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Socio-Demographic Profile of Respondents

1. Age
Table 1 present the socio-demographic profile of respondents as to age.

Table 1. Socio-Demographic Profile of Respondents as to Age

Age Frequency Percentage Ranking

21-25 3 9.68 5
26-30 5 16.13 3
31-35 7 22.58 2
36-40 4 12.90 4
41-45 2 6.45 6
46-50 8 25.81 1
51-56 2 6.45 6
Total 31 100.00 -

Ranked first and obtained a frequency of 8 and percentage distribution or

25.81% are 46 to 50 years of age; ranked second and obtained a frequency of 7 and

percentage distribution or 22.58% are 31 to 35 years of age; ranked third and

obtained a frequency of 5 and percentage distribution or16.13% are 26 to 30 years

of age; ranked fourth and obtained a frequency of 4 and percentage distribution or

12.90% are 36 to 40 years of age; ranked fifth and obtained a frequency of 3 and

percentage distribution or 9.68% are 21 to 25 years of age; and both ranked sixth

and obtained a frequency of 2 and percentage distribution or 6.45% are 51 to 56

years of age.

As can be deduced from the above table, the age profile of respondents is

almost evenly distributed with respective age brackets which clearly shows

combination of novice and seasoned intelligence operatives, that is related with the

old adage that, “the young must learn from the old, and the old must learn from the

young.” The age profile is likewise in consonance with the requirements of police
intelligence operations that calls for the employment of few faces, combined

experienced practitioners in the field of collection of intelligence activities.

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