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ROLL NO: 2021092

A. Answer all the following questions:


The following are the advices I would give to my friend

1. Maintain eye contact while talking/listening to your fellow group mates

 Eye contact is the key, when we maintain eye contact while talking / listening it makes the
discussion going and gives an impression to others that you are listening
 Maintaining eye contact while talking will make others listen to you attentively
2. Don’t interrupt while others are speaking
 When we interrupt while others are talking in a group discussion it stops others to convey their
views which intern stops the discussion to go further
 It also sounds rude to interrupt others in a group discussion
3. Don’t be aggressive
 It is very common in group discussion that others may not agree with you, when this happens
make sure you don’t lose cool
4. Use simple language
 When you are talking in group discussion make sure you use simple language that everyone can
 Don’t use complex words, when you use complex words others may not understand it and it may
Create a language barrier
5. Listen to others
 Be open and listen to what others are talking
 Try to take key notes or points when others are talking
 Taking notes while others are talking will help you to think of more points you can add to the


1. The following are the most important communication barriers according to me

 Interpersonal barrier: This occurs within individuals mind, could be because of attitude, fear
factor, wrong assumption, self-image etc.

 Cross culture barrier: This When two people with different cultural background try to
communicate. What might sound good to you might not sound good to a person with different
cultural background

 Physical barrier: This might occur due to the physical things between sender and receiver
Like noise, medium disturbance while communicating through internet, workspace design etc.

 Organizational barrier: this could occur because of status and power of sender or receiver,
A person in high status or power might not like to listen or take advice from others

2. Semantic barriers: This might occur between sender and receiver because of :
 Bad expression: The message is expressed in bad way, the sentences or words used in the
message are too complex or just wrong in the context which makes receiver confused
 Faulty translation: When a message has to be transferred from sender to receiver with the help
of third person, he should use right terms that receiver could understand
 Use of jargons: use of jargons which receiver cannot understand may create a semantic barrier
2.1. Example :
The words like:
 Knight or night
 Wright or right
 “Bat” as in the bird and a cricket bat
 “desert” as in ice cream or a sweet food and a desert as in place covered with sand


Role of note making in effective reading:

1. Note making will let you focus on key points:

 Note making will help you focus on the points that are important and will fetch marks in exam
 By focusing on the key point you learn a lot in short period of time
 Example: While listening to online lectures you may not have time to write down
everything professor say, so you can write key point and revise them latter
2. Easy to Revise:
 By note making you can revise whatever has been taught whenever you want in a very less
 Example: Before exams instead of reading the whole lecture notes you can revise more in less
time by reading the notes you made
3. Organizes the lectures:
 When you directly write notes you might lose track of what has been taught in lectures but by
Note making you can organize what has been taught in lectures
 Note making will help to keep you in track with lectures
 Example: while revising lectures you don’t have to search for specific topic because notes are
written in an organised manner.
4. Helps you to remember topics taught in lecture:
 By note making you can remember what has been taught in lectures easily because you have
to remember only the key points written in notes
 Note making will compress the whole lecture into few important points which are easy to
 Example: While studying for exams you want to remember as much as possible, with
organized note making remembering the lectures will become easy
B. Read the following passage and answer the following questions


The main idea of the short easy:

 How Wikipedia helps students in research
 Research in digital age
 How information in Wikipedia is more accurate than books
 How Wikipedia can be used to gain knowledge about a specific topic


Yes I do agree with authors views.

 Use of modern technology in studies will make students to learn more in less time
 It helps them to get involved in discussions (with the discussion pages)
 Wikipedia helps students in gathering essential information for research

Answer 3:

“Wikipedia is the most impressive collaborative intellectual tool produced at least since the Oxford English

1. I find this point made by author in essay as the most critical point because:
 When author compared Wikipedia with something as great as Oxford dictionary its shows the
importance of Wikipedia in digital age
 Wikipedia is the greatest tool for gaining knowledge
 As author said it is the greatest tool produced since the Oxford Dictionary

Answer 4:

1. In the conclusion of this short essay author says the readers should take and hubbub around Middlebury’s
decision as an opportunity to engage students and the country in a sanative discussions.
 I think a discussion between students about this topic will bring out some important points about
the decision made by the college
2. Author also talks how a junior faculty member in the history department and a junior faculty member in
film and media culture presented opposing views and invited questions and comments from a large and
interested audience.
 He said how college should evolve with evolution of new ways of sharing ideas and information

Answer 5:

 Wikipedia is a great tool for students for research

 Back in the days students had to refer the books which could have wrong info for research but
with Wikipedia students can get all in information with a click on the keyboard
 Wikipedia community has great scholars from around the world who always correct the wrong
information and update site
 With Wikipedia students can learn a lot of stuff that is needed for their research
 Wikipedia provides a comprehensive overview about the topic a student want to research about
 Students can get the background picture about the thing they want to research about
C. Write a short essay on the topic (not more than 800 words), by taking up a specific strand of argument and
building on it. Please introduce the point you wish to stress and organise your arguments around it


I remember it was March 12 of 2020 the day I had my chemistry board exam, before the exam I was
joking with my friends how corona virus won’t effect a person like me who lives at the bottom of India and also
told it’s just like any another flue which won’t have much effect on human body. I was wrong and I got corona
and so did seven lakh people in my city.

With corona cases increasing day by day the country ordered a nationwide lockdown for 21 days. Schools
are shutdown, Companies are advising officers to work from home. What started as 21 days became 3 months --
the gap between people increased day by day as the cases increased, everyone’s life came to a pause and “corona
became a barrier for communication between people”, but life should go on -- schools and offices should be
reopened, in comes the technology aspect of pandemic. Schools are reopened through online mode and
companies encouraged officers to work from home and attend important meetings using zoom.

From kids to adults, everyone started using online video meet applications to connect with one another and
communicate with others in pandemic. People who lived overseas started to connect with their family using these
online applications. The craze for online shopping increased as the city was under lockdown – People started to
spend more time online exploring new things and started to gain knowledge using internet. Many lost their jobs
and could not support their family, with this pressure building up on one, opportunity for online jobs increased
and many even started their own start-ups using internet as their only tool, People who invested in stocks
increased roughly by ten million in India just in 2020—End of three months and corona cases did not go down and
vaccine was not yet discovered which extend the lockdown period, Doctors used media as a way to let people
know about some ways to prevent corona, everyday news also kept people in track with the progress of
developing a vaccine. Students used internet as a tool for communication and got used to online studies and
picked up a phase in studies, parents also got used to work from home—with parents and students spending most
of the time in their house they got time to connect and discuss about each other’s problems, pandemic helped
parents to communicate properly with their kids which they never did before. Old aged people and people who
lived overseas used video calling as a major tool to communicate with their parents—for them to see the faces of
their kids living in overseas gave comfort. Times passed and the cases increased and the shortage for oxygen also
increased, People used social media to donate money and talk to the ones who got corona—almost a year passed
and finally vaccine was released and media played a major role in letting people know where and how to get
vaccine. The government started to use caller tunes to say the safety precautions and information about vaccine.
Finally, the corona cases went down and everything started to become normal.

In the pandemic there were a lot of changes in the ways people communicated and the mediums
they used to communicate with each other—some found new ways to make money and some just changed their
jobs. Media also played a major role by letting people know about safety precautions, news about coronavirus
and how other countries are dealing with it. In general internet helped people to gain knowledge. Pandemic made
people realize that they have to adapt to any situation and find new ways to communicate and gain knowledge
using modern tools, it also taught the importance of communication in hard situations.
The pandemic made people to think about their lives and gave a pause to their busy life, it also gave a
reset button. Pandemic taught an important lesson to people i.e. with communication and use of technology you
can easily survive hard times. Pandemic made people realize the importance of human relation. With the help of
internet people broke the communication barrier created by the pandemic.

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