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Fretchel Grace S.

Mesa / BSN 2-A10

Session #19

1. B
Rationale: Sensorimotor is a stage of development that an infant learns about
objects by placing them in his/her mouth.

2. A
Rationale: Sigmund Fred is a theorist who postulated that the personality is a
structure with three parts, called the id, ego and superego.

3. C
Rationale: Cephalocaudal trend describes the development in the head to tail

4. B
Rationale: According to erkison, option B is the age for developing.

5. B
Rationale: According to piaget, sensorimotor stage that stimulate the senses of
infants and provide early mental feeding.

6. B
Rationale: The most significant person to infant is the mother.

7. C
Rationale: In order to foster trust in infants option C measure is the most

8. A
Rationale: According to Sigmund freud the stage of infancy corresponds to the
oral stage.

9. B
Rationale: Autonomy is the second stage of Erikson, This stage occurs between
the stages of 18 months to around age 2 or 3 years.

Rationale: Denial is the stage of separation that occurs last

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