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Level: Master I (Semesters 2)

Option: Language and Applied Linguistics

Lecture One: History of Sociolinguistics

1. Ferguson and Fishman: Sociolinguistics and the Sociology of Language
2. William Labov and the Study of Language Variation and Change
3. Bernstein: Sociolinguistic Theory on Elaborated and Restricted Codes and Social Class
4. Gumperz and Interactional Sociolinguistics
Lecture Two: Major Concepts in Sociolinguistics
1. Sociolinguistics and Sociology of Language
2. Defining Speech Community
3. Language, Dialect, and Varieties
Standard languages
Language V. Dialect
Regional Dialect
Social Dialect
Styles and Registers
The function of styles
Types of Registers
Lecture Three: Language, Culture and Cognition
1. Relationship between Language, Culture and Cognition: A Never-Ending Debate
2. Sapir–Whorf Hypothesis
3. The Strong Version - Linguistic Determinism
4. The Weak Version - Linguistic Relativity
5. Relationship Between Language, Culture, and Society
6. Language and Society: Major possible Relationships
7. Social Structure and Linguistic Behavior/Structure
8. Linguistic Relativity in Language and Society-Linguistic Behavior/Structure and Social Structure
9. The Bidirectional Relationship in Language and Society
Lecture Four Language Variation and Change (Sociolinguistic Factors Affecting
Language Use)
1. Defining Language Variation
2. William Labov and the Study of Language Variation
3. Types of Language Variation
Internal Variation
External Variation
4. Overview of the Social factors Influencing Language Use
5, Gender (Sexist Practices in Language Use)
6. Naming Conventions and Forms of Address
7. Gender Difference in Lexical Choice
8. The Dominance/ Difference Models
9. Dominance Approach
7. Difference Model


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