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ANIMAL TISSUE ‘The Living organians are either unicellular (eg. ~ Bacteria, Diatane, Yeasts, Potozoars] ormulticellular (eg. Mon, Lion , tog]. Rach unicel Tolar organism is able to perfomall their vital activities Like digestion, respization, excration, reproduction ‘hemulticellular organist, on the other hand, is carposed of a milLiens of different: types of cals. All the cel1s of amilticellular organism do not perfom all functions of the body, rather they udorg differentiation and ‘each type of cell becames specialized for a Limited nmber of specific functions. for evamples, in human being: Muscle cells cluster together to perfor contraction and relavation to cause moverents. Nerve cells or neurons coordinate to carry messages, = Elood flows to transport oxygen, food, hommones and waste materials. each call to efficiently grxpof cells called tissues, Thus, the utility of tissuss inmlticellular ompniars is toperfom specific finctions of the boxy, Meyer introduced the tem "Wistology' (Stuy of tissue is called histology Marcello Malpight is the "Founder of Histology’. ‘The tem ‘epithelium’ was introduced by Rayech. Epithelial Miscubir Tissue Tonnective Tissue Nervous Tissue Squamous Cubpidal Coltmnar —Cilitted Glandular Striated Non striated Cardiac sober tender Ahora ols or ‘Conneaine connective connective connective Loose Tissue tise tissue teu connective (Vascular Tissue) tissue Tendon Ligament Cartage Bone Blood Lymph Hyaline Fibrous Cakified | _______zs=————_____ ip) Scanned with CamScanner jon and function, the animal tissue are Classified into four types ~ Function T |Bpithelial issue JEctoderm, Endoderm, Protection, Secretion, Mesoderm Absorption etc 2 [Connective tissue |Mesoderm Support, binding, storage protection, ciculation 3 [Muscular tissue [Mesoderm Locomotion and movement 7 [Nervous tissue | Ectoderm (Control, coordination and conduction of impulse EPITHELIAL TISSUE Word epithelium is conposed cf two words Bpi-upon, Thelio-grows. (Means ~ A tissue wh: another tissue is called epithelium) Nature: Teds thes! ‘issue, It is the protective tissue of aninal's bo, Te covers most organs and cavities within the body. grows upen sma barrier to keep different body systens separate. BpitheLiun cells are closely packed, so there is very Little inter-cellular spaces are present between the cells, Due to absence or less of intercellular spaces blood vessels, lymph vessels and capallaries are unable topieroe this tissue, so blood circulation is absent in epithelium, Hence cells depend for their mtrients w oon the underlying connective tissue, Te alsays rest upon tnderlying comective tissu. At the junction of the (pithelial tissue and comective tissue) layer is present which is called of basarent merbrane, which is fomed of moopelysaccharides and ‘The skin & Lining of buccal cavity, blood vessels, alveoli. (of lunge) and kichey tubules aremde of epithelial the tissue which evolved first in animal kings and appears cpidelial tise. Hest during enbrycl cevelopere: POINTS FOR COMPETITIVE EXAMES Epithelial tissue may be given different names in the different organs of body. 1. Brdbtheliam :~ Te Lines cavity of heart, blood vessels and loph vessels. 2 Mesothelium :~ It is peritoneum which forms outer most covering of body organs in ccelanic cavity. (Gedy cavity is called as eoalam. Paritonam is the covering of all visceral organs.) 3 Pasicardiom + 4. Plaua :- this is anering over the hinge, 5. Gaminal epithelium 6 Pigaented epithelisn Glandular qpitheLium :~ It foms glands. 8 Sensory epithelium :~ 1 conurs in sense oxgans. Tt foms cuter covering of the heart ‘This cours in the gonads-testis and ovary. contains pignents. General functions of epithelial tissue 4. Protaction :- Hpithelia protect the underlying cells fromnechanical and chanical injuries exdhacterial or viral Snfaction, ets as Barciers :~ It acts as selective barriers, ‘Mbeception :~ Helps in abeception of water and nutrients. 4. Elimination :~ Helps in elimination of waste products. ss —___ | B Scanned with CamScanner lc Sacration :~ Sone epithelial tissues secrete secretion, such as sweat, saliva, ms, enzyres, etc Respiration :- Epithelia of alveoli of langs exchange coygen and carbon dioxide betymen blood and inbaled air. Bedeleton :- It prodies ensleletm strictures, mith as sales, feathers, hair, nails, claws, hors and hoofs. Regeneration :~ This tissue facilitates rapid healing of wounds by it pa regeneration power. ‘Types of epithelial tissues :~ (Depending urcn the shape & functicn of the cells) @ — Squanous epithelium :— ‘Squamous epithelium is mate up of thin, flat, dis-Lite, polygmal or irregular ‘shaped cells with round ard flat rucleus. Aljacent cells fit together te fom a compact structure which gives an inpression Like tiles on a pavement or fax, ‘The pasta menbrane is wavy in these cells when they form Lining of blood vessels, Tyoph vessels and in coelonic epithelium hence, such epithaliun is called tessellated epithelia, Simple squanous epithelium is given different nanes cn the basis of different position in the body. When it fom Lining the cavity cf heart, blood vessels and lymph vessels, it is called encbthelium, Coelanic cavity is Lined with coelomic epithelium or mesothelitm, when it form covering around visceral organs it is called (peritoneum and while Lining ene marrow it is called endostein, ‘The squarous epithelium is cf two kinds Simple squamous epithelium : It is made up of single layer of cavities [rese, pericardism, alvecli etc. ard of blood vessels. Stratified squamous epithelium : Conposed of more than one layer cf squamous cells. Tt is present where thick covers ave required, e.g., surface of the skin andoral cavity, oascphags, etc. this epithelium is water proof and highly resistant tomechanical Function := flat cells, It foms the delicate Lining of (4) Te protects the intemal organs of body frommechanical injury, desicnaticn, entry of geme, cheicals & aeying. (ii) 1 foms a selectively pemesble surface through shich filtration occurs. (iii) Theertain organs, it alsp facilitates diffusion of gases. 8 Cubsidal Bpitheliun Cuboidal epithelium is composed of aibe-Like cells of almost equal height seems to be hevagonal. Place of commence : oid pitheliin is presant inidchey tiles, saltvery glands, swent gland, pancreatic ic, tynid folios, co 1 is also present in the geminal epithelitm of testes and ovaries. Bunction Caner 1 Tehelis inbsorption, exretion & secretion pion cols 4 Tealsoprovises mechanical suport. Cotumar epithaliim : Cclumar epithelsun consists of tall or pillar 1ke cel. he basal part of the cell hich rests on the basanentnenbane bears oval nucleus. The free end of the cell has large nunber of minute finger-like protections c=Ned microvilli cr brush bordae. icrovit ht increase the absorptive surface, Yost cf the cclinnar epithelia ace sisple, sLie., one cell thick but stratified columar epitheLiunwith Basement membrane nore than one layer of cells also exist a nn 3: kd Scanned with CamScanner CBSE : CLASS. tissue specialized for secreticn is called glandular tissue. Glan are derived fram folding of glarcislar epithelium, Cells of glardilar tise have nucleus and cytoplasn containing zymogen granules, These cells secrete miss, homens, enzynes or saliva. Cells of glandular epithelium are ciboidal or cclumar in shape. Place of ecourrence : The columnar epithelitm lines the inner surface of stomach, intestine and gall bladder. 1t also occurs in salivary glands, sweat Glan, ovidrt, etc umetion := ‘Absorption - Absorption of digested food (Stomach, Intestine) Secretion - Mucus by goblet cells or mucus menbrane @— Ciinbad epitheliom : I: is mate up of tall cells with cytoplasmic hair Like cilia at free ends. the cells my be cuboidal or colimnar, and hence, also calla ciliated cuboidal epithelium or ciliated columar epithelium Place of occurrence : [Gta = Nucieus Basal granuos ‘The ciliated cuboidal epitheliun is found in spem ducts (vas deferens) . {ated colummar epithelium foms the Lining cf trachea (wind pipe), fallopian tube (oviducts), Langs (bronchi), nasal passage, Kichey tubules, etc. Basomont momor Functions : 1 The rhytimic, concerted beating of the cilia moves solid particles feg. mus, ova] in ene direction through dicts. § Tt causes movenent of ovum and 2ygote towards uterus. Te helps in removing unwanted particles fran trachea. REVIEW QUESTIONS Nane the four main type of animal tissues. voere do you find epithelial tissues in the animal body ? here is squancus epithelium found 7 Wat is gcblet cell ? Wat are functions of epithelial tissues ? Wat is the function of ciliated epithelium ? What is a tissue ? Wat is the utility of tissues in multicellular organisms ? What are the functions of areolar tissue ? What will happen @ The skinqpitheliun is not stratified Stratified squmous epitheliun Lines the blond vessels. ‘hat is the epithelium tissue ? leite down the characteristic features of epithelial tisaw, ‘Poeudostratified Epithelium ‘Some tines columar epithelium bas cells of different sizes. Besides column Like tall cells, same cells are smal] called basal cells which do mot reach upto the margin. Due to different size of cells mclei appear to be present inmere than one layers. Although it is single layer of cells but it appears to he multilayered and is called poeutstratified epithelium. Tt ocurs in the Lining of trachaa, bronchi, ves deferens, urethra, quidickmis and pharym. Oo Scanned with CamScanner Structure Tocation Function Simpl Seer Sige bye of acned & va | Firton pobpoatec erge | AMC thd ese | str ag imple cuboidal Testes, Ovary capedcts conan [PAE HHHEH ae Sn al Sime calomaay Nowsinea Sng wyerotpitr | “smtandtrge”| | Secrcionand Gopedaty | incamecdgeave | stompton letands and gall bladder ed) Simple Columnar (C Movement of gametes, and ‘mucus by Single layer of ciliated | Oviduct, Vas deferens, rectangular Pillar shaped | few portions of upper cells respiratory tract ciliary action ‘Connective tissue Connective tissue originates from etbrycnic mesoderm. Bertwig (1883) gave the tex mesenchyme foi ved fron mesodem which £ill1s space between ectoderm and encodem. Hence, connectiv ‘issue 1s also senetines considered mesenchyme. adult tissues de: ‘The connective tissue is specialised to connect and anchore various bedy organs. As such it can connect benes to each other, muscles to bones, bind tissues and give support to varicus parts of body by forming packing arcund organs so that they donct get displaced by body movements. ‘The main functions of comective tissue are binding, supporting & packing together different organs of ‘the body. (The cells of connective tissue are living, separated fram each cther (i.e. loosely spaced] and are very Jess in mnber, Homogeneous, gel-Like intercellular substance called medium or matrix. fluid or danse [as blcod] and solid [as in bone and cartilave! or fibrous in nature and binds cther tissues. The nature of the matrix decides the Funct: dis matrix may be Jelly-like, jon of tissue, COMPONENTS OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE ‘There are three components present in all the comective tissues : 0 Itercellularmdiim = § = Comective tiss calls. a 1, connective tissue contains the following types of cells a ym ground substance and fibres [eg. collagen] » in their vaewles. ° involved in the destruction and rencval of invading bacteria, foreign bedies & danaged cells Erm times, | __ __ez=sV?*™=——————————_____ Fh) Scanned with CamScanner CBSE : CLASS. Mast oes : They secrete substances such as heparin [anticoagulant], histamin [Vasodilator - dilation of blond vessels] serotonin [Vaso-censtrictor-censtricticn of blead vessels) ‘They proncte inflammation of the infected area. @ Tmmmocytas : These include cells such as lymphocytes and plasma cals both producing antibodies for the immune response. 2. Protein fibmes of matrix : Matrix of connective tissue is secreted by the component cells. Tt chemically contains GAG's [Glycosaminoglycons or Mucopolysaccharides] White fibres of collagen Yellow fibres of elastin @_Feticilar fibres of reticulin General Functions of connective tissue : (4) Storage - certain comective tissu Like adipose tissue store fats. (ii) Supports ~ Skeletal comective tissue Like bones and cartilage provice the body with a supporting skeletal framework {i8i) Transport ~ Fluid comective tissues such as blood and lymph transport various material in the bee. (iv) Defence and scavenging ~ F! ingest foreign matter and hamful bacteria. Lasma cells synthesize antibodies, macrcphages, Iyaphecytes, which (v) Shock absorber - The jelly Like ground substances cf connective tissue acts as shock absorber azound some organs Like eyeballs and kichey (vi) Formation of blood corpuscles ~ The lene marrow produces blood cells (vii) Packing material : Areolar tissue act (wild) Repaiz ~ Collagen fibre of comective tissue help in repairing of injured tissues. packing material in various organs. TYPES OF CONNECTIVE TISSUE areolar [loose] comeccive tissue. Dense regular comective tissue. Adipose tissue Seletal tisoe Fluid camective tissu. @ — Areolar [loose] connective tissue : Nature tissues. Tt has large awint of matrix, Tes mat 4s a loose and cellular comective tissue. Tt is the mst abundant of all types of connective ix consists of two kinds of fibres — 4 White collagen fibres 4 Yollovelastic fibres or elastin, Cnourrence := It is simplest ¢nost widely distrifuted camective tissue. Tt joins skin tomuscles, fills spaces inside organs and is found around muscles, bone marrow, blocd vessels & nerves. Zo oe Mitte 1s » Scanned with CamScanner OGY Tt acts as a supporting & packing tissue between organs lying in the body ca Te belps in repair of tissues after an injury Te also helps in ombating foreign toxins. 1 fisms skin to weerlyingmscles. epee Te provides rapid diffusion of oxygen and nutrients fram blood vessels, Dense regular connective tissue : ie isa fibrous comective tissue which is characterized by systematically and densely packed fibres and cel Dense regular comective tissue is the principal component of tendons & Liganents, 1 Tendons: These are cord Like, strong, inelastic, structures that join skeletal msclas to bones. Tehas great strength but its flexibility is Limited. It ismade up by collagen fibres. Shoulder Shoulder bone bone Tendon (joining Lgement bone muse) ening bone to ne Muscle Ligaments < Yrendon Tendons and ligaments. 4 Ligamanta: They are elastic structures which connect hones to hones. It is highly elastic and has great srength but contains very Little matrix, Tt ismade wp of both collagen and elastin fibres, “Ligaments strengthen the joints of body and they pemit normal movenent: but prevent over flexing or over= extension. Shrain is caused by excessive pulling [stretching] of Ligerents. Characters ‘endons Tiganents| a | ature Tough andi nem-elastic Strong and elastic a | seuctue Made up of white collagen Made up of yellow fibrous tissue and feos tise. shite collagen fibrous tissue fa | arzangenent cesent in rows between fibres | Scattered in matrix in between the cf Sitacblats daruiles of shite fibres. @ | pectin Join muscle to bone Join bone to bone @ Adipose tissue : It consists of large number of oval and round aiirose cells (Aclipocytes] filled with fat iaules Adipose calls may cantain single Lange fat droplet [White adipcse tissue] or several tiny droplets (Brow adipose tissue] Hesices adipocytes, adipase tissue also contains fibroblasts, macrophages, collagen and elastic fibres. a Em 3: Scanned with CamScanner CBSE : CLASS-IX sue Adipose 1 COMPETITION WINDOW Adipose tissue occurs in different parts of body and fom about 15t of cur body weight, Tt fome cushions around kichey and heart are it also cocurs in yellow bone marzow. Tt mainly occurs as stboutanecus fat layer under skin cal led penniculue adiposus. In whale ard elephant blather is a thick adipose layer. tmp of camel, thick tail of marine sheep and fat bodies of frog represent alipose tissue, It is very inportant component skin jn menmals Living in polar regions. Adipose tissue is fat depot in the body. Tt stores fat and releases it for eneray production, whenever needed in the body. Stored fat is generally of two types :~ white (or yellow) fat and brow fat. Generally white fat occurs in ‘he body. Adipose tissue acts as food resemveir by storing fat. ‘This tissue is found below the skin, between internal organs and in the yellow bone mar 1 a fi Te acts as an insulator ani requlates body temperature, wo Animals Living in cold climates have a lot of this tissue to protect than fram the cold. @ Skeletal tissue : Sheletal tissue foms the rigid skeleton which sagports the vert body helps in locotion ane provides protection tomany vital organs. It is mesodemal in origin. There are two types of skeletal tissues 1 cri 4 Bone, cartilage : Cartilage is a special type of ccmective tissue which foms the soft endssheleton cf the body of extensive ground substance or matrix called chondrin, Matrix is composed of proteins and sugars and because of the presence of calcium salts becomes slightly hardened, Tt also contains network of white collagen fibres and yellow elastic fibres. Nerves and blood vessels do nct penetrate into chenirin, ) Jor 4 in fluid filled cavities called lacuna. © Tecartilag calls called chensiocytes are present in grows of Scanned with CamScanner ces ee Tc) @ ‘Types of cartilages :~ cn the basis of ompesition ofmateis, anount and nature of fibres cartilages are of four types + () Malin cartilage 4 thite fires cartilage (cit) Yellovelacicartilag. @ Calcitied cartilage. Cocurrence :~ This tissue occurs in very fev parts of the body. In humans, the cartilage cocurs at the ends of long bones, the pinnae of ears, the ends of nose, in the walls of respiratary ducts, etc. Tn sharks and rays, the entire steleton is cart: cartilage provides support and flesibility to the body parts. Tt emothens bone surfaces at joints. Bone Bone is hardest tissue of the hody. Tt foms enceskeleton to give fim support to the muscles, Like other comective Tt material (matrix) and cells (steocytes) . ‘The matrix is composed of about 308 organic materials (Ossain protain) and about 708 inorganic materials Ofsinly phosphates and carbonates of calcium and mgnesitm). These incrganic salts are responsible fox harchess of the bone, ‘The matrix of bone is arranged in the form of thin concentric rings called lamallae. Inbetween the lamellae, the hone cells (ostecblasts) are present in fluid filed cavities called lacines, witch have fine extensions called canaliculi. In long bones of mamals, the Lavellae are arranged around a haversian canal. The Haversian canal contains blood vessels, nerves and Iyphatic canals. Haversian canals along with concentric rings cf lacunae and osteocytes is called Raversian system, Its function is transportation of mitrients and oxygen metions Bones form hard endos) ‘ton which give shape and support to the body. ‘Bones protect vital organs of the body, such as brain, spinal cord, lungs, etc. Bones provide skeletal support to the body. Bone marrow is the eantre of Blood cell formation in vertebrates. Rone attaches the muscles. LSS SEEeEte Perichendtiue Be revs ES. of Bone 45 kd Scanned with CamScanner Cartilage Bone 1. | Wisasemirigid and flexible | iis strong and non-fleible tissues tissues 2. | Acartilge does not have A long bone has a number af haversian canal systems Haversion canal systems 3. | Blood vessels are absent Blood vessels are present 4. | Matrix not arranged in Matrix arranged in lamellae lamellae 5. | Bone marrow absent Long bones contain bone Cartilage always solid marrow in hollow and narrow cavity 6. | Growth of cartilage is Growth of bone is bidirectional unidirectional 7. | Protein found in matrix is Protein found in matrix is called called chondrin ossein 8. | Cartilage forming cells are Bone forming cells are chondroblasts osteoblasts, 9. | Cartilage cells are Bone cells are osteocytes. chondrocytes 10. | One lacuna may contain one} Only single oesteoeyte occurs to four chondrocytes in one lacuna 11. | Lacunae are without Canaliculae oceur in lacunae to canaliculze accommodate processes of osteocytes, 12. | Capacity to divide occurs in} Osteoeytes do not divide chondrocytes, 13. | Matrix may contain only few | Salts mainly Ca, Mg are heavily inorganic salts deposited 14, | Exythropoiesis (formation of | Exythropoiesis occurs in bone RBC) does not occur marrow =P. ‘The most abundant tissue in aninal body is the connective tissue. ‘The tissue which has minimam intercellular space is epithelial tissue and comective tissue has largest ‘intercellular spaces. epithelial tissue has great regenex Blubber of whale, hump of canel and thick tail of marine sheep mainly contain adipose tissue. 7 on power and it is the first evolved tise, ‘The atnomallity characterised by gradual softening and bending of bones caused by failure of calcification due to | ack of vi tanin Di s cal | ed ostecmalacia (Gr. ‘The most abundant protein of the body is collagen, it acoamts for about 408 of the total proteins. Winking incld age is dh to dininishing rigidity in collagen fibres. Decalcification :- If abore is tept indilute acid Like #01, inorganic salts dissolves in acid ani release 0D, hile crganicor protein part is left behind. Bone now hecmes elastic and soft. This is called decalcification, ssteon = hone, nalakia = softness) In HOH solution mscles and comective tissve dissolve, but bone remains unaffected and it beomes clean Uihen a hone is burt organic part (protein) bums and the remaining ash contains inorganic salts. Dried bone :~ then bone is exposed to high temperature it becomes dry. Al expticd. cavities dry up and are Fluid Connective Tissue Te is a special type of ommective tisne shichmaintains Link anong different parts of the body. Tt receives materials from certain parts of the body and transports then to the other parts Te constitutes the transport system of animals, consists of twe basic components ~ blood and Iymph Oo Scanned with CamScanner Blood is ambile comective tissue alkaline with a pi value of 7.4, Blood measures abcut 55.5 litres in an achilt luman being. Tt is slightly Ie consists of an aqucus (watery) mixcure of substances in solution (alood plasma) in which are suspended diferent types of free Floating cells (bleed corpuscles). Plasna constitutes about 558 of blood volume while corpuscles constitute 458. Blood Plasma Te is a pale strav-coloured fluid matrix or medium consisting of about 908 water and 108 mixture of different types of molecules that enter the blood at various locations. These substances incluse - proteins (soluble teins such as allamins, glcbulins and fibrinogen) , gluocee, amino acies, Lipids, vitamins, urea, uric acts, Proteins Obes 4 Albumin - Maintains osmotic pressure Glucose, Amino acid, Lipids of the blood Viamins Urea, Eymes, Globulin - Acis as antibodies Hormones ete Fibrinogens - Used in blood clotting Blood corpuscles - | __Pai Blood Carpuscles (#50) or Erythrocytes 4 white Blood corpuscles (WEC) or Leucecytes fi Platelets or Throtbocytes | ri jacophil Acidophil _ Neutrophil Banoo Aciopht platoiots | Erythrocytes @ RECS) Lymphocyte Money Leuescytes (WBC) Human blood cells, 1 Inmammals, RBCs are small, circular, biconcave & discs shaped and lack nuclei when mature. 4 There are about five million red blood cells per mi’ of blood. ‘Their sost inportant character is the bhaenoglcbin gives the blood its red colour. fesence of an iron pr in, haemoglobin. The presence of iy They are manufactured in bone marrow. Their Lifespan in huran beings is about 120 days, after which they are destroyed in Liver. ‘The RBCS constitute about 99% of blood coupuscles. Erythrocytes ecour only in vertebrate blood and ed colour of blood is die to erythrocytes, Smallest RECS occur in musk deer (Tragulus) . During maturation, cel] organelles of FAC Like mctaus, mitochondria, Golgi body and centrosome become disappear. He! can accomedate more haemoglebin and can carry more 0,. | _____ez#*¥*¥*z=™=—___L___ surface area of mature BBC Scanned with CamScanner CBSE : CLASS. wEC :- ‘These are routed or ameboid, nucleated, colourless cells. 1 4 WECs are formed in red bone marrow, spleen, thymus and lymph nodes. fi They are capable of amoeboid movement an play an important role in the body's defence mechanism. i The white blood corpuslces belong to two main categories ~ Phagocytes (carry cut the function of body defence by engulfing pathogen) and Immunoeytas (they are responsible for iammnity and carry ‘cut inmne responses by producing antibodies) Phagocytes are further divided into two types :~ Granalocytes (having cytoplasmic gramles) and Agranalocytes (@aving nop-gramlar cyteplasn) Geamilocytes :- On +! 8 Fosinghils (stained with acidic dyes) 1 Rascphils (stained with basic dyes) @ — eutrophils (stained with neutral dyes). Agramalocytes :~ It incluses Nonccytes and Lymphocytes: Functions of blood : basis of staining these are of three types :- Te transports nutrients, howones and vitamins to the tissues and carries excretory products fram the tissues to the excretory organs. ‘The BC's of blood helps in the transport of respiratory gases, cxygen 6 CD,. ‘The Wacs fight with diseases by producing antibodies and engulfing the gems. Blood platelets helps in the cletting of blood, cepe Blood helps in thermoregulation, water balance and maintenance of pH of body. lymph ~ Lyaph is actually £iltered blood which is similar to blood in campositicn except that it is david of REC, platelets and some blood protain. WBC are present in abundance in lymph. Due cf haeeglcbin, Ihaph is colourless, Functions of Lymph 1 Helps in the transport of nutrients, Nutrients that filter out franblood capillaries inte lymph are transuorted back by lymph into blocd through heart. ‘the venous bleed, 4 -Relp in the transportation of fat absorbed from intest ine Keeps the tissues and organs of the body moist ® —rphatic orgens (yeph nodes, spleen) produce lyapho: the imune system of the body. Distinguish between the following Cartilage and bone on the basis of matrix, fos which in tum prodice antibodies to Blood and Iymph on the basis of components - 8 Matrix of cartilage may or may not have calcium salts whereas calcium salts, mainly calcium phosphates, are alluays present in the matrix of bone, Blood consists of plasms, erythrecytes, leucocytes and platelets whereas lymph consists of plasma ard leucytes. Uihat will happen if strats The pemedbi lity of alveoli of Ings will be affected so that it will not be able to perfor the function of absorption ani transportation of substance and selective pemeability of alvecli wall will be affected, ae ied squamous epithelium Lines the alvecli of lungs Scanned with CamScanner OGY POINTS TO BE REMEMBER @ Clotting - Process by which the blood sclidify and prevent haemorrhage. @ Antigen - A fcreign substance or tontin which when introduced in to the bedy of an organism stimulates the production of a specific antibody. @ Antibody - A pasa protein (Gama globulin] produced by an crganism to counteract an antigen in th tissue or blood. Glands ~ A group of cells which produces and secretes special chemicals. Infection ~ Invasion of the body by a pathogen. 6 Matrix ~The basic ground substance in which cells of a tissue are enbected. 0 Menocyte - A granular leucocyte with a large micleus. Tt escapes fram the blcod by amoeboid mavenen ‘ough the capillary wall an in the tissue is transfomed into @ Fibroblast ~ cell's of comective @ Blood flows to all parts of the animal body and thus connects different parts of the body with one another | 00) _tymphocytes = {ther macrophages or histiccyte. bres. ssus respensible for secreticn ‘They secrete antibodies to destroy micrcbes and also help in healing of injuries, REVIEW QUESTIONS Define conective tissue ? Nane the comon type of connective tissue of animal's body 7 liny is blcod called a comective tissue 7 at is the function of areclar tissue ? that is the name of bone cell Write the nane of various types of WEC's Nane the cells which are responsible for fibres infomation. Nene the chenicals which are fomed against antigens MUSCLE TISSUES ) Mrscular tissue is distinguished frm other tissues by its unique ability to contract & relat and therety perfom mechanical work General, structure ‘The structural unit of muscle tissue is the muscle cells hich because of its elongated shape is also called macle fibre, is responsible for movenent of body organs and locenction of bedy. ‘The contractility is due che presence of contractile proteins (Actin & Myosin) in the muscle fibre. ‘The plasma menbrane of muscle cells is called sarcolema and endoplasmic reticulum of muscle cell is called sarcoplasmic reticulum. General functions of muscular tissue ‘Te supports the bones and other exgans of the body Muscles cause peristalsis of gut, heart beat, production of sound, etc. Muscles cause mevenents of body parts and locarotion of the animals. Facial expression also depends cn muscles. Contraction of muscles causes delivery of a baby. Unstriated mscle (Snooth muscle) Characteristics :~ ‘These are called swoth or unstriated mscles because they do not show any stripes of striations across ‘long, narvow spindle shaped with pointed ends and has enlly one rucleus (uninncleate) situated in the centre. These fibres are generally shorter than the striated mscle ass a mmm eveene muscle fibres. Each cell (cr fibre) Scanned with CamScanner is invelunt control yy iue., not under of indivichal's will, These are uncer the control of autormmeus neva sjstem, These miscles help in peristalsis of alinentary canal, urinary tract, blood vessels, etc., and aantraction of other visceral crgans (not heart) © Striated mscle or Skeletal muscle :~ Charctaristics :~ ‘The striated muscles formmore than €08 of the smass of soft tissues in a vertebrate body. They ane attached to the bones by tendons and help in the nowenent of ext smal body parts. Therefore, they nese are also called skeletal muscles, The contraction and relaxation of these muscles are under the control of the animal's will. They are, therefore, also called the voluntary mscles. The mscle fibres show alternate dark and Light stripes (stristioncr bands), hence they are called striated mcs. ne striated muscle consists of long, narrow, flindcical, wrenches fibres (cells) withbiunt ers (cortapering ets). Fach fire is enclosed ina thin but distinct plasma membrane, called sarcolemma. The cell contains many elongated, Flattened clei characteristically located towards Dark Sands the periphery near the sarcolenma. The mul tinscleate condition of the fibre results from call fusion, Plage of cocurrence :~ Stripedim part of oesophagus, etc. cles are found in Linbs, body wall, tongue, pharye, face, neck, initial Functions :- Striped muscles produce rapid and powerful contractions which help in the movement Of Limbs and consequently cause locomsticn. They are alsc helpful in the movenent of cther body parts ‘which are in voluntary control of the individual. © Cardiac muscles : Caniiacmscles ave themuscles of heart. they are involuntary in action, Cardiac muscles possess characteristics of both striped as well as unstriped miscles, mesanbling striped muscles structurally and unstriped ‘muscles functionally ‘their msscle fibres are uninucleate, branched, The branches of adiacent fibres join to form a network. Each muscle fibre contains a cant ally located mclews. Saroxplasm (Cytoplasn of muscle cell is called Sarcoplasn) bears contractile, longituiinal myofibrils which give the cardiacmuscles a str: som sced appearance in of dark cross bands called intercalated disc. Place of occurrence Wall of heart @fyocardiun) . Oo Scanned with CamScanner Characters 1 Striations Present 4G Shape of the cells Cylintcicat fi Branches Not branched 6 Number of nucleus | Many % Position of Nucleus | fericteral @ Intercalated discs Absent (8 Mode of contraction | Ucletary 82 Speed of contraction | stow @ Length of fibres 0.02 mm to 0.5 mm| 0.01 to 30cm Gangest msscles| NERVOUS TISSUE ‘The nervous tisme, contains densely packed cells called nerve cel1s or neurens, is present in the brain, spinal cord and nerves. The neurons are specialised for conduction of nerve impulses. they receive stimli fron Within or outside the body and conduct impulses (signals) which travel from one neuron another neuron. Each neuron has Scllowing 2 parts ~ (Cytn or cell body ~ Contains a central nucleus and cyteplasn with characteristic deeply stained particles called Nissl's granules [i.e. clings of sibcsares] cell Processes Dencirites :- These my be cne tomany, generally short and branched cytoplasmic afferent processes because they receive impulse from receptor or other neuron and bring it to cyton. Quon :~ I is single generally long efferent process which conducts impulse away from cyton te cther neuron. recesses. Dendrites are Longest cel in body is neurcn because axon can be more than one metre long. Axon has uniform thickness but it dhas teminal thin branches called telodendeia, Teminal fend buttons or synaptic knobs occur at the end of telodenia Denton ‘cot boa oxo Scanned with CamScanner COMPETITION WINDOW German neurologist Frane Niss] (1860-1919) first described Niss1 gramiles in nerve cell, these are formed of rough ER and Ribosomes. ‘Synapeas are junction between two adjoining neurons. ise] granules disappear during fatigue ard injury to nerve cell and rexgpear after rest. ‘Types of Neuron :~ Based on number and nature of process arising fran cyton the neurons are of different types Multipolar neuron :~ Tt has many dendrites and one axon. Bipolar neuron :~ A neuron having ene dendron and one axon is called bipolar. They generally occur in sescry Layers like olfactory epithelium. Unipolar neuron :~ It has single process as axon but dencicite is absent. Peaxkounipolar neuron :~ Such neuron has single fibre arising from cyton which bifurcates into one dendzon, ‘and one axon. @ Nempolar or apolar neuron :~ These neurons have meny fibres but they are not distinguished into dentirites and avon. zach fibre can receive inpulse towards cyton or can conduct impulse away fram cyton. Scanned with CamScanner

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