the Principle of

polymorphism Allows to perform Single action in a Different Ways
for EG : A person with single time with Different charateristics
Like A Employee,A Husband,A Father

i.e... method overloading(Compile time polymorphism), Method

overiding(run TIme polymorphism).
In Encapsulation:
Encapsulation is process of Wrapping or Grouping of data into a
sincle container
FOR EG: WR can take Laptop That Contains M0niter Keyboard
Processor that are combined
Abstraction :
Abstration is define das the Hiding internal details ANd showing
NEcessary Details
FOR EG: we can Take ATM Because when WE go atm to debit money to shows
only a outer Process but there ARe many internal process
Inheritance is defined AS the Acquire the property of one class to
another class
FOR Eg:Child Inheritance to his parents
types of inheritance :
*single inheritance
*Multiple Inheritance
*MultiLvel Inheritance '
*Hierarchical Inheritance. ...
*Hybrid Inheritance.

Class : class is a blueprint of a object,it is a user defined data type ,it stores
a own data members and memory function,and it can br accesed
by creating a instance of class
object :
object is a instance of class .All data members and memory Function are
accessed with the help of Object

Interface : It is a blueprint of Class It contains Static constants and abstract


Variable: it is a place holds some value and occupies memory.

Methods: A self contained block of statements to perform the specific tasks.

method overloading: in java there are two or more methods having same name if they
differ in parameters.these methods are called overload

Method Overriding : in java method over riding occurs when a sub class have same
method to parent class

Final : final is a keyword and access modifier which is used to apply restriction
on a class

Finally : fially is a code block ofg a java exception handling execute the
exception occurs or not
Finalize : finalize is a method which cleans up the Garbage collector

Normalisation : it is process of eliminate Data redundancy and enhance data


static Method : A static method in Java is a method that is part of a class rather
than an instance of that class.

SQl is structured Query language SQL is a language to operate databases; it

includes database creation, deletion,
fetching rows, modifying rows, etc.
sql keys: An SQL key is either a single column (or attribute) or a group of columns
that can uniquely
identify rows (or tuples) in a table

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