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C Programming 2019 Notes by : Prof.

Deepak Gaikar

-SPA Practical Topic wise Viva Questions-

Chapter 1.1: Algorithms & flow chart
-what is algorithm
Use of algorithm in programming language
-different types of algorithm
-different algorithm constructs (sequence, decision, repetition)
Chapter 1.2: Introduction of c
-different data types in c (with category like built in /user defined etc)
-what is identifier & rules of identifier(name:variable /constant/array/function/structure/union
name )
-what are keyword (32 keyword in c)
- different between short int and long integer
-how many memory space provide char /int/ float /double data types
-constant in c …2 ways define constant
-increment & decrements operator
-types of operator(logical/relational/assignment/bite wise etc)
-why Associativity imp in operator
-precedence level of operator
-why using type casting operator
-what is expression

Chapter 1.3: Input and output function in c

-types of format & un-format input and output function in c
-why using format specifier in scanf & printf (like %d %f %d %s etc)
-use of following term getch() (ii)getche() (iii)getchar() (iv)putch() (v)putchar()

chapter 2:Control Statement

-different between if-else and switch statement
-why using nested if else or if else ladder
-which condition operator use in switch case
-why using break statement in switch
-different between while and do-while
-different between while and for syntax
-use of continue, break ,goto statement in c

Chapter 3: function in c
-Advantages in using functions
-Standard library function in c
-What is the advantage of function prototype in c
-What is the difference between function declaration and definition
-what is call function in c
-types of variable (local & global)
-types Function Arguments/parameter (actual & formal)
-The return Statement
-call by value and call by reference with suitable examples
-What are recursive functions? need of recursive function.
-what are storage classes in c / types of storage classes in c
C Programming 2019 Notes by : Prof. Deepak Gaikar

chapter 4: Array,string
-why using array
-what way does array differ from ordinary variable
-array declaration & initialization (1 d & 2d )
-why using char array in c
-what is index value
-different between string & Character
-why using string manipulating function
-what is null character
-string.h header file

chapter 5 :Structure and union

-different between structure and arrays
-why using structure in c
-How do you access the member of a structure?
-how accesses structure member
-use of .(dot) operator
-use of array of structure
-different between structure and union
-why using union

Chapter 6: pointer
-different between pointer variable and normal variable
-declaration of pointer variable
-pointer initialization

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