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1. What was the name of the cosmonaut dog from Soviet Union?
a) Lady c) Laika
b) Lalka
2. What was the name of the rescue dog from Mexico?
a) Frida c) Freema
b) Friday
3. Can dog smell cancer?
a) No b) Yes, even in the earliest stage
4. What is the name of dog which sits with Clive Wynne?
a) Xanthos c) Xephos
b) Xera
5. How many dogs are on the Earth?
a) 800 millions c) 18 millions
b) 80 millions
6. Were dogs the first domesticated animal?
a) No b) Yes
7. How did humans possibly became friends with wolves?
a) by petting them c) by letting wolves smell them
b) by giving them meat
8. Which animal did Russian scientist try to befriend?
a) fox c) silver fox
b) bear
9. How did the narrator describe the new domesticated animal?
a) sweet c) cute
b) adorable
10. What does high pitch bark mean?
a) sadness c) happiness
b) stress
11. What does it mean when a dog is fast wagging its tail?
a) dominant c) worried
b) excited
12. What can the dogs learn through “pee-mail”?
a) another dogs’ sex b) size
c) weight
13. Can dogs smell humans’ emotions?
a) Yes b) No
14. Can service dogs help people on spectrum of autism?
a) Yes
b) No
15. What is “empathy”?
a) to feel what someone else fells c) to listen to someone
b) to understand someone
16. What did the experiment that had owners look into their dogs eyes prove?
a) nothing
b) that dogs can love
c) that dogs can recognize the face
of the owner

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