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As what I've read from the of The Life of Jesus by Ellen G. White.

I learned that Jesus is the Son of God

but was born to a woman on earth. This faithful woman’s name was Mary. Jesus Christ is the greatest
being to be born on this earth our perfect example. He is Lord of lords, the Creator, our Savior, and He
came to earth so that we could live with God again. Jesus’s miracles convinced many that He was a
prophet, but He was much more than that. Jesus taught that all people “might have life, and that they
might have it more abundantly. It is by faith in Jesus and obedience to His teachings that we may live
with God again.

Jesus felt the pain, guilt, and suffering we experience as a consequence of wrong choices. More
importantly, He accepted responsibility and paid the price for our wrongdoings on earth if we in turn
sincerely repent and accept His commandments and divine role as Redeemer. When we do so, we are
released from our sins. We can be spiritually clean and worthy to enter the presence of God. Jesus made
it possible for us to overcome sin and death and live with God again. Jesus became a master teacher,
healer, and minister. But He was so much more than that. As the Son of God, only He could pay the price
of sin and overcome death. He died, but He rose from the tomb on the third day.

we must honor Jesus Christ by serving others, loving God, and keeping His commandments. We invite all
to celebrate His life and to share His miraculous story. I live my faith by reading the life of Jesus Christ in
the New Testament because his life means a lot to me and I always learn something new from the
parables he talks about. Seeing the many miracles and blessings the Lord has brought to pass, I have
come to know the truth of the Gospel for myself.

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