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KSALAY COMMERCE CLs, USINESS CONMUNICATION CHAPTER : COMMUNICATION ' BREAKDOWN Communication is the process!of passing information and understanding from) one person to another. Anything that obstructs the free flow of communication Is referred to as Barrier to commut .g. : Problem in encoding and decoding, wrong or deféctivcomifiunication channel, noise in the channel etc. ut OE thy BARRIERS ARISING IN COMMUNICATION PROCESS Jn a communication process the barriers arise'as follows: (9 e “Original Message ii ([Guttaral Stats Effect Differences| Board of Directors + 65% Vice President ‘a ¥ ™ eg f ss 36 go oa 25 30% -| General Foreman } Final: = Physical 20% . Perceptual Distractions Worker Distractions Fig : Barriers of Communication-Loss of Information 1. Problems in developing the message. While making or devel ise: problems are faced, paticuary, when the communicator is not pep soe message some ProRiets alee situation where there is emotional confct during the exchange of the message, then then ss ese mest difficult to express is views/ideas. If these problems are not resolved trent ne ne ‘message/information gets changed or distorted, then the real form of 7a7-A/1, Near Banshi Bhawan Tagore Town, Payagra.| Mob, : 9451506508, 9451070078 PaGENO. 17 Scanned with CamScanner BUSINESS COMMUNICATION _ _KISALAY COMMERCE CLAS 2. Difficulty In expressing Ideas: Wien the communicator lacks the capacity of choosing proper words and phrases or when he Is not adequately experienced In the wrlting/conveying messages using. appropriate language, then effective communication ts not possible. Many people are not well-versed with the vocabulary and lack the proper knowledge of grammar; and, therefore, are scared of writing, expressing, message which ‘reates problem In communication process. 3. Problems In transmitting the message. The difficulty In communication also arises due to some semi- physical problem in medium/channel between sender and recelver Is created, ike not having proper connection of the mode/medium of communteation or Weak voice or audition, dificulty In reading the written message ete., then barriers are created In the communication process. 4. Problems In recelving message. When curing the transmission of message, the recelver’s attention is disturbed because of rival messages, wrong medium/channel lot of nolse or because of Il-health of the receiver, etc., then problems may arise In receiving messages. Sometimes, physical problems like short-sight, poor hearing, long distance etc. create barriers In communication process. 5. Problem In Interpreting the message, Such difficulty arises when the communication process Is in the stage of Its completion. If the background of the sendetand recelver differs from each other, thelr vocabulary and their emotional status also different then most of the part of message/information will get lost andor distorted, Itis also possible that its original form may also get changed altogether. ferences between sender anid récelver. One of the main: reas communication Is the differences. betyicen the sender and the receiver. Llke difference in age) caste) sex) culture/ community etc. These differences make the communication more’ difficult. For suitable ond successfal Communication, apart from appreciating one another's'point of view, atmosphere of mutual trust and confidence should be established, 1) asa Kae tk * After discussing the varlous barriers Which) come* up» if’ communication process, we shall discuss the various barriers and their nature as this Creates obstacles) in, the organisation which affect the managerial working and operations. % XY ‘ons of unsuccessful or incomplete BARRIERS TO.COMMUNICATION From the time the sender has an idea to communicate to the reciplent, until the latter receives the message and returns the feedback, communication may be blockedatvany/stage for any number of reasons, These are called ‘communication barriers. The barriers to communication In an organization may be broadly categorized into following ‘groups : Physical Barriers Socia-Psychological or PersGinal Barriers RR | ‘Semantic Barriers © = A COM = Nc ReMRGROEAMBAMesOF COMMERCE PHYSICAL BARRIERS : Thefe afe the environmental factors that also obtrct or reduces thé Sending and receiving of communication, such as physical distance distracting noises and other interferences. Difficulty arises in communicating a message, when the physical distance increases : a) Noise : Noise is first and foremost barrier to effective communication. Noise may be caused by machines, equipment, communication device, disturbances in the time of transmission etc. Noise also encompasses many other factors such as - the sender may use ambiguous or confusing signal, The recelver may misinterpret the message, Thus communication Is tikely to be spollt due to nolse. 2, SOCIO-PSYCHOLOGICAL OR PERSONAL BARRIERS : There are certain socio-psychological factors which restrict the free flow of communication. They are attitude and opinions, status consciousness, ones relation with fellow workers, seniors, juntors etc, family background, These restricts partielpative communication : ) Psychological Distance : Motives, attitudes, judgements, emotions and social values of people form the part of the personal barrlers, 'b) Individual Differences : There are differences in the motives, attitudes and sentiments of the people. So this causes problems in encoding and decoding others sentiments, attitudes and motives. ©) Difference in interest : A problem may be Important for one person but may not carry weight for another, The Ideas, question, attitudes, feelings etc. of other party may present an obstacle to ones own personal goal. 4) Division of People : Communication of ideas and view into classes, castes and communities. ©) Difference of view point : Communication suffers when there are differences in view point of the different people. point also gets affected by the division of people 147-A/1, Near Banshi Bhawan, Tagore Town, Prayagraj. | Mob. : 9457506506, 9451070072 PAGE NO. 18 Scanned with CamScanner KISALAY COMMERCE CLASSe5 BUSINESS COMMUNICATION Ses 4) Lack of planning + Geod conmurication never Fappens but aso be anne, When people take ight and communicate tou amin tus to mlconmuncation er maycommeneh 9) Cultural Barriers : Due to difference in the cultural backgroun Mor pases, mb etc, may mean deren to aferent group ofpeple. isunderstanding may take lace dle to h) Emotions : Self-control is essential in effective communication. Messages are likely to be distorted when it is influenced by emotions of both sender or receiver. ; i) Poor Retention : When people forget the messages reaching them, the need arises to repeat ie message using more than one media of communication for the same message. It should also be noted that. about 80% of the message is lost in each transmission, 4) Poor Listening : Poor listening defeats the very purpose of communication. It leads of poor retention and incomplete message reception, Receivers should be encouraged to be attentive listeners. 3. ORGANIZATIONAL BARRIERS : Organizational barrles arise due to defects in the organization structure and ‘the communication system of an organization > a) Hierarchical Distance : Downward communication promotes hierarchical distance. The chances of information being filtered is: More at this»striicture; because there are several layers. An information received from the top may,not reach at bottom in the same shape. The information gets coloured which brings Hierarchical distance. a 7 b) Diversion : Diversion of information is also one of the cause which brings barrier to communication process. For example sometimes @ manager diverts the information meant for one person or group to another. 4 he & | ©) Colouring : Information are also.coloured by. the manager intentionally with a view to twist the situation in their favour. For example;\an officer may:quote his subordinate wrongly, to spoil his career or his chance of promotion or his image in the eyes’of the boss: 4) Status Barriers : Status's/a barrier of communication jn,a formal organization. Organizational interaction and communication ae influericed by the status andthe expectations. €) Goal conflicts : Goal conflict act &8!éénimunication reducers. Different goal lead to bifurcation of interest. Due to this communication suffer. aaa ) Filtering : Fitering means manipulation of facts by the sender in such a way that the receiver receives it favourably. This happens more often in case of upward communication when the subordinates try to please their boss. The result is communication of incomplete or bias information. 9) Insufficient Period for Adjustment : People take their own adjust. When the purpose of cofnmnilinicationsis to being about changes,-sufficent: time.should be given to the employees to adjust themselves to ensure effective communication.) 4, SEMANTIC BARRIERS : Semantic means the relationships of signs of their refeFence. Semantic bariers arises from theygisadvantages of the: symbolic f ges) of the: symbolic system» Symbols have got number of meaning and one has to choose ‘any one’ f them ‘according to’ the requifemént: dP communication."Hénce, a meaningful distinction should be made between inferences and facts. ) Words with different meaning : Some words convey more than one meaning. When the receiver assigns a different meaning to a word than what the sender intended, there occurs miscommunication. b) Offensive style of communication : Badly expressed messages lose their impact. Offensive style of ‘communication leads to communication breakdovin causing loss of time and money. ©) Wrong assumptions : Communications should not be based on assumption as it may lead to wrong Interpretation, All possible efforts should be made to clarify assumptions. 4) Selective perceptions : Many a time the messages Is decoded by the receiver in a way which may be Selective. In other words most of the recelvers protect thelr own interest and expectations leading to 3 particular type of feedback which becomes a communication problem. 5. MECHANICAL BERRERS ¢ Mechanical brers Includes inadequate arrangement for transmision of news figures. Example- poor office layout and defective procedure and the use fos a re Procedure and the use of wrong media lead to poor 2) Information Overhead : Excess of communication Is called Information overload. Brevity Is the soul of communication, The receiver cannot comprehend and absorb beyond his mental capacity. His mind vill remain closed for the excess part of the communication, Therefore one should be brief and to the point. 'b) Loss by transmission : When messages is transmitted from person to person they are fitered. In other Words they are diluted and distorted on the way. In oral communication about 30% of the information Is lost in each transmission. 147-A/1, Near Banshi Bhawan, Tagore Town, Prayagraj.| Mob, : 9451506506, 9451070072 PAGENO. 19 a Scanned with CamScanner USINESS COMMUNICATION AISALAY COMMERCE CLASSES HOW TO REMOVE BARRIERS TO COMMUNICATION/ GUIDELINES FOR EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION In today, business world communication has become very Important. For_cont oxganaaten Gusnats unt communtaten hes tbe made else a ore sage, Toaaere tis elect k necessary to remove alll the barriers In the process of communication. To Improve communication process and to make it more effective, the following suggestions are given, so that barriers In communication may be removed : 1. Goal Oriented “The communication process begins with an Intended message. Thus, one should be clear on his Intentions or what he hopes to convey, 2. Time ‘Take sufficient time to effectively communicate and learn to be more empathic. 3. Sense of + Develop a sense of belonging when Interacting with others. belonging ‘+ Always acknowledge the other person, Welcome and Include others. 4. Clarity + Communication often breaks down because people make assumptions. + Thus, sender'should clarify, ask qUiéstions and summarize to ensure that receiver gains the’ same understanding, hy 5, Interpretation Content, feelings and intnt are Important component of whatever message is being communicated; and must be considered. 6. Interaction In our daly, life, we should interact with "people whose culture, race, ethnicity and Important. characteristics are different than out o¥in., 7. Precise One should always say what he means and be precise In communicating. 8. Usebody ... | + (Communication should be supported with confident gestures and posture. language + Effective communication, relates to|non-yerbal behavior and tone of voice, 2s well a5 words spoken / & 9. Eliminate noise | Every possible effort must be made to eliminate-the element of nolse that distorts commirnication at the transmission stages iron.” 10. Pronunciation | * One should learn to pronounce words and sentences correctly. «© Thus) whl ‘conveying @ message,,we"should make a concerted effort to do so and remember our mistakes so as to avoid them in future. ‘(One should not be biased towards anyone in the organization. Rather, we should encourage people to share their experiences and listen to everyone. We should always maintain positive dialogue even when there are differences in opinions and beliefs. One should not attach the person and make a hasty judgement. \Bothsendet aid receiver should communicate in a language understandable to both. line ei rnotmake idiscriminatory remarks or display discriminatory adtions. Rather, ie shoUld try to bea positive role model." 82S aay ie Ne Cc ilextalkit ine» the visual" impact;is, missing: So, out aint concentration area 15. Teleohanle ® ©) FNM at ors? Hien wots ton of vo tat boomer he second level of communication. EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION For transmitting effective written or oral messages, certain principles must be followed. These principles advossted by Francis 3. Bergin provide guidelines for choice of content and style of presentation adapted to the purpose the receiver of the message. They are also called ‘Seven Cs" of communication, They 27° © 1 COMPLETENESS : Messages must offer complete and relevant Information In order to Deron effective, Treomplete Information makes it necessary to being anather cycle of communication to Issue darifications.. 2. CONCISENESS : In business communication, you should be brief and be able to say whatevit YON have to say Crowest possible words without sacrificing the other C qualities. A concise message Is ‘complete without being wordy. in sit it hould consist of CLARITY : The message must be put in simple terms to ensure clarity. You lanawaae Simple words and short sentences. Thoughts should be clear and wel organized. Thus, you should know what you want to say and why. CORRECTNESS : The term ‘correctness’ as applied to business messages means right seriney of facts, figures and words. ifthe information is not correctly conveyed, the se Fo convey correct messages, grammatical errors should also be avoided. level of language and der will lose credibility. \GENO. 20 Ta7-A/I, Near Banshi Bhawan, Tagore Town, Prayaaral.| Mab.: 9451506506, 9451 jor0072 PAGENO. Scanned with CamScanner BUSINESS COMMUNICATION KISALAY COMMERCE CLASSe5 5. CONCRETENESS : It means being specific, definite and vivid rather than vague and general. In oral communication, we cannot draw tables, diagrams, so graphs to make out statements vivid, but we can choose precise words to convey the correct message and support it by relevant facts and figures. CONSIDERATION : Consideration means Preparing the message with the receiver in mind. In order to communicate effectively, the sender should think and look from the receiver's angle. He should understand and focus on the needs of the receiver. ‘The socio-psychological background of the receiver must be understood. The golden rule "First Understand then be understood” should be followed. COURTESY : Courtesy stems from a” sincere. you attitude. It is not merely politeness, with mechanical insertions of "please" and "thank you". In business discussions, you should say things with force and assertiveness without being rude. It,is necessary that you respect the other persons by listening to him patinty. f CONCLUSION NAL poe? Communication barers are the factors that obstruct’ the effectiveness of communication. They result in mismatch between understanding ofthe message by the sender arid the receiver: ‘These barriers can occur at any stage of the communication process. Different communication barriers can be checked or overcome by means 6F different strategies : ke as, ‘+ Some need careful listening ‘+ Other need discrete speech + Knowledge barriers need teaching ‘+ Skil barriers need training and Effective Communication Consideration PREVIOUS YEAR questions 1. Discuss some main barriers in business communication, (2011) Long Type Questions : (20 Marks) 1. What do you understand by Business Communication? What are the factors responsible for communication breakdown? Give suggestions for making communication more effective, (2009, 2014, 2016) What do you understand by communication barriers? Discuss how communication can be made more effective? (2010, 13) “There are many dimensions of communication barriers which block effective communication". Discuss the statement and bring out different barriers and the way they affect communication adversely. (2015) “There are many dimensions of communication barriers." Discuss. (2017) 147-A/1, Near Banshi Bhawan, Tagore Town, Prayagraj-| Mob.: 9451506506, 9451070072 PAGENO. 21 Scanned with CamScanner

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