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version (n) a form of something that is slightly different from an earlier form

2. genre (n) a particular type or style of literature, art, film or music

3. evolutionary (adj) connected with evolution

4. variant (n) a thing that is a slightly different form or type of something else

5. oral (adj) spoken rather than written

6. disguise (n) something that you wear or use to change your appearance so that people do not
recognize you

7. flexibility (n) the ability to change to suit new conditions or situations

8. cautionary (adj) giving advice or a warning

9. trivial (adj) not important or serious; not worth considering

10. gruesome (adj) very unpleasant and filling you with horror

11. perennial (adj) continuing for a very long time

12. plot (n) the series of events that form the story of a novel, play, film, etc.

13. reject (v) to refuse to accept or consider something

14. variation (n) a change, especially in the amount or

14. variation (n) a change, especially in the amount or level of something

15. overemphasise (v) to give too much emphasis or importance to something

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