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I. Objectives:
Focus: Paraphrase passages to demonstrate understanding of poetry
Support: Share one’s experience related to the text

II. Subject Matter:

Literature: Poetry - Will You Be My Friend?
Author – James Kavanaugh
Reference: CV English III p.116
Materials: Powerpoint presentation, picture, MP3 player, Manila paper or cartolina, markers
(for the tasking)
Values integrated: friendship

III. Procedure:
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Prayer
2. Recall
What is future tense of the verb?
What is its verb form?
Give examples and use them in sentences. (at least 3)
3. Checking of Assignment (See unlocking of Difficulties)

B. Lesson Proper
1. Pre-reading

Listen to the song that I will play for you. (“That’s What Friends Are For” by Dionne
a. What is the song all about?
b. Do you have a friend? Can you live without a friend? Why or why not?
c. If somebody approaches you and asks you to be his friend, would you accept him?

Unlocking of Difficulties
Study the context of each italicized word and choose the correct meaning in the choices
given. Encircle the letter of your answer.

1. My sister is cheerful and sociable but I am sullen and sensitive.

a. happy b. good natured c. gloomy d. considerate

2. I often brood and dwell on my problems.

a. worry b. sing c. enjoy d. frown

3. I bluster and brag and seek attention like a child

a. grumble b. protest c. pretend d. cry

4. When I have lost subtlety and charm, my true friend stays and comforts me.
a. refinement b. false friend c. instinct d. outburst

2. While reading
Questions to be raised:

Structure of the poem

a. How many stanzas are there in the poem?
b. Does it have rhyming words?
c. Does it have same number of lines for each stanza?
d. What do you think is the kind of this poem according to structure?

Stanzas 1 - 2
a. What is the form of the verb used in the question raised? What tense of the verb is
b. What are the bad qualities of the persona of the poem mentioned?
How about the good qualities? Can somebody write them on the chart?
c. What does the persona of the poem expect or want from a friend?
d. Explain the lines “who will not run away when you find me in the street
alone and lying mangled by my quota of defeats”

Stanzas 3 - 4
a. According to the persona of the poem, what are the reasons why somebody should
not accept him as a friend? Write them on the chart.
b. Does the persona show a good side of him in this part of the poem? Write the
answers on the chart.
c. What kind a person would be if he is “sometimes cold and distant…seeks attention
like a child…anger can be wild”

Bad Qualities Good Qualities

● How do you choose a friend? Do you choose by his strength?Skills?Status in life?

Would you accept a friend if he’s a liability or so many imperfections?
● Have you ever expressed this kind of question to some people? What’s the common
reply to you?

3. Post Reading
Tasking: Making a Scroll
Task Context: You and your friends decided to establish a Friendship Club. You
want to invite interested students. Before inviting them, you plan to make a list of
Friendship Rules in your club as a guide. What will you include in the rules to foster
camaraderie among members?


1. Go to your mother group.

2. Form a circle then sit down.
3. Brainstorm on the rules you want to include in your scroll.
4. Minimize the rules into five. Use the future tense of the verb.
5. Create a good design for your scroll.
6. Observe the time allotment of five minutes.
7. Choose a reporter who will present in class. Be able to explain why you choose those
8. Follow the rubric given.

Content (Rules of Friendship and
Use of future tense of the verb) 25 %
Creativity 25%
Mechanics (Spelling, punctuation) 20%
Teamwork 15%
Presentation/Explanation 15%

IV. Agreement:
Write a reflective journal about the poem. Paste a picture of your friend below your reflection.

Prepared by:

Ms. Ana Margarita P. Pestano

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