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Born in a well to do middle class family of Goa, I have always aspired of

working as one of the top officials of a firm and one day perhaps, leading a firm
of my own. In order to achieve my dreams, I always felt that I needed a strong
understanding of business concepts and its ethics. Thus, I want to pursue an
MBA which would help me form a strong foundation upon which I can realise
my dreams.
I always had a keen interest in Engineering, especially in the field of Power
Generation, which encouraged me to pursue Engineering in Electrical &
Electronics field. Thus, I completed my graduation from Goa College of
Engineering, at the end of which I completed my project titled Power
Generation using Biogas, which gave me a strong technical and analytical
background and also made me realise my social responsibilities as an Engineer.
Coupled with the internships during this term, gave me a keen sense of working
of an industry and the necessity of the management skills along with the
technical skills thus, furthering my ambitions of achieving an MBA.
I have worked as a Design Engineer for two years after my graduation which
gave me an excellent insight into handling any project confidently and
effectively. Acquiring this indispensable experience further allowed me to
sharpen my management skills by handling various clients involved in the
project at individual level. This in turn made me yearn for a more general
skillset in order to be more effective and hence, further fuelled my hunger for an
Finally, an MBA will not only evolve my management skills but also aid my
personal development that is, to not just be effective in professional field but
also to be responsible towards my social environment and help develop the
society as a whole. Thus, achieving an MBA is a crucial stepping stone along
my journey in achieving my dreams and contributing towards my society at

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