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Journal of Hydrology (2008) 354, 203– 212

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Simulation of runoff in West Africa: Is there

a single data-model combination that produces
the best simulation results?
A. Dezetter a, S. Girard b, J.E. Paturel a,*
, G. Mahé c, S. Ardoin-Bardin c,
E. Servat c

IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement), BP 2528, Bamako, Mali
ADBX, Cemagref Bordeaux, 50 Avenue de Verdun, Gazinet, 33612 Cestas, France
IRD/HydroSciences Montpellier (HSM), Université de Montpellier II, Case MSE, Pl. E. Bataillon, 34095 Montpellier Cedex
05, France

Received 16 April 2007; received in revised form 4 December 2007; accepted 16 March 2008

KEYWORDS Summary Is there a single combination of hydrologic model and data that yields the best
Hydrologic modelling; simulations of runoff from a set of catchments in West Africa in the coming decades?
Hydrometeorological To answer this question, a semi-distributed modelling platform was developed. It com-
dataset; prises two models (GR2M and Water Balance Model) and various datasets as inputs to these
West Africa models (three potential evapotranspiration [PET] grids and four soil water holding capac-
ity [WHC] grids). The platform makes it possible to regionalise runoff flows, which are dis-
cretised in grids of mesh size 0.5 · 0.5. On the basis of these datasets and models, we
compare the performance of the various possible data-model combinations.
The study area contains 49 catchments located in Côte d’Ivoire, Guinea, Mali, Burkina
Faso and Niger.
The analysis shows that the selected models are hardly sensitive at all to the different
PET grids but more sensitive to the soil grids. The GR2M model clearly gives the best
results for the set of catchments, but does not perform well over the entire study area,
whatever the grid dataset used:

• It is thus seen to be difficult to define a single data-model combination that is optimal

for simulating runoff in West Africa.

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (J.E. Paturel).

0022-1694/$ - see front matter ª 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Author's personal copy

204 A. Dezetter et al.

• As to the existence of a ‘‘general’’ model that could be used anywhere, we find that,
for the selected study area, neither of the two models selected fully meets the objec-
ª 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


Studying the impacts of climate variability on hydrologic re-

gimes is of paramount importance for the planning of large-
scale water management, particularly in countries whose
development depends on water management, such as Afri-
can countries and developing countries in general.
To this end, Ouedraogo (2001) developed a semi-distrib-
uted rainfall-runoff modelling platform, with a monthly
time step, to simulate runoff in West and Central Africa.
Among the many models in the literature, two conceptual
models were selected: GR2M (Makhlouf, 1994) and Conway
and Jones (1999) water balance model (WBM). As inputs,
these models use spatially distributed data in the form of
grids of rainfall, potential evapotranspiration (PET) and soil
water holding capacity (WHC). Several gridded datasets Figure 1 Generic diagram of the functioning of GR2M and
available for West Africa were used for this study covering WBM models (R, rainfall; ET P/R: potential/real evapotranspi-
49 catchments located in Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Guinea ration; WHC: soil water holding capacity; Q1/r: delayed/direct
and Côte d’Ivoire. flow).
The aim of this paper is to consider whether there can be
a single modelling protocol (data-model combination) that
is adequate for simulating future runoff in West Africa. Such Dividing the catchment into regular grid cells (0.5 by
a protocol must be applicable and repeatable over the 0.5), we simulate the variations in (a) water storage in
greatest possible number of catchments and over a large the soil, (b) actual evapotranspiration and (c) runoff, on
range of modelling periods, as West Africa has experienced the basis of rainfall, PET and WHC in the grid cell consid-
a climate change since 1970 that has affected the rainfall- ered. The total flow at the catchment outlet is obtained
runoff relationship. by summation of the various grid cell contributions, calcu-
lated separately for each time step. With a monthly time
step, it was not necessary to include a process of transfer
Data and method
between grid cells.
The numerical values of the parameters are obtained
Presentation of the modelling platform
after calibration through optimisation of a quality criterion.
The criterion selected is the Nash criterion (Nash and Stutc-
Two 2-parameter conceptual models with a monthly time
liffe, 1970), which is defined as follows:
step were used for this study: the Water Balance Model " #
P i i 2
(WBM), which is a modified version of the balance model de- i ðQ o  Q c Þ
fined by Thornthwaite (e.g. Conway and Jones, 1999), and NASH ¼ 100 1  P i 2
in % ð1Þ
i ðQ o  Q m Þ
the GR2M ‘‘reservoirs’’ model of the French research insti-
tute CEMAGREF (Paturel et al., 1995). The models are not where Q io andQ ic are respectively observed and calculated
detailed here, but their generic representation is given in runoff,
Fig. 1. Although the equations describing them are differ- Q m is mean observed runoff over the entire observation
ent, the models function in a similar way: period.
One part of monthly rainfall contributes to the direct The closer the Nash criterion is to 100, the better the ad-
flow (parameter a); justed model fits the observational data. It should be noted
The level of a reservoir, which represents the water sup- that this criterion tends to give increased weight to the
ply, changes according to rainfall and PET; gradual empty- large variations that generally occur during high-water peri-
ing of this water supply produces the delayed flow ods (Perrin, 2000).
response (parameter b). The process selected for parameter optimisation is to
These models require rainfall and PET data as inputs, and link two methods that are well known in hydrology, the
produce runoff data as output. They also require an input Rosenbrock method and the Nelder–Mead method (Guilbot,
variable related to the type of soil and vegetation of the 1971; Servat, 1986). These methods take an iterative ap-
catchment which is similar to a representation of soil water proach, starting from a point in the parameter space and
holding capacity (WHC). This value defines the highest level moving in a direction that shows continual improvement in
of storage producing delayed flow. All data, except runoff, the value of the criterion function until there is no longer
are spatially distributed. any perceptible improvement. This procedure makes it
Author's personal copy

Simulation of runoff in West Africa 205

possible to avoid relative minima, a traditional pitfall of the right-bank tributaries of the Niger and the Nakambé at
numerical optimisation methods (Servat, 1993). Wayen. For some of these catchments, it was observed that
annual runoff increased, which may seem paradoxical since
Data annual rainfall declined. We will return to this matter
Data grids
Runoff was simulated for 49 catchments (Fig. 2) located on
the Niger, Volta, Comoé and Bandama rivers. These catch- The simulations were carried out using one rainfall data
ments, whose surface area ranges from 2000 km2 to grid, three PET data grids and four WHC data grids over a
630,000 km2, are located in Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger, Côte period running from 1902 to 1995.
d’Ivoire and Guinea. The monthly rainfall grid is that of the Climatic Research
Above latitude 10N, the climate is Sudanian tropical, Unit (CRU) of the University of East Anglia (New et al., 1999,
with a long dry season from November to April. Below lati- 2000). It was constructed by spline interpolation of rainfall
tude 10N, it becomes a humid tropical climate with more time series (Wahba, 1990) from a set of hydrological sta-
abundant rainfall interrupted by two dry seasons (December tions selected for the quality and duration of their
to April and August to September). From the north-north- observations.
east to the south-south-west, annual rainfall ranges from The three monthly PET grids were generated by the FAO
400 mm to 2000 mm. and the CRU (New et al., 1999, 2000) using various formu-
The hydrological regimes of these catchments vary from lae, all of which are derived from the Penman formula:
a Sahelian regime in the north, characterised by low runoff PET FAO (Penman-Monteith as described by Smith (1992),
and sporadic flooding, to a pure tropical regime in the PET PEN (standard Penman as described by Shuttleworth
south, with a short high-water period followed by flow (1994) and PET TO (Thom and Oliver, 1977). Generally
depletion. In between lies a transitional tropical regime, speaking, for the area studied, we find the following rela-
in which high- and low-water periods are less strongly tionship among the three monthly PET values: PET TO < PET
marked (Ouedraogo, 2001). FAO < PET PEN. The differences from one grid to the next
Table 1 summarises selected climatic and hydrologic are around 10%.
characteristics of these catchments, as well as mean annual Three of the WHC grids were calculated (Girard et al.,
runoff coefficients for recent decades. Since 1970, this re- 2002) from the FAO’s soil map of the world (FAO-UNESCO,
gion of Africa has undergone sharp climatic and hydrologic 1974-1981): they are labelled grids WHC FAOmin, WHC
change, along with an increase in human activities that have FAOmn and WHC FAOmax, according to the water holding
an impact on the rainfall-runoff relationship. These runoff capacity used for the calculation (minimum, mean or maxi-
coefficients range from 0.8% to 40% and, for the great mum of the FAO classes). The fourth was calculated by the
majority of the catchments, decrease markedly (by 30% on CRU, again on the basis of the FAO soil map but taking ac-
average) as from 1970, with the noteworthy exception of count of the vegetation cover using Dunne and Willmott’s
those located in the north-east of our study area, namely (1996) method: this is labelled grid WHC D-W. Generally

Figure 2 Location of the catchments.

Author's personal copy

Table 1 Climatic and hydrologic characteristics of the catchments – in boldface, catchments where runoff coefficient increases between the two periods
Country Station Period River Catchment Area Annual Annual rainfall Normal annual Normal annual Runoff Runoff
(km2) rainfall (mm) 1971–1995 discharge discharge coefficient coefficient
(mm) (m3/s) (m3/s) (%) before (%) after
1950–1970 before 1970 after 1970 1970 1970
Burkina Faso Batie 1971–1995 Poni Volta 5605 1124 998 – 12 – 6.3
Boromo 1955–1995 Mouhoun Volta 54499 896 754 45 24 3 1.8
Dapola 1951–1995 Mouhoun Volta 86566 946 810 126 70 4.8 3
Folonzo 1969–1995 Comoé Comoé 8366 1222 1012 – 18 – 6.3
Koriziena 1972–1995 Gorouol Niger 2887 559 418 2 3 5.5 6.5
Nobere 1965–1995 Nazinon Volta 7850 939 809 – 5 – 2.7
Nwokuy 1955–1995 Mouhoun Volta 15464 1072 909 31 24 6 5.5
Pont d’Ouessa 1969–1995 Mouhoun Volta 66653 922 778 80 27 4.4 1.6
Wayen 1955–1995 Nakambé Volta 20241 742 604 5 12 1.2 3.1
Yendere 1955–1995 Comoé Comoé 6288 1318 1092 42 21 16.4 9.5
Côte d’lvoire Akakomoekrou 1956–1995 Comoé Comoé 58305 1238 1041 231 118 9.9 6
Aniassue 1954–1995 Comoé Comoé 70636 1239 1067 269 124 9.4 5.1
Bada 1962–1995 Bandama Bandama 23809 1378 1126 152 65 14.6 8.4
Bouafle 1954–1995 Maraou Bandama 21267 1454 1207 99 49 9.9 6.3
Fetekro 1960–1995 Nzi Bandama 10175 1291 1052 41 22 9.7 6.2
Iradougou 1962–1995 Kouroukele Niger 1820 1614 1303 24 14 26.2 25.2
Koutoav 1961–1995 Bagoue Niger 4711 1497 1185 49 26 22.4 17
Mbahiakro 1954–1995 Nzi Bandama 15368 1272 1056 62 30 8 5.7
Rte Beoumi 1954–1995 Bandama Bandama 12905 1462 1212 75 36 12.5 8.1
Serebou 1954–1995 Comoé Comoé 50587 1247 1030 215 105 9.9 6.3
Guinée Badera 1967–1993 Kolente Kolente 3198 2308 1957 77 65 34.8 32.5
Bindan 1970–1989 Fatala Fatala 5074 2362 1990 – 143 – 45.2
Faranah 1955–1995 Niger Niger 3171 2030 1890 77 61 39.8 31.7
Kankan 1955–1995 Niger Niger 10047 1958 1729 210 152 33.2 27.4
Kouroussa 1950–1995 Niger Niger 17163 1871 1666 260 167 25.2 18.2
Mandiana 1954–1988 Sankarani Niger 21904 1792 1498 293 217 24 19.4
Ouaran 1954–1986 Tinkisso Niger 19728 1572 1309 212 107 22.4 12.8
Siguiri 1950–1995 Niger Niger 69735 1772 1543 1221 733 30.8 21.2
Tinkisso 1955–1995 Tinkisso Niger 6551 1739 1421 89 53 25.4 17.4
Mali Ansongo 1950–1995 Niger Niger 503610 883 724 1096 654 7.7 5.7
Banankoro 1967–1995 Niger Niger 73285 1750 1522 1284 731 30.9 20.4
A. Dezetter et al.
Bougouni 1956–1979 Baoule Niger 14966 1465 1225 138 77 20.1 12.5
Dioila 1953–1979 Baoule Niger 32431 1314 1093 250 109 15.4 7.7
Dire 1924–1995 Niger Niger 341047 1186 985 1243 645 13.1 8.2
Douna 1922–1995 Bani Niger 101225 1267 1029 696 209 16.8 6.2
Ke Macina 1953–1995 Niger Niger 160848 1419 1205 1476 805 20.6 13.1
Korioume 1963–1995 Niger Niger 345372 1175 975 – 497 – 4.7
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Simulation of runoff in West Africa 207

speaking, we find the following relationship among the four

(%) after

WHC values: WHC D-W < WHC FAOmin < WHC FAOmn < WHC




Runoff time series

(%) before

The data from hydrological stations are taken from the IRD’s



SIEREM (Système d’Information Environnementale sur les


Ressources en eaux et leur Modélisation) database using

data from the IRD, national hydrological departments and
Normal annual

various other work (Ouedraogo, 2001; Girard et al., 2002).

after 1970

Experience shows that several runoff series, daily and/or


monthly, are available for each station. No critique of the



series is offered here; such is not the purpose of this paper.





The approach adopted is to use the source that, to our

knowledge, is most reliable, i.e. the most recently updated
Normal annual

and/or the one subjected to the most critiques, and to fill in

before 1970

its gaps from the other sources. The proportion of missing


observations ranges from 0% to 45% depending on the catch-


ment, but we ensured that we had at least ten complete




years of measurements (though not necessarily consecutive

years over the entire period of the series). The series of
(mm) 1971–1995

measurements are available from 1922 to 1995, but for

Annual rainfall

the great majority of the stations they do not start until

the 1950s. The average number of years available is 42 years
per station.


Method used to compare modelling options


The possible modelling combinations are as follows:




• input grids: PET (3 options) and WHC (4 options);

• type of model (2 options).








To determine which input data and model provide the

best value of the Nash criterion, 1176 calibration sessions
corresponding to the combinations ‘‘2 types of model * 3

types of PET * 4 types of WHC’’ were conducted over the en-



tire set of runoff time series available for the 49 catchments.


Identification of optimal modelling options



Identifying the best data-model combination




The results of the 1176 calibration runs were classified

according to the PET grids, WHC grids and model used. Table

2 shows the median values of the Nash criterion, the percent-

age of negative Nash values and the number of times the PET


or WHC grid or the model gives the best Nash value. Table 3
lists the best data-model combinations for each catchment:
Campement W

Garbe Kourou

• We obtain a median Nash value of 68.7 for GR2M and 37.3

for WBM, and the best-fitting calibrations were most


often obtained using the former.



• The three PET grids yield very similar results in terms of

the median Nash coefficient, but the PET PEN grid is most
often found in the best calibrations.

• The FAO’s three WHC grids yield similar values of the


Nash criterion, all of which are better than those



obtained from the WHC D-W grid: median Nash values

are greater than 50 for the FAO grids and only 41.5 for
Author's personal copy

208 A. Dezetter et al.

Table 2 Nash value features according to all data-model combinations

Model GR2M WBM
Median 68.7 37.3
% negative Nash 0.2 12.8
Occurrence of ‘‘best Nash’’ 48 1
Median 49.7 50.2 49.5
% negative Nash 6.1 6.6 6.4
Occurrence of ‘‘best Nash’’ 8 32 9
Median 41.5 53 51.9 51.5
% negative Nash 7.8 5.4 6.1 6.1
Occurrence of ‘‘best Nash’’ 7 35 0 7

the WHC D-W grid. The WHC FAOmax grid appears in the catchment, and 16 catchments for the ‘‘PET PEN –
best calibrations 35 times out of 49. WHC FAOmax – GR2M’’ combination.
• The differences are thus small, except for the catch-
It can thus be seen that the data-model combination ments of Alcongui, Dolbel and Wayen, all of which are
yielding the best Nash values is ‘‘PET PEN – WHC FAOmax in the north-east part of our study area.
– GR2M’’.
Fig. 4 presents the spatial distribution of the correspond-
Spatial representation of results ing Nash values. The value of the Nash criterion appears to
decrease along the course of the Niger and in the catch-
The results are also presented spatially in order to see ments located in the eastern part of our study area.
whether they display any geographic pattern. Fig. 3a–c
present the spatial distribution of the ‘‘optimal’’ modelling • Where the catchments of the Niger are concerned, this
options (PET, WHC, type of model) (Table 3): decrease can be attributed to their increasingly large sur-
face area; this would require that the model take
• Concerning the PET grids, which yield fairly similar account of transfer between grid cells, which our models
results, their distribution shows no obvious pattern of do not do. Moreover, the Niger has an inland delta (about
spatial organisation. It should be noted, however, that 40,000 km2 of flooded areas) that acts as a huge reservoir
PET TO – the lowest in absolute value – often appears and therefore changes the rainfall-runoff relationship of
to be the ‘‘optimal’’ grid in the north-east area: where catchments downstream.
PET is low, runoff will be greater, and this is what is • For the other catchments, the poor Nash values obtained
observed in this region. may be explained as follows: Mahé et al. (2003) have
• Concerning the WHC grids, the WHC FAOmax grid is best shown that the runoff coefficients of these catchments
in the great majority of cases except in this same north- have increased since 1970. Thus, runoff can increase
east area. despite a decline in rainfall. Owing to their structure,
• Concerning the model, the GR2M model is best in the vast the two models selected cannot reproduce this phenom-
majority of cases except in the north-east part of our enon unless their calibration parameters and/or ‘‘soil’’
study area. variable (WHC) are changed.

Results of calibration sessions for each catchment

Discussion and conclusion
Table 3 presents the optimal grid-model combinations for
each catchment with the corresponding Nash value, as well The study area chosen is interesting in several respects:
as the Nash value obtained with the ‘‘PET PEN – WHC FAOmax West Africa has been and still is experiencing a drought that
– GR2M’’ combination. The Nash values obtained from these is apparently unprecedented within human memory (Servat
two grid-model combinations display only slight differences: et al., 1998; Mahé et al., 2001), characterised among other
things by a sharp decrease in rainfall. What makes this re-
• Median Nash values of 73.2 and 72.9 respectively for the gion attractive from the scientific point of view is that this
‘‘optimal’’ data-model combination specific to each decline in rainfall does not necessarily entail a decline in
catchment and for the ‘‘PET PEN – WHC FAOmax – runoff. Climate change and, more certainly, human activity
GR2M’’ combination. have profoundly changed the surface conditions that deter-
• In both cases, three catchments have a Nash value less mine runoff in the region.
than 40. In this paper, we have endeavoured to optimise a model-
• Fourteen catchments have a Nash value less than 60 for ling protocol to simulate monthly runoff in West Africa. We
the ‘‘optimal’’ grid-model combination specific to the reach the following conclusions.
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Simulation of runoff in West Africa 209

Table 3 Nash value for each catchment using best data-model combinations
Country Station ‘‘Optimal’’ grids: max (Nash) Nash (ETP PEN-WHC FAOmax-GR2M)
PET WHC Modèle Nash
Burkina Faso Batie TO FAOmax GR2M 64.5 64.4
Boromo PEN FAOmin GR2M 78 77.4
Dapola FAO FAOmax GR2M 80.8 80.7
Folonzo PEN FAOmax GR2M 66.8 66.8
Koriziena TO FAOmin GR2M 44 43.4
Nobere PEN FAOmin GR2M 61.6 60.1
Nwokuy TO FAOmax GR2M 57 56.6
Pont d’Ouessa PEN FAOmin GR2M 59.7 58.8
Wayen TO D-W WBM 11.3 0.2
Yendere PEN FAOmax GR2M 73.2 73.2
Côte d’lvoire Akakomoekrou PEN FAOmax GR2M 71.9 71.9
Aniassue PEN FAOmax GR2M 73.3 73.3
Bada PEN FAOmax GR2M 71.5 71.5
Bouafle PEN FAOmax GR2M 72.7 72.7
Fetekro PEN FAOmax GR2M 76.2 76.2
Iradougou PEN FAOmax GR2M 74.1 74.1
Koutoav PEN FAOmax GR2M 72.7 72.7
Mbahiakro PEN FAOmax GR2M 78.5 78.5
Rte Beoumi PEN FAOmax GR2M 72.4 72.4
Serebou PEN FAOmax GR2M 74.8 74.8
Guinée Badera PEN D-W GR2M 76.6 75.7
Baro FAO FAOmax GR2M 87.3 87.2
Bindan FAO D-W GR2M 95 94.3
Faranah TO FAOmax GR2M 79.2 78.8
Kankan PEN FAOmax GR2M 91.2 91.2
Kouroussa FAO FAOmax GR2M 83.8 83.8
Mandiana PEN FAOmax GR2M 89.5 89.5
Ouaran PEN FAOmax GR2M 81.5 81.5
Siguiri PEN FAOmax GR2M 88.3 88.3
Tinkisso PEN FAOmax GR2M 85.7 85.7
Mali Ansongo PEN FAOmax GR2M 43.3 43.3
Banankoro PEN FAOmax GR2M 86.6 86.6
Bougouni PEN FAOmax GR2M 84.4 84.4
Dioila PEN FAOmax GR2M 83.8 83.8
Dire PEN FAOmax GR2M 58.3 58.3
Douna TO FAOmax GR2M 74.4 74.3
Ke Macina PEN FAOmax GR2M 87.6 87.6
Korioume FAO FAOmax GR2M 57 56.7
Mopti FAO FAOmax GR2M 81.4 81.4
Pankourou TO FAOmax GR2M 74.2 72.9
Tossaye PEN FAOmax GR2M 48.8 48.8
Niger Alcongui FAO D-W GR2M 58 50.3
Campement W PEN FAOmin GR2M 44.5 43.9
Diongore TO FAOmin GR2M 51 50.7
Dolbel FAO D-W GR2M 71 49.9
Garbe Kourou PEN D-W GR2M 51.9 48.2
Kakassi TO D-W GR2M 61.6 59.5
Niamey PEN FAOmax GR2M 39.5 39.5
Tamou PEN FAOmin GR2M 39.5 38.7

• Concerning the input grids: the CRU grid (a Nash value higher by approximately
– The three PET formulae give very similar results (the 10%). This finding may seem paradoxical, since the
Nash criterion varies by less than 1%). However, we CRU grid includes vegetation cover and thus would seem
selected PET PEN as the best input. to contain fuller information than the FAO grids.
– The FAO’s water holding capacity grids give nearly – The impact of rainfall grids on values of the Nash crite-
equivalent results and seem to perform better than rion was not tested in this paper, but a previous study
Author's personal copy

210 A. Dezetter et al.

Figure 3 Spatial distribution of the ‘‘optimal’’ modelling options.

along similar lines provides some indication: Girard to use two models, one corresponding to the pre-1970
et al. (2002) show that for five catchments in Burkina period and another to the post-1970 period.
Faso, a mean difference of 10% between two rainfall
grids causes a difference of 20% in the Nash criterion It is thus very difficult to identify a single combination of
in the modelling exercise. These biases are related to modelling options that can model the functioning of our en-
the quantity and quality of the data as well as the tire study area, which should eventually stretch from Sene-
method used to construct the grids. gal to Chad (west to east) and from Mali to Gabon (north to
• Concerning the type of model, the GR2M model The results reported are worth pursuing in greater depth.
clearly performs the best over the greater part of the We used only two models which we are accustomed to
study area. using; many other models exist.
• In addition, we tried to determine an ‘‘optimal’’ calibra- Throughout our research, we have been led to ask more
tion period for these models (this stage was not pre- fundamental questions, often related to the limitations of
sented in the paper). The tests show that for the conceptual hydrologic modelling on a large geographic scale
calibration and validation periods, calibrating the model and over the long term:
with post-1970 data seems to yield better results in the
validation stage for the southern part of our study area. • Our work does not consider any uncertainties arising from
To the north-east, it seems that the changes in the rain- errors in input and output data, from the optimisation
fall-runoff relationship are such that the model cannot method used for the model parameters (although this
account for their consequences. It would be necessary method can be considered reliable, especially since there
Author's personal copy

Simulation of runoff in West Africa 211

performance may vary with the formulation of the

Nash value
selected criteria.
< 40
40 - 60 The avenues considered to improve the modelling chain
are to test other models and to construct maps of the use
60 - 80 of models and input datasets, accompanied by probable
indices of the performance of runoff simulations.
> 80
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