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Questions And Answers on the book of Matthew


1) What book is mentioned in Chapter 1 of Matthew? Ans. The book of the generation of
2) Whose son is Jesus Christ in Matthew 1:1? Ans. The Son of David
3) Whose son is David in Matthew 1:1? Ans. The Son of Abraham
4) Give the lineage of Jesus Christ from Abraham to and David. (Matthew 1:2-6)
5) Give the lineage of Jesus Christ from David to Josiah. (Matthew 1:7-11)
6) Give the lineage of Jesus Christ form Josiah to Joseph. (Matthew 1:11-16)
7) Name all the women that are mentioned in the lineage of Jesus Christ. (Matthew 1:3-
8) Who was the son of Jesse? Ans. David (Matthew 1 6)
9) What was David’s official position? Ans. 14th (Matthew 1:6)
10) State the son of David. Ans. Solomon (Matthew 1:6)
11) Who is Solomon’s mother? Ans. Wife of Uriah (Matthew 1:6)
12) At what time were Jeconiahs and his brethren begotten of Josiah? Ans. About the
time they; carried away to Babylon (Matthew 1:11)
13) Who was the father of Joseph, (husband of Mary?) Ans. Jacob (Matthew 1:16)
14) Who was born of Mary? Ans. Jesus (Matthew 1:16)
15) How many sets of 14 generations are mentioned in Matthew? Ans. 3 Generations
(Matthew 1:17)
16) What kind of man was Joseph, husband of Mary? Ans. A just Man (Matthew 1:19)
17) Who spoke the following words and to whom, “Fear not to take unto you, Mary, thy
wife, for that which is conceived in her is the Holy Ghost”? Ans. Angel of the Lord,
To Joseph (Matthew 1:20)
18) What prophet did the angel of the Lord, when he said to Joseph, “Behold a virgin
shall be with child, and Shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name,
Immanuel? Prophet Isaiah (Matthew 1:23) – Isaiah 7 14
19) What does the word of “Immanuel” mean? Ans. God with us. (Matthew 1:23)
20) What words in Matthew 1:25 indicate that Mary would have other children? Ans.
First Born (Matthew 1:25)


21) Give the city and province in which Jesus was born. Ans. Bethlehem of Judea
(Matthew 2:1)
22) In whose “days” was Jesus born? Ans. Herod the King (Matthew 2:1
23) When Jesus was born, who was led from the east of Jerusalem by a star? Ans. Wise
Men (Matthew 2:1-2)
24) State the reason the wise men of the east gave for following the star to Jerusalem
when Jesus was born. Ans. To; Worship the boy Jesus (Matthew 2:2)
25) The chief priest and scribes quoted to Herod “and thou Bethlehem, in the land of
Judea, art not the least among the princes of Judea–” what shall come and for what
purpose? Ans. A Governor that shall rule Israel (Matthew 2:6)
26) What guided the wise men from Jerusalem to Bethlehem? Ans. The Star (Matthew
27) Name the three gifts the wise men presented the child when they worshiped him in
Bethlehem. Ans. Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh. (Matthew 2:11)
28) True or False? The wise men from the east fell down and worshiped Mary, the
mother of Jesus, when they found the child in Bethlehem. Ans. False (Matthew 2:11)
29) After the wise men departed to their own country, who appeared to Joseph in a
dream? Ans. Angel of the Lord (Matthew 2:13)
30) True or False? Only male children were ordered slain by Herod in all the coasts of
Bethlehem. Ans. False (Matthew 2:16)

31) What Great man is introduced in Chapter three of Matthew? Ans. John the Baptist.
(Matthew 3:1)
32) Quote what John the Baptist told the people to do when he preached? “Repent ye:
for the Kingdom of heaven is at hand.” (Matthew 3:2)
33) Can you list three areas from which the people came to hear John the Baptist
preach? Ans. Jerusalem, all Judea, all the region around Jordan. (Matthew 3:5)
34) Name the two classes of people that John the Baptist asked the following “O
generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wraith to come?” Ans.
Pharisees and Sadducees. (Matthew 3:7)
35) What element did John baptize used, according to this verse? Ans. Water (Matthew
36) Unto what did John baptize? Ans. Repentance (Matthew 3:11)
37) What was to be in the hand of John the Baptists successors? Ans. Fan. (Matthew
38) True or False. John hesitated to baptize Jesus. Ans. True. (Matthew 3:14)
39) Out of what did Jesus come when John baptized him? Ans. Water (Matthew 3:16)
40) Besides the Spirit of God descending like a dove, what else came from heaven when
Jesus was baptized? Ans. A Vioce. (Matthew 3:17)

41) After the baptism of Jesus by what was Jesus led, where, and for what purpose?
Ans. By the Spirit of God, to the wilderness, to be tested by the Devil. (Matthew 4:1)
42) Jesus fasted for how long in the wilderness after the baptism? Ans. 40 days and 40
nights. (Matthew 4:2)
43) To prove he was the Son of God, what did the devil suggest Jesus do with the stones
after Jesus fasted in the wilderness? Ans. Command stone to; become bread. (Matthew
44) Quote the reply of Jesus to the devil when he suggested he turned the stones to
bread. Ans. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeded out of
the mouth of God. (Matthew 4:4)
45) (True or False) The devil quotes scripture. Ans. True. (Matthew 4:6)
46) By what name did Jesus address the devil when he was tempted at the mountain?
Ans. Satan. (Matthew 4:10)
47) After the news of John being cast in prison, Jesus left Nazareth, where did he dwell?
Ans. Capernaum. (Matthew 4:12-13)


49) Finish this quote – “Blessed are the poor in spirit __” (Matthew 5:3)
50) Finish this quote – “Blessed are they that mourn __” (Matthew 5:4)
51) Finish this quote – “Blessed are the meek: __” (Matthew 5:5)
52) Finish this quote – “Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: __”
(Matthew 5:6)
53) Fill in the words of this quote from the Sermon on the Mount. “That whosoever on a
woman to _ after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” Ans. Look,
Lust. (Matthew 5:28)
54) What should be done with a right eye or hand if it should offend according to the
Sermon on the Mount? Ans. Cult it of (Matthew 5:29-30)
55) Finish this quote found in the Sermon on the Mount. “Again ye have heard that it hath
been said by them of old time, thou shalt not _ thyself, but shalt perform unto the Lord
thine _.” (Matthew 5:33)
57) Jesus told his disciples in the Sermon on the Mount, “But when thou doest alms, let not
thy left hand know “_ __ what?” (Matthew 6:3)
58) Finish the following quotes:
59) “Our Father which art in _” (Matthew 6:9) 2.) “Hallowed be thy ” (Matthew 6:9)
3.) “Thy Kingdom ” (Matthew 6:10) 4.) “Thy will be done in ” (Matthew 6:10)
5.) “As it is in ” (Matthew 6:10) 6.) “Give us this day our daily ” (Matthew 6:11)
7.) “And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our ” (Matthew 6:12) 8.) “And lead us not
into temptation, but deliver us from ” (Matthew 6:13)
9.) “For thine is the , and the , and the , ” (Matthew 6:13)
60) In the Sermon on the Mount, what two things will endanger earthly treasures? Ans.
Moth and Rust (Matthew 6:19)
62) In the Sermon on the Mount, why should we not judge? Ans. That we may; not be
judge. (Matthew 7:1)
63) Finish the following quote. “For everyone that asketh ; and he that seeketh ; and to him
that __ it shall be opened.” (Matthew 7:8)
64) True or False? Jesus said, “He that doeth the will of my Father which is in Heaven, shall
enter the Kingdom of Heaven.” Ans. True (Matthew 7:21)
65) Upon what does one build who hears Jesus’ sayings and fails to do them? Ans. Sand
(Matthew 7:26)

66) After the Sermon on the Mount who followed Jesus as he left the mountain? Ans. Great
Multitude (Matthew 8:1)
67) Who came to Jesus, worshipping him and saying, “Lord, if thou wilt, thou canst make me
clean.” Ans. A Leper (Matthew 8:2)


68) From the country of the Gadarenes Jesus crossed the Sea of Galilee and came to his “own
city.” Name it. Ans. (Matthew 9:1)
69) Who said and to whom, “Son, be of good cheer, thy sins be forgiven thee.” (Matthew
70) Who did Jesus say had power on earth to forgive sins? Ans. The Son of Man. (Matthew
71) Who was “sitting at the receipt of customs” when Jesus commanded him to “follow me?”
Ans. Matthew (Matthew 9:9)


72) When Jesus called the twelve disciples (Apostles) he gave them power against what?
(Matthew 10:1)
73) Can you name the twelve Apostles? (Matthew 10:2-5)
74) State four works the twelve were instructed to do as Jesus sent them forth to the house of
Israel? (Matthew 10:8)
75) What reason does Jesus give the 12 apostles that they should freely give as he sent them
forth to the house of Israel? (Matthew 10:8)


76) Who heard of the works of Jesus while in prison and sent two of his disciples of Jesus?
(Matthew 11:2)
77) List the groups of people that had been benefited through Jesus that John’s two disciples
were to report to John. There are 6. (Matthew 11:4-6)
78) Jesus quoted Malachi 3:1 when he said, “Behold, I send my messenger before thy face,
which shall prepare thy way before thee.” To whom was this prophecy referring?
(Matthew 11:7-11)
79) Name 2 that had prophesied until John. (Matthew 11:13)


80) Give the day of the week when Jesus and his disciples went through the corn, plucked it
and ate. (Matthew 12:1)
81) Who told Jesus it was unlawful for him and his disciples to pluck the ears of corn on the
Sabbath day? (Matthew 12:2)
82) When Jesus criticized by the Pharisees for plucking corn on the Sabbath day and eating it,
what Old Testament character does he refer to? (Matthew 12:3)
83) What house did David enter and what food did he and his men eat? (Matthew 12:4)
84) For who was the Shew bread that David and his men ate when they entered the house of


85) As Jesus say in a ship teaching a great multitude where was his audience? (Matthew
86) What method of teaching did Jesus use as he spoke from the ship? (Matthew 13:3)
87) According to Jesus whosoever hath shall be given more abundantly. What is to him who
has not? (Matthew 13:12)


88) Who heard of Jesus’ fame and thought he was John the Baptist raised from the dead?
(Matthew 14:1-2)
89) For whose sake had John the Baptist been imprisoned by Herod? (Matthew 14:3)
90) Identify Herodias’ first husband, who was a brother to whom? (Matthew 14:3)


91) While Jesus and his disciples were in the land of Gennesaret, what 2 groups of people
came from Jerusalem and what did they say his disciples transgressed? (Matthew 15:1-2)
92) Tell what way Jesus’ disciples transgressed the traditions of the elders according to the
scribes and Pharisees of Jerusalem. (Matthew 15:2)
93) According to Jesus the scribes and Pharisees transgressed what by their tradition?
(Matthew 15:3)
94) How much food remained after 4,000 men were fed from seven loaves and a few fish?
(Matthew 15:37)


95) Name two classes of people who came to Jesus seeking a sign from heaven yet were able
to predict the weather by watching the sky. (Matthew 16:1-2)
96) Who were called hypocrites, because they could discern the face of the sky and could not
discern the signs of the times, by Jesus? (Matthew 16:2-3)


97) According to Jesus whatever is bound and loosed in earth shall be bound and loosed
where? (Matthew 18:18)

98) Who followed Jesus as he departed Galilee and came to the coasts of Judaea beyond
Jordon and what did he do for them? (Matthew 19:1-2)


99) In the parable of the laborers what amount had the householder agreed to pay those he
hired to work in his vineyard for the day? (Matthew 20:1-2)
100) With what word does Matthew close his book? Ans. Amen. (Matthew 28:20)

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