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Race Mixture: Boundary

Crossing in Comparative
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Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2009.35:129-146. Downloaded from

Edward E. Telles1 and Christina A. Sue2

Department of Sociology, Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey 08544;
Department of Sociology, University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado 80309;

Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2009. 35:129–46 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on miscegenation, intermarriage, multiracialism, classification, identity
April 2, 2009

The Annual Review of Sociology is online at Abstract
In this article, we examine a large, interdisciplinary, and somewhat scat-
This article’s doi: tered literature, all of which falls under the umbrella term race mixture.
We highlight important analytical distinctions that need to be taken into
Copyright  c 2009 by Annual Reviews. account when addressing the related, but separate, social phenomena
All rights reserved
of intermarriage, miscegenation, multiracial identity, multiracial social
0360-0572/09/0811-0129$20.00 movements, and race-mixture ideologies. In doing so, we stress a so-
cial constructivist approach to race mixture with a focus on boundary
crossing. Finally, we also demonstrate how ideologies and practices of
race mixture play out quite differently in contexts outside of the United
States, particularly in Latin America. Race-mixture ideologies and prac-
tices in Latin America have been used to maintain racial inequality in
the region, thus challenging recent arguments by U.S. scholars that
greater racial mixture leads to a decline in racism, discrimination, and

ANRV381-SO35-07 ARI 5 June 2009 9:25

INTRODUCTION a very different social phenomenon than

We define race mixture as intimate social inter-
Informal sexual unions, like intermarriages,
action across racial boundaries, a phenomenon
produced so-called mixed-race individuals, who
that has generally been analyzed under the
themselves have more recently become subjects
rubric of intermarriage or miscegenation. A
of much sociological research. Analysts have ex-
sociology of race mixture also involves the
amined different paths the progeny of these
racial categorization, identity, politics, and so-
interracial unions have attempted to take or
cial movements surrounding the progeny of
successfully taken; the paths range from will-
race mixture, much of which falls under the
ingly or unwillingly accepting placement in
subject of multiracialism. A more comprehen-
their socially assigned category, seeking a par-
sive analysis of race mixture also includes an
ticular status without contesting the boundaries
examination of the national ideologies related
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themselves, individually skirting the bound-

to the idea of race mixture and the putative con-
aries, or collectively redefining them (Daniel
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2009.35:129-146. Downloaded from

sequences that race mixture will destabilize and

2002, Nakashima 1992). Scholarly work has
eventually erase racial boundaries. These top-
also been done on the placement of these
ics are often studied as separate processes, but
mixed-race individuals in the social structure
in this article we seek to bring some unity to
(Davis 1991, Degler 1971, Mörner 1967, Telles
an area in which these distinct areas of research
Before proceeding, we would like to make
Sociologists often focus on intermarriage,
an important note regarding terminology used
which has been classically seen as indicating
in this paper. The term race mixture implies
a final stage in the assimilation of racial and
that one is combining two or more substances
ethnic groups in that it presumably represents
with distinct and generally fixed properties. In
deep erosion of social boundaries (MM Gordon
regard to race, this may seem to be especially
1964, Lieberson & Waters 1988, Park 1950).
essentialistic and biological. The very idea of
Relatedly, multiracialism has become a rapidly
race mixture or multiracialism is premised on
growing topic and refers to the children of par-
the idea that discrete (or even pure) races exist
ents who self-identify in separate racial cate-
(Goldberg 1997, Nobles 2002). On the other
gories or to individuals who self-identify as mul-
hand, the sociological study of race mixture
tiracial. Some sociological attention has also
refers to behaviors that involve crossing racial
been paid to miscegenation, which we define as
boundaries (Bost 2003). Our interpretation is
illegitimate or informal sexual unions, although
socially constructivist and assumes that there
the term has often been used more broadly
is no biological or essentialist basis for race,
to include intermarriage as well. Historically,
but rather, race is a concept involving percep-
miscegenation involved highly unequal or even
tions of reality. Race is of sociological impor-
forced relationships; thus they were of a nearly
tance because humans are categorized by race,
opposite character to those involving inter-
hierarchized according to these categories, and
marriage. Anti-miscegenation laws were able
treated accordingly. As a result, humans often
to prevent intermarriage in the United States
create racial boundaries as a form of social clo-
for 300 years, but they generally were unsuc-
sure and erect obstacles to interaction across
cessful in preventing informal black-white sex-
these boundaries. At other times, they seek to
ual unions and the consequent births that fol-
diminish or otherwise change them. We are in-
lowed (Davis 1991, Sollors 2000). Such unions
terested in how race mixture may construct or
would merely evade the strict racial bound-
reconstruct racial boundaries. Although we rec-
aries of the United States but did little to chal-
ognize the conceptual problems implicit in the
lenge or erode them and therefore represent

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term race mixture, for lack of a better term EARLY WORK ON RACE
and to be consistent with the literature, we MIXTURE
continue to use it, along with related terms In the early part of the twentieth century,
such as multiracialism. The concept of ethnic- sociologists and analysts in other fledgling
ity is related to and sometimes overlaps with social sciences were very concerned with race
the concept of race, but the distinctions are of- mixture, which they tended to perceive as
ten unclear, context-specific, and highly debat- a major societal problem rooted in biology.
able (Cornell & Hartman 2006, Jenkins 1997, Their theories were clearly inspired by eugen-
Wimmer 2008). Therefore, the extent to which ics and the scientific racism of the time and
our discussion is applicable to ethnic as well as often supposed a natural human aversion to in-
race mixture would depend on how one distin- termarriage or miscegenation, the degeneracy
guishes race from ethnicity. of mixed-race peoples, and the inherent superi-
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The study of boundaries based on race or ority of whites (see Frazier 1947 for a review of
ethnicity is becoming well established (Barth
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2009.35:129-146. Downloaded from

this early literature; Lombardo 1988). In 1911,

1969, Cornell & Hartman 2006, Jenkins 1997, at the First Universal Races Congress, scholars
Lamont & Molnár 2002, Lee & Bean 2004). concluded that miscegenation was undesirable
Race mixture represents confrontation with when the “types are too remote” (Weatherly
these boundaries. As a result, individuals or 1911, p. 318). In the context of the United
groups may seek to maintain, shift, blur, States, E.B. Reuter (1918) saw mulattos as the
sidestep, subvert, erode, eliminate, or merely “key to the race problem” in that they were
accept such boundaries. A social boundaries ap- not content to be “negros” and, instead, tried
proach permits analysis of how race mixture is to measure themselves against whites. He was
affected by the social context or may change it also concerned that race mixture might push
and how its social implications may vary across Americans out of the ranks of the “cultured
societies. This emphasis moves analysts away nations” (Frazier 1947, Woodson 1920).
from the problematic treatment of race and By the late 1920s, American sociologists
race mixture as biological and fixed across con- had gone beyond such interpretations based
texts. For example, a social boundary analysis on biological notions of white supremacy and
can lend much insight in comparing the sit- became particularly interested in how places
uation of the United States, where, for most where various racial or ethnic groups came into
of the twentieth century, the progeny of black- contact would provide opportunities for new
white unions were considered black, to that of ways of thinking, new cultural experiences, and
Latin America, where these same progeny oc- hybridization generally (Reuter 1945). Robert
cupied intermediate categories. Moreover, ac- Park (1928) emphasized natural or ecologi-
tivists confronting the issue of multiraciality cal processes of social interaction and was in-
have acted in surprisingly contrary ways in the terested in the rate at which groups inter-
two societies. Whereas the multiracial move- acted or amalgamated and produced hybrids.
ment in the United States has recently sought Park’s theories about migration, assimilation,
to create intermediate census race categories race mixture, and the making of a personal-
(Daniel 2006; Nobles 2002; Root 1992, 1996), ity type that he called “the marginal man”
some black movement activists in Brazil have bore the influence of his mentor, Georg Sim-
sought to create a negro (black) category that mel (Simmel 1921, McLemore 1974). W.E.B.
would combine the two categories of preto (also DuBois (1928), by contrast, examined the struc-
translates as black) and pardo (brown or mixed- tural constraints that severely limited race mix-
race), which have long been separate categories ture between blacks and whites in the United
on the Brazilian census (Bailey 2008, Nobles States, although he also noted how many blacks
2002, Telles 2004). were products of extensive mixture, which had • Race Mixture 131

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generally occurred in illegitimate unions during led to a diminished interest in the topic of race
slavery.1 mixture and multiracialism. Some research on
Stonequist (1935), like Park and Simmel, mulatto communities remained, most notably
was especially concerned with the psychological that by Frazier (1947) and Myrdal (1944). Oth-
and cultural ramifications resulting from race erwise there was little research conducted on
mixture, and he further developed the concept these topics in the United States for decades
of the marginal man. Like his mentor, Park, as the sociological gaze turned to matters re-
he was especially interested in how marginal lated to the civil rights movement. Interest in
men, born from the intermingling of two races, the topic reemerged with the surge in immi-
would supposedly seek to advance toward the gration from Latin America and Asia in recent
higher-status group but sometimes faced rejec- decades and the consequent intermarriage of
tion by one or the other group. He specifically many Asians and Latinos with whites2 (Lee &
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noted that persons of racially mixed ancestry Bean 2004, Lichter & Qian 2004). This schol-
are not only influenced by the culture of both arly interest was recently fueled by public pol-
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races but by their consciousnesses as well. In icy debates surrounding the attempt to include
the mainland U.S. context, Stonequist saw the a multiracial category on the 2000 U.S. Census.
mulatto as being forced to accept the status of The scope of research related to race mixture
negro because of sharply drawn color lines that also multiplied to encompass wider concerns
differed from societies such as Hawaii and Latin including race relations more generally, mul-
America, where mixed-race persons had greater tiracial identity, race-based national ideologies,
freedom to achieve the status of the dominant and related social movements.
race. However, in societies like India, he noted,
the Eurasian was accepted by neither group.
In the tradition of DuBois (1903), Stonequist LATIN AMERICAN NATIONAL
concluded that mixed-race persons would de- IDEOLOGIES AND THEIR
velop a crisis and seemingly troubled double- CONSEQUENCES
consciousness but that this fusion would change Throughout the Americas, race mixture has
the social and cultural landscape. been a particularly salient topic of sociological
The elimination of the mulatto category af- inquiry given that this region is where Amer-
ter the 1920 U.S. Census, the end of large-scale ican Indians, Europeans, and Africans came
European immigration by the 1920s, the aca- into large-scale contact with one another. Early
demic shift from biological to cultural expla- miscegenation occurred largely through sexual
nations of race, and the virtual nonexistence liaisons during slavery and was especially preva-
of black-white marriages until the end of anti- lent in Latin America because men greatly out-
miscegenation laws in 1967 all seem to have numbered women among the mostly Spanish
and Portuguese colonizers who sought out
Race mixture did not only occur during slavery but also nonwhite women as mates (Esteva-Fabregat
continued to occur in the Jim Crow era, although at arguably 1995, Jordan 1968, Mörner 1967, Pierson 1942,
lower rates (Davis 1991). Race mixture between blacks and Tannenbaum 1946 [1992]).3 In stark contrast
whites during Jim Crow was especially taboo, and its pro-
hibition was strictly enforced through segregation and anti-
miscegenation laws. Moreover, consistent with the one-drop
rule, persons of partial African ancestry were classified under 2
a single black category, except between 1850 and 1920 when Despite the overall increase in intermarriage during this pe-
a separate mulatto category existed on the census (Nobles riod, black-white intermarriage remained limited even after
2000). Some analysts (Davis 1991, Keith & Herring 1991, the end of segregation and anti-miscegenation laws.
Williamson 1995) claim that by delimiting a black commu- The higher rates miscegenation in Latin America have also
nity, composed of African-origin persons formerly designated been explained using cultural arguments that focus on the ex-
in separate racial/color categories, blacks mixed among them- perience with the Moors and the role of the Catholic Church
selves, which resulted in the gradual diminishing of skin tone (Esteva-Fabregat 1995, Freyre 1933 [1956], Pierson 1942,
differences among them. Spickard 1989).

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to the United States, in Latin America the relations, arguing that hispanization and mis-
idea of race mixture, or mestizaje/mestizagem, cegenation had so homogenized the popula-
has been a central pillar of nation building tion in places such as Mexico that race ceased
and nationalism. Whereas the United States, to be meaningful. Whereas the Latin American
like South Africa, tended to rigidly segregate (and Hawaiian) exceptionalist thesis dates back
blacks and Indians and where the very word to the early to mid-twentieth century, these
miscegenation invoked fears among whites, ideas are being revived in the contemporary
Latin American countries have touted their U.S. setting.
experience of large-scale miscegenation and
intermarriage as proof of racial inclusion.
By the early twentieth century, Latin Amer- MISCEGENATION,
ican elites used their region’s historical narra- INTERMARRIAGE, AND
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tive of mestizaje to recruit nonwhites in the MULTIRACIALITY AS A

process of nation building. They glorified and PORTENT OF A DECLINE
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encouraged racial mixture and showcased their IN RACISM

racial democracies as morally superior to that Similar to arguments made by scholars of Latin
of the United States or other reputedly racist America nearly a century ago, a new group of
regimes (Appelbaum et al. 2003, Graham 1990, scholars, this time referencing the U.S. con-
Knight 1990, Sue 2007, Telles 2004, Wade text, are arguing that increased race mixture
1997). Because nonwhites were often the ma- and multiracial identification will make racism
jority in Latin American countries, their inclu- a thing of the past (D’Souza 1995, Patterson
sion was seen as vital. In this vein, the racially 2000; see Hollinger 2003 for a critique). In
mixed person, whether called mulato, mestizo, or The End of Racism, D’Souza (1995) asserts that
moreno, in many cases became the national pro- “the country is entering a new era in which old
totype. Despite this symbolic centering of the racial categories are rapidly becoming obsolete,
mixed-race person in Latin America, a racial mostly because of intermarriage” (p. 552). In a
or color hierarchy based on white supremacy similar vein, Patterson (2000) argues that, ow-
did effectively persist (Appelbaum et al. 2003, ing to cultural and biological mixing, “by the
Graham 1990, Knight 1990, Sue 2007, Telles middle of the twenty-first century, America will
2004, Wade 1997). have problems aplenty. But no racial problems
Nevertheless, many scholars in the past whatsoever. . .the social virus of race will have
glorified Latin American race mixture and gone the way of smallpox.” Nakashima (1992)
concluded there was little racism in the re- posits that the very idea of multiracial people
gion (Freyre 1933 [1956], Tannenbaum 1946 and their families poses a threat to the “Amer-
[1992], Vasconcelos 1925 [1997]). One school ican way of life” in that the U.S. system de-
of thought advanced the idea that race mixture pends on clear racial categories for political,
leads to ambiguity and a consequent decrease in social, economic, and psychological organiza-
racism and that Latin American countries thus tion. A family-based claim purports that racism
had better or more harmonious race relations and race mixture cannot coexist because fam-
than countries like the United States (Freyre ilies with a diversity of racial or color phe-
1933 [1956], Pierson 1942, Tannenbaum 1946 notypes cannot practice racism (Degler 1971,
[1992], Wagley 1952 [1972]). A related argu- Gay 1987; see also the Association of Multi-
ment claimed that a considerable number of hy- ethnic Americans,
brids in Hawaii had led to the absence of racial Race mixture is also seen as blurring racial
prejudice, unlike in the rest of the United States boundaries, which is assumed to lead to less po-
(Smith 1939). Somewhat later, Pierre Van Den larization (Degler 1971, Hoetink 1985, Mörner
Berghe (1967) developed a typology of race 1967). More specifically, Harris (1964) argued • Race Mixture 133

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that the lack of a clear method to distin- emerging group of scholars of race in Latin
guish groups by race discourages systematic America have urged contemporary thinkers
discrimination. to look at empirical evidence from the Latin
This debate has carried over to the progeny American case that demonstrates that race
of miscegenation and intermarriage. In the U.S. mixture and the embracing of multiracial
context, some argue that the embracing of mul- identities in the region has not led to an
tiracial identities will be a step toward the elimi- absence of racism (Nobles 2002, Sawyer
nation of race as we know it. Drawing on histor- 2006, Telles 2004, Wade 2004, Warren & Sue
ical formations of group identity, Zack (1993) 2007). In fact, in Latin America, race mixture
purports that, by choosing a black identity over comfortably coexists with a racial hierarchy
a multiracial one, the leaders of the Harlem Re- and ideologies of whitening (Fernandes 1969,
naissance “threw away an effective intellectual Hanchard 1994, Sawyer 2006, Sawyer et al.
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weapon against American racial designations, 2004, Sue 2007, Telles 2004, Twine 1998, Wade
which is to say, against the core of American 1993, Wright 1990). The idea that low levels of
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racism” (p. 97). racism on the horizontal dimension (sociability,

This presumed connection between mul- including intermarriage) can coexist with high
tiracial identities and a decline in racism is levels on the vertical dimension (inequality
embedded in the rhetoric of the U.S. mul- and discrimination) seems counterintuitive,
tiracial movement. Multiracial individuals are but in fact, it is this situation that exists in
thought to have the unique ability to transcend countries such as Brazil and has been deemed
racial boundaries and bridge racial groups; the “enigma of Brazilian race relations”
they have been described as “intermediaries,” (Telles 2004).
“interpreters,” “cultural brokers,” “children of A national ideology promoting race mix-
the future,” and “edgewalkers” (Krebs 1999, ture and multiracial identification has actually
Nakashima 1992, Smith 1939, Wilson 1992). created a situation in which racism can thrive
Spencer (2004) describes this phenomenon (Hasenbalg 1996, Hasenbalg & Huntington
as the “cheerleading trope” in which mul- 1982, Sagrera 1974, Sue 2007, Twine 1998) and
tiracials are romanticized as representing the in which rights for black and indigenous peo-
best of both worlds. Multiracial activist Car- ples are inhibited (Hale 1999, Mollett 2006,
los Fernández asserts that the failure of the Telles 2004, Tilley 2005). The ideology of mis-
United States to accommodate interracial re- cegenation has been used to silence black move-
lations and people is at the “heart of an un- ment claims as elites in Brazil and other Latin
resolved American identity crisis, a dilemma American countries have argued that “state ac-
that perpetuates ethnic and racial disunion and tions on behalf of racial groups are not pos-
makes the resolution of the general race prob- sible because race mixture has blurred racial
lem virtually impossible” (Fernández 1996, distinctions[,] and race-specific interventions
p. 28). In a thoughtful critique, Dunning (2004) would only harden or polarize boundaries that
argues that many of the key multiracial scholars were smoothed over by centuries of race mix-
problematically treat race mixture as “an ‘acid’ ture” (Telles 2004, p. 233; see also Dulitzky
that can dissolve race and then destroy all traces 2005). These arguments have become espe-
of itself” (p. 132). cially salient today in the Brazilian debate over
affirmative action in that country (Bailey 2008,
Telles 2004).
Empirical Evidence Regarding the blurring of boundaries, Marx
Problematizing the assumed relationship (1998) reminds us that there is no absolute
between miscegenation/intermarriage/multi- logic to the drawing of racial-group boundaries
racial identification and a lack of racism, an and that one could imagine a very rigid racial

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classification system in an area with high rates destabilization of the racial hierarchy. We urge
of miscegenation and intermarriage. To sup- scholars to look beyond the U.S. case to in-
port his case, one need only look at the cases form their assertions on the relationship be-
of Mexico and Colombia, where elaborate caste tween race mixture and racism. Race mixture
systems were designed to create a hierarchy of surely complicates racial dynamics, but does not
the various categories of mixed-race persons necessarily erase them.
(Katzew 2004, Wade 1993). As Sawyer (2003)
aptly puts it, mixed-race categories only become
another rung on the ladder of a relatively stable INTERMARRIAGE
racial hierarchy. Race mixture, while appear- As the population of Latinos and Asians in the
ing to break down racial boundaries, can ac- United States has soared following an increase
tually reconstruct and reify them (Wade 2004). in immigration, the nature of race mixture has
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Goldberg (1997) adds: taken on new meanings. In recent years, inter-

marriage rates between whites and these groups
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2009.35:129-146. Downloaded from

“Mixed race” may seem to offer exciting proof have been moderate, whereas black-white in-
positive [sic] that a deep social taboo has been termarriage has remained low (Lee & Bean
transgressed, that racial discipline and order 2004, Lichter & Qian 2004, Stevens & Tyler
have been violated, that liberty’s lure once 2002). Thus, racial boundaries in intermarriage
again has undermined the condition of ho- are clearly weaker for other groups compared
mogeneity by delimiting the constraints of with blacks. American Indians have the highest
the hegemonic. Yet it at once, and necessarily, outmarriage rates among the major race/ethnic
reimposes the racial duality between blackness groups as designated by the U.S. Census, fol-
and whiteness as the standard, the measure, of lowed by Asians and then Hispanics,4 and such
mixed-ness (p. 63). boundaries among various European-ancestry
groups are especially low or nonexistent (Lee
Similar cautions have been forwarded based & Bean 2004, Lichter & Qian 2004). Analysis
on other case studies. For example, drawing of 1980 Census data shows that the highest level
on the South African case, Hickman (1997) ar- of in-group marriage occurred among black
gues that a three-tiered system, which included women (99%) (Lieberson & Waters 1988). In
a separate “coloured” category, was one of the Brazil, by contrast, more than 20% of married
“bedrock elements of apartheid” (p. 1198). Also blacks and mixed race persons were married
referencing South Africa, Spencer (1997) dis- to whites in 1991, making contemporary inter-
cusses how the recognition of a separate mixed- marriage relatively as high as it had been in the
race group creates and perpetuates divisions be- past through miscegenation (Telles 1994, 2004;
tween coloureds and blacks. For example, he there is little or no data on such intermarriage
argues that the coloured group was targeted for other Latin American countries).
by de Klerk’s National Party, which used the Lieberson & Waters (1988) point to four
rhetoric of “you are not black” as propaganda; factors as being the major determinants of rates
the National Party simultaneously portrayed of intermarriage: (a) the existence of legal pro-
Nelson Mandela’s ANC party as a party of scriptions or societal taboos against marriage;
blacks. Spencer issues the cautionary warning (b) the availability of partners of their own
that a very similar dynamic could take place and outside their own group; (c) attitudes and
if a multiracial group is formed in the United
Therefore, we (along with others) question 4
Hispanics or Latinos are themselves products of extensive
whether new trends in multiracial identifica- so-called race mixture but are redefined in the United States
tion in the United States will truly mean the with a separate racial or ethnic category (Telles & Ortiz 2008). • Race Mixture 135

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opinions about intermarriage; and (d ) the over- riage trends, which is leading to a divide that is
lap between ethnic membership and noneth- primarily black/nonblack (Gans 1999, Warren
nic characteristics. As noted, intermarriage is & Twine 1997). However, despite moderate
not based solely on group attitudes and pref- intermarriage rates between Mexican Ameri-
erence, but also on opportunity or propinquity cans and others, a large educational gap with
(Blau et al. 1982, Kalmijn 1998, Stevens & Tyler non-Hispanic whites persists for three and four
2002, Telles 1993). Variables such as residential generations since immigration (Telles & Ortiz
segregation, composition of the local marriage 2008). Furthermore, in the case of Brazil, Telles
market, and group size need to be taken into (2004) finds that despite relatively high rates of
consideration when interpreting intermarriage intermarriage between whites and nonwhites,
patterns. These variables can have varying ef- racial discrimination and inequality persist.
fects depending on which group is being dis- Finally, the theory of status exchange posits
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cussed. For example, Stevens & Tyler (2002) that intermarriage is not a random phe-
note that demographic factors seem to have less nomenon, but instead that individuals exchange
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explanatory power for blacks’ marriage patterns such traits as economic status, power, beauty,
compared with preferences for in-group mar- and race (Davis 1941, Merton 1941). Evi-
riage or barriers against intermarriage. How- dence has been found to support this the-
ever, demographic and structural factors largely ory both in the United States (mainly among
influence intermarriage patterns among His- black/white intermarriages) (Fu 2001, Kalmijn
panics and Asians. 1993, Lichter & Qian 2004, Qian 1997) and
On a broader level, sociologists have sought Latin America (Burdick 1998, Telles 2004), al-
to understand the significance of intermarriage though counterevidence has been found in re-
patterns on racial boundaries. Lieberson & lation to Asian Americans (Spickard 1989). On
Waters (1988) assert that intermarriage func- a methodological note, Rosenfield (2005) ar-
tions to create more ethnic heterogeneity in gues that the findings used to support status ex-
terms of social networks that could lead to the change theory are not based on robust models,
weakening of ethnic identities and boundaries. but Rosenfield’s assertions have recently been
Similarly, Kalmijn (1998) sees intermarriage as challenged by Gullickson & Fu (2009).
decreasing the salience of cultural distinctions
in future generations because the offspring are
less likely to identify themselves with a single MIXED-RACE CLASSIFICATION
group and that by intermarrying, individuals AND CATEGORIZATION
may lose negative attitudes toward the other Sociologists are not only concerned with race
group. Other scholars are less optimistic and mixture in and of itself, but also with how
expect that with increasing Asian and Latino mixed-race persons are categorized in a partic-
intermarriage, antiblack racism will persist. ular society and how this, in turn, affects race
Recently, Lee & Bean (2004) argued that relations and the social structure more broadly.
increased intermarriage and multiracial iden- As a sign of the growing importance of mul-
tification may not indicate the fading of color tiracialism, Root (1996) purports phenomenal
lines, but instead indicate the loosening of growth rates of multiracial babies in the United
boundaries for new immigrant groups, mainly States since the early 1970s. The fact that these
Asians and Latinos. This may lead to a new multiracial individuals were born of two par-
black/nonblack divide that “could be a disas- ents that identified in different racial categories
trous outcome for African Americans” (p. 237). does not mean that they are necessarily mul-
Several scholars have proposed that the United tiracial. Classification as multiracial depends on
States is experiencing a “racial redistricting” self-identity, outside classification, and societal
(Gallagher 2004) partially based on intermar- categories that are used.

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The United States—the thought, where it has been internalized (Daniel

One-Drop Rule 2002, Davis 1991).
However, there is evidence that suggests
By the end of the nineteenth century, scien-
that the one-drop rule may be losing its power
tific racism had fully legitimized the belief that
to define and patrol racial-group borders
the racial hierarchy is rooted in biology (Davis
(Brunsma 2005, Korgen 1998, Rockquemore
1991, Sollors 2000, Stoler 1992). One compo-
& Arend 2002, Waters 2000). Since the 1960s,
nent of scientific racism was the idea that racial
the number of children with parents who
hybridity would lead to degeneration (Stepan
self-identify in different racial categories has
1991). In the United States, the idea and prac-
grown dramatically and is expected to continue
tice of race mixture created especially strong
to increase (Lee & Bean 2004, Ramirez 1996,
anxieties among whites. Despite the persistence
Waters 2000). Many of these children will
of anti-miscegenation laws from the 1660s to
Access provided by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 07/16/21. For personal use only.

identify as multiracial, though many others

1967 (Davis 1991, Sollors 2000), some have es-
likely will not. On the 2000 Census, 6.8 million
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2009.35:129-146. Downloaded from

timated that anywhere between 30% and 80%

or 2.4% of the U.S. population claimed more
of the African American population has some
than one racial category, with the vast majority
European ancestry5 (Davis 1991, Degler 1971).
marking only two boxes (Lee & Bean 2003).
This has generally been the result of miscegena-
Lee & Bean (2003) note that by 2050, 20% of
tion outside of marriage, most notably that be-
the U.S. population may identify as multiracial,
tween a white slave master and a black female
and Goldstein & Morning (2000) expect the
slave. The presence of the one-drop rule since
relative size of the single-race population to
the late nineteenth century has generally re-
decline considerably. Like trends in intermar-
sulted in a racial classification system devoid of
riage, multiracial identification among African
mixed-race categories (Davis 1991, Malcomson
Americans is much less than among Asians or
2000, Smedley & Smedley 2005). The progeny
Latinos. Single-race identification is declining
of black-white unions, whether formal or
in significance at quite different rates across
informal, have almost always been classi-
groups (Lee & Bean 2003).
fied as black in the United States (Hickman
This classification system of hypodescent Latin America—the Intermediate
has clearly defined whiteness and blackness in Category
the United States, and it has been considered
In Latin America, mixed-race individuals fall
the “lifeblood of the American binary racial
into intermediate racial/color categories such as
project” (Daniel 2002, p. 122). The creation and
mestizo, moreno, and mulato, and their placement
enforcement of the one-drop rule is a demon-
and treatment largely depend on phenotypic
stration of how mixed-race individuals have
appearance. Latin Americans embrace mixed-
posed a threat to the American racial order
race identities (de la Fuente 2001, Spickard
(Davis 1991). Although the one-drop rule was
2005, Telles 2004, Wright 1990), and mixed-
written in the law, Sollors (2000) notes that such
race persons are often seen as the quintessen-
laws were contradictory and were never applied
tial national citizens of places like Venezuela,
widely. Therefore, the true power of the one-
Brazil, and Mexico (Knight 1990, Telles 2004,
drop rule lies in its ability to penetrate popular
Wright 1990). Consequently, mixed-race indi-
viduals tend to have strong national identities
and a weak black consciousness in Latin Amer-
ica compared with the United States. Whereas
In 1918, the U.S. Census Bureau estimated that at least 75% in Latin America it is commonplace for indi-
of all blacks were racially mixed, but after the 1920 Census,
there were no more attempts to determine the mulatto pop- viduals to identify in the middle categories, in
ulation (Davis 1991). the United States any attempt to opt out of • Race Mixture 137

ANRV381-SO35-07 ARI 5 June 2009 9:25

the black category, or “pass,” has commonly THE BOOM IN MULTIRACIAL

been stigmatized. This difference is an im- IDENTITY RESEARCH IN THE
portant factor in explaining the lack of strong UNITED STATES
race-based social movements in Latin America
In recent years, coinciding with an increase in
(Burdick 1998, Hanchard 1994, Sheriff 2001,
interracial marriage, multiracial identification
Twine 1998, Vaughn 2001).
has grown in the United States, and it has cap-
Degler (1971) argued that mixed-race in-
tured the interest of scholars. It was only in
dividuals have an advantaged place in Latin
1980 that the term multiracial first appeared
America, especially Brazil. He used the con-
in the U.S. context (Daniel 2002). Part of the
cept of a “mulatto escape hatch” to describe the
reason for the surge in scholarly interest is due
differences in race relations in Brazil and the
to the status of multiracialism as a hot topic in
United States. Brazilian survey and census data
public policy debates, which manifested in the
Access provided by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 07/16/21. For personal use only.

tend to show that mulattos have life chances

2000 Census allowing people to mark one or
that are more similar to blacks than to whites
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2009.35:129-146. Downloaded from

more racial categories. Recent studies address

(do Valle Silva 1985, Lovell 1989, Telles 2004,
the topic of multiraciality from different theo-
Telles & Lim 1998). Data for other Latin Amer-
retical and disciplinary angles (for a categorical
ican countries are rarely found, though Wade
review of the literature, see Brunsma 2005). We
(1993) sees the primary racial cleavage to be be-
briefly review this now large multidisciplinary
tween blacks and nonblacks (including mulat-
literature in the following paragraphs.
tos), based on ethnographic data for Colombia.
The early work on multiracials came from
a biological perspective (Dyer 1974, Provine
Mixed-Race Individuals in Other 1973), but this approach was later criticized,
Parts of the World and the focus turned to the social and psy-
Davis (1991) creates a typology based on cross- chological impacts of multiraciality. Scholars
national cases of the status of racial hybrids. conducted research on mixed-race children
They are as follows: (a) a lower status than ei- in psychiatric hospitals or clinics, under the
ther parent group [e.g., Korean Americans in presumption that these individuals suffered
Korea, and Vietnamese Americans in Vietnam from problems of maladjustment and conflicts
(for a discussion of Amerasians in Vietnam, see with self-identity (AI Gordon 1964, Hall 1992;
Valverde 1992)]; (b) a higher status than either for a discussion, see Johnson & Nagoshi 1986).
parent group (mulattoes in Haiti pre-1960); In one of the early, in-depth classic treatments
(c) an in-between marginal status (coloureds in of “the mixed blood,” Reuter (1931) refers to
South Africa); (d ) a highly variable status, de- the mulatto as an “unadjusted person.” More
pending more on social class than color (mulat- recent work has been done on mental health is-
toes in Brazil, Colombia); (e) a variable status sues, adjustment, and counseling strategies for
independent of racial traits (racially mixed per- multiracial individuals and their families (e.g.,
sons in Hawaii); ( f ) the same position as the Comas-Dı́az 1996, Gibbs & Moskowitz-Sweet
lower-status group (mulattoes in the United 1991, Hershel 1995, Jacobs 1992, Murstein
States), and ( g) the status of an assimilating 1973, Piskacek & Golub 1973, Root 1992, Sue
minority [persons of mixed (except black) an- & Sue 2003, Winn & Priest 1993).
cestry in the United States]. Stoler (1992) of- Analysts coming from sociological and psy-
fers an elaborate discussion of race mixture and chological perspectives have examined broad
its effects on national projects and identities in questions of identity of multiracials (Adler
colonial Southeast Asia. For other examples of 1987, Brunsma 2005, Daniel 2000, Field
works on race mixture from a comparative per- 1996, Korgen 1998, Root 2000, Tatum 1997,
spective, see Gist & Dworkin (1972), Reuter Thornton 1996, Tizard & Phoenix 1993,
(1918), Telles (2004), Van Den Berghe (1967). Twine 1996, Wilson 1987, Zack 1996; for

138 Telles · Sue

ANRV381-SO35-07 ARI 5 June 2009 9:25

a bibliography on multiracial identity devel- the multiracial movement as a threat, the Office
opment, see Webster 2005). One perspective of Management and Budget responsible for
challenges earlier notions of maladjustment by coordinating the activities of the census, and
framing multiracial identity in a positive light finally, elected officials. By the 1990s, 30 to 40
(e.g., Hall 1992, Johnson 1992, Krebs 1999, grassroots and educational organizations began
Wilson 1987). Others have developed multidi- pressuring the federal government to change
mensional ecological models that emphasize si- procedures for collecting data on race to in-
multaneous group membership and the interac- clude multiracial-identified individuals (Daniel
tion between society, family, and the individual 2002). The Association of Multiethnic Ameri-
(Hall 1992, Johnson 1992, Miller 1992, Root cans (AMEA), a national umbrella organization,
1992, Stephan 1992, Williams 1992). was formed in 1986 and was highly influential
Scholars have recently sought to understand in the debate on how to classify mixed-race per-
Access provided by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 07/16/21. For personal use only.

the structural or cultural forces that influence sons on the census. AMEA and similar groups
multiracial identities (Anderson & Saenz 1994, advocated for the inclusion of a multiracial
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2009.35:129-146. Downloaded from

Davis 1991, Harris & Sim 2002, Khanna 2004, category, something that has not existed on the
Korgen 1998, Lieberson & Waters 1988, Saenz census for more than 80 years (Lee 1993).6
et al. 1995, Tizard & Phoenix 1993, Waters Opponents of the multiracial movement ar-
2000, Xie & Goyette 1997). For example, Saenz gue that the one-drop rule had the unintended
et al. (1995) found that among children of consequence of creating a strong black com-
white-Asian couples, those who have the high- munity that has provided the basis for an-
est degree of cultural maintenance were most tiracist struggle and race-based social move-
likely to hold an Asian identity. Similar to ments (Hickman 1997). The fear is that mul-
Waters (2000), they found that people with par- tiracial identities will erode the solidarity of
ents from higher education and class status are the black community and weaken its political
more likely to report multiple ancestries or use strength (Hickman 1997). A related concern
an “other” ethnic identity. In contrast, Tizard & is how this new multiracial identification will
Phoenix (1993) found that for black/white bira- affect the enforcement of civil rights legisla-
cial adolescents, social class was unrelated to tion. Demonstrating opposition from another
racial self-identification. For a discussion of ad- angle, Hickman (1997) argues that the creation
ditional factors that influence multiracial iden- of a multiracial category will “rebiologize” race.
tification, see Lee & Bean (2004). Waters (2002) describes the fundamental ten-
sion underlying this debate as the right for self-
identification and the purpose of census cate-
THE MULTIRACIAL MOVEMENT gories to address issues of public policy that
The U.S. multiracial movement largely devel- are often based on single-race categories. She
oped in the 1980s and was mostly concerned argues that this tension has not been a prob-
with convincing the U.S. Census Bureau to lem when race is thought to be mutually exclu-
allow people to identify as mixed-race. By sive but that multiracial identification has con-
the 2000 Census, the movement’s efforts fronted this issue head on.
largely paid off as the Census Bureau allowed
respondents to check more than one racial CONCLUSION
category. Farley (2002) describes this shift as In this review, we have attempted to bring to-
“the greatest change in the measurement of gether a large, interdisciplinary, and somewhat
race in the history of the United States” (p. 33).
Regarding the multiracial movement itself,
Williams (2006) identifies the main actors For a detailed discussion on the history of U.S. racial clas-
sification in the census, see Lee (1993), and for how census-
as being the activists (adult-based multiracial taking has directly contributed to the formation of racial
organizations), civil rights groups who perceive ideas, see Nobles (2002). • Race Mixture 139

ANRV381-SO35-07 ARI 5 June 2009 9:25

scattered literature, all of which falls under the States. For example, within the United States,
umbrella term race mixture. We have noted intermarriage rates across racial boundaries are
important analytical distinctions that need to especially low among blacks and whites when
be taken into account when addressing the re- compared with Asian and Latino intermarriages
lated but separate social phenomena of inter- with whites. Rates of black-white unions in
marriage, miscegenation, multiracial identity, the United States are also low compared with
multiracial social movements, and race-mixture black-white unions in Brazil. Thus, some racial
ideologies. Whereas all these topics deal, on boundaries are more permeable than others,
some level, with racial-boundary crossing, the which highlights the particularly segregated
implications for the boundaries themselves and nature of black-white social relations in the
the racialized social structure are not consistent. United States.
For example, intermarriage may be an indica- We have also presented empirical evidence
Access provided by Universidad Nacional de Colombia on 07/16/21. For personal use only.

tor of healthy race relations, but this is certainly based on the Latin American experience that
not the case with miscegenation, especially in a challenges the recent arguments of U.S. schol-
Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2009.35:129-146. Downloaded from

context of high racial inequality. Whereas in- ars regarding the relationship between misce-
termarriage has the potential to directly chal- genation, intermarriage, multiracial identifica-
lenge, shift, or loosen racial boundaries, the in- tion, and the weakening of racial boundaries
formal practices of miscegenation are less likely and a consequent decline in racism. Instances
to do so. of collective boundary crossing are complex and
We have stressed a social constructivist ap- possibly foreshadow societal change, but we feel
proach to race mixture with a focus on bound- there is not clear evidence that merits an auto-
ary crossing. We feel that many scholars of race matic assumption that race mixture will lead to
mixture become trapped in an essentialistic lan- the complete erosion of racial boundaries. In
guage framework when trying to discuss the terms of future research, we urge scholars to
issue of race mixture. No doubt, we too have use a comparative lens to enlighten sociologi-
fallen into this same trap, despite our efforts cal understandings of the various facets of race
to the contrary. Nevertheless, we believe that mixture.
race mixture, despite its socially constructed na- On a methodological note, we encourage
ture, has very important real-life consequences scholars of intermarriage to look beyond in-
that make it an area worthy of sociological termarriage rates and also rely on qualita-
inquiry. tive and ethnographic data to better under-
The U.S. model of black-white relations has stand the racial dynamics between couples in
been the traditional base for theorizing about these relationships. Whereas statistical analy-
race and race relations in the social science lit- ses showing high rates of intermarriage in some
erature, but the analysis of other contexts has countries may lead us to the conclusion that in-
led to a more complete and nuanced sociol- termarriage is accepted, other data caution us
ogy of race. This is especially relevant for the from assuming racial intermarriage is a sphere
topic of race mixture. We have demonstrated where race is less salient (Burdick 1998, Hale
how race mixture and race-mixture ideologies 1999, Sue 2007, Twine 1998). In addition, in
have played out very differently in the United future research we hope scholars will broaden
States and regions such as Latin America, where their view of intermarriage to encompass co-
race mixture has been central to the meaning of habitation, which is on the rise (Lichter & Qian
the nation. Not only has there been a different 2004); although these are informal unions, they
ideology regarding race mixture in Latin Amer- are closer on a spectrum to the dynamics of
ica, there are also different behavioral patterns intermarriage then they are to miscegenation
of miscegenation, intermarriage, and multira- or informal sexual unions. There are also im-
cial identification compared with the United portant issues of measurement that arise when

140 Telles · Sue

ANRV381-SO35-07 ARI 5 June 2009 9:25

looking at intermarriage rates and the mul- readers to consult the work of Lieberson &
tiracial population. For complex and thought- Waters (1988), Perlmann & Waters (2002), and
ful discussions of these issues, we encourage Harris (2002).

The authors are not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of this

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Annual Review
of Sociology

Contents Volume 35, 2009

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Herbert J. Gans p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p xiv

Annu. Rev. Sociol. 2009.35:129-146. Downloaded from

Prefatory Chapters
Working in Six Research Areas: A Multi-Field Sociological Career
Herbert J. Gans p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 1
Theory and Methods
Ethnicity, Race, and Nationalism
Rogers Brubaker p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p21
Interdisciplinarity: A Critical Assessment
Jerry A. Jacobs and Scott Frickel p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p43
Nonparametric Methods for Modeling Nonlinearity
in Regression Analysis
Robert Andersen p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p67
Gender Ideology: Components, Predictors, and Consequences
Shannon N. Davis and Theodore N. Greenstein p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p87
Genetics and Social Inquiry
Jeremy Freese and Sara Shostak p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 107
Social Processes
Race Mixture: Boundary Crossing in Comparative Perspective
Edward E. Telles and Christina A. Sue p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 129
The Sociology of Emotional Labor
Amy S. Wharton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 147
Societal Responses toTerrorist Attacks
Seymour Spilerman and Guy Stecklov p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 167
Intergenerational Family Relations in Adulthood: Patterns, Variations,
and Implications in the Contemporary United States
Teresa Toguchi Swartz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 191

AR348-FM ARI 2 June 2009 9:48

Institutions and Culture

Sociology of Sex Work
Ronald Weitzer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 213
The Sociology of War and the Military
Meyer Kestnbaum p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 235
Socioeconomic Attainments of Asian Americans
Arthur Sakamoto, Kimberly A. Goyette, and ChangHwan Kim p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 255
Men, Masculinity, and Manhood Acts
Douglas Schrock and Michael Schwalbe p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 277
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Formal Organizations
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American Trade Unions and Data Limitations: A New Agenda

for Labor Studies
Caleb Southworth and Judith Stepan-Norris p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 297
Outsourcing and the Changing Nature of Work
Alison Davis-Blake and Joseph P. Broschak p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 321
Taming Prometheus: Talk About Safety and Culture
Susan S. Silbey p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 341
Political and Economic Sociology
Paradoxes of China’s Economic Boom
Martin King Whyte p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 371
Political Sociology and Social Movements
Andrew G. Walder p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 393
Differentiation and Stratification
New Directions in Life Course Research
Karl Ulrich Mayer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 413
Is America Fragmenting?
Claude S. Fischer and Greggor Mattson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 435
Switching Social Contexts: The Effects of Housing Mobility and
School Choice Programs on Youth Outcomes
Stefanie DeLuca and Elizabeth Dayton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 457
Income Inequality and Social Dysfunction
Richard G. Wilkinson and Kate E. Pickett p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 493
Educational Assortative Marriage in Comparative Perspective
Hans-Peter Blossfeld p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 513

vi Contents
AR348-FM ARI 2 June 2009 9:48

Individual and Society

Nonhumans in Social Interaction
Karen A. Cerulo p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 531

Social Class Differentials in Health and Mortality: Patterns and
Explanations in Comparative Perspective
Irma T. Elo p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 553
The Impacts of Wal-Mart: The Rise and Consequences of the World’s
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Dominant Retailer
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Gary Gereffi and Michelle Christian p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 573


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 26–35 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 593

Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 26–35 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 597


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