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Fretchel Grace S.

Mesa / BSN 2-A10

Session #22

1. D
Rationale: Use visual aids to demonstrate appropriate food selections

2. D
Rationale: His response demonstrates that he has successfully completed the
cognitive thinking process of decentering.
3. B
Rationale: The nurse provide at a health maintenance visit is option B

4. C
Rationale: The most significant person/s to a school-age child is/are the teacher
and classmates.

5. C
Rationale: One of the leading causes of injuries, accidents, and deaths among
school-age children is motor vehicle accidents.

6. C
Rationale: If the school age child has an unsuccessful resolution of the
psychological crisis according to Erikson is the sense of inferiority and difficulty
learning and working.

7. B
Rationale: Sorting games and toys are the best for school age

8. B
Rationale: Option B is not a component of the information session.

9. B
Rationale: Fear of death is highest in the school age child.

10. B
Rationale: Because bones develop more quickly than muscles and ligaments at
this age, children of school age are lean. This typical pattern of development
makes school-aged children more prone to fractures.

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