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1)(a)input function-accept input data customer’s order from customer.

Process function-the system checks the stock availability, calculates payment amount based on
the furniture items that customer bought.
Output function-generate a customer order to be sent to warehouse department and a receipt
for customer.
Storage function-store the customer order (furniture items,quantity,delivery address, customer
name and contact number) and payment details (credit card/debit card number).
1)(b)Data input-customer order detail such as item barcode, item name(retrieved from
database as input),customer name, contact number, delivery address.
Information output-receipt that shows customer order and payment detail such as furniture
items that customer bought, payment amount and change.
Data stored-customer order file, furniture item file/product file.

2)(a)input-accept input data order from supplier.

Process-purchase order/calculates stock quantity to make payment.
Output-generate a receipt for warehouse.
Storage-store the order (item, quantity, delivery address) and payment details (credit
card/debit card number)
2)(b)Data input-replenish consigned stock.
Information output-put away in consigned location.
Data stored-costs and generates accounting entries for consumed stock.

3)(a) Security issues – thieves and hackers get access to identities and corporate saboteurs
target sensitive company data. Such data can include vendor information, bank records,
intellectual property and personal data on company management. The hackers distribute the
information over the Internet, sell it to rival companies or use it to damage the company’s
image. Without a strong firewall in place, you are liable to get hacked and all your vendor
information, bank details, and personal information – everything would be at risk.
Lack of job security – implementing the information systems can save a great deal of time
during the completion of tasks and some labor mechanic works. With a robust information
system in place, companies can now streamline their business processes, store all data in the
form of digital files, and even process them instantaneously. Essentially tasks which were
earlier on carried out by human employees are now being executed seamlessly by computers.
3)(b) -ATM reduce the work pressure on bank staff and avoids queues in bank premises.
-ATM provides 24 hours service: ATMs provide service round the clock. The customer can
withdraw cash up to a certain a limit during any time of the day or night.
-ATM gives convenience to bank customers: ATMs provide convenience to the customers.
Nowadays, ATMs are located at convenient places, such as at the airports and railway stations,
and not necessarily at the bank’s premises.

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