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Fretchel Grace S.

Mesa / BSN 2- A10

Session #12

1. A
Rationale: The factors that affecting labor were in it
associated with passageway is option C

2. C
Rationale: The most common type of pelvis among females and allows
fetus to pass with ease is Anthropoid.

3. A,B
Rationale: Among the following choices option A, B are a diameters
will pose a problem for vaginal delivery.
4. A
Rationale: Obstetric conjugate it is the distance between the
midpoints of the sacral promontory & the midline of the
symphysis pubis which is ascertained by subtracting 1 to
1.5 cm from the diagonal conjugate.
5. B
Rationale: Refers to the route a fetus must travel from the
uterus through the cervix & vagina to the external perineum.
6. C
Rationale: FALSE PELVIS it is at the upper half which
supports the uterus during the late months of pregnancy
& aids in directing the fetus into the true pelvis for birth
7. D
Rationale: Isohial spines are used as a landmark to asses’
fetal station.
8. D
Rationale: These are the function of the pelvis except option D

9. A
(transverse diameter of the outlet)
10. B
Rationale: Cephalopelvic disproportion (CPD)it is the
condition where the fetal head cannot fit into the diameters
of the maternal pelvis; thus, necessitating a C-section

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