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"Drug Abuse Brochure"

Estimated Time of Completion: Two 50-minute periods

I. Summary
II. Objectives
III. Materials Needed
IV. Procedure
V. Classroom Assessment
VI. Extensions and Adaptations
VII. Online Resources
VIII. Relevant National Standards

I. Summary:

For grades 7-12. Students will be given a list of Drug Information Web sites and a blank "Drug Abuse Crossword". They
are to complete the crossword by finding the answers within the various websites. The information they glean from the
Web search will be used to plan an informational brochure to be distributed to all students in school.

II. Objectives:

 To understand facts about drugs and use those facts to impact the entire school population

III. Materials Needed:

 Brochure samples
 Computers with Internet access
 Drug Information Web sites list
 "Drug Abuse Crossword"
 Crossword Answer Key
 Desktop publishing software or paper, pens, magic markers

IV. Procedure:

Day One

1. Begin the lesson by distributing a variety of brochures to students. They can be brochures on travel, information,
local services, etc. Ask students which brochures they're most likely to read. Why? Which brochures will you
remember or hang onto? Why? Discuss layout, graphics, photos, and written content.
2. From the discussion, form a list of the elements that make a brochure effective, including:
o Easy-to-read layout
o Written content appropriate for the target reader
o Interesting and relevant graphics/photos
3. Explain to students that they will be creating a brochure about drug abuse, aimed at their fellow students. The
brochure's information will come from research they gather from the Web as they find the answers to a crossword
4. Give each student copies of the "Drug Abuse Crossword" and the Drug Information Web sites list (or the URL
where both are located and can be printed out).
5. Explain that while they're completing the crossword, they should take notes on any information they would like to
include in their brochure.

Day Two

1. Break students into groups to work on the brochure. You can assign topics of drug categories to each group, or let
each group decide which general information on drug abuse is most important for the brochure (this second
option will likely work better in smaller classes).
2. Students can use either a desktop publishing program, or design their brochures using pen and ink.
3. Encourage the class to make sure their brochures include:
o A catchy title and/or slogan
o Eye-grabbing graphics
o Humor, analogies, or case studies
o An easy-to-read layout
4. Have the brochures copied and have students distribute them throughout the school using various means, such
o Making available in school nurse and counselor offices
o Posting on common bulletin boards
o Handing out at the cafeteria or school assembly
o Slipping under car windshields in the student parking lot

V. Classroom Assessment:

Score student work as a combination of group and individual assessment, according to the following 100 point scale:

 Completed crossword puzzle: 20 points

 Information in brochure was accurate and complete: 30 points
 Layout and written content in brochure was clear and creative: 20 points
 Graphics for brochure were clear and creative: 10 points
 Shared group responsibilities: 20 points

VI. Extensions and Adaptations:

 Students might also plan an assembly with a speaker who is knowledgeable and interesting to teens. As students
enter the gymnasium, students would distribute their brochures.
 Bundle the brochures with school district newsletters or mailings.
 Distribute the brochures in the community, such as at the library, recreation center, doctors' offices, health club,
 A further extension would be for them to generate their brochures on-line (on the school's Web site, if available).

VII. Online Resources:

 Sites on the Drug Information Web sites list

VIII. Relevant National Standards:

These are established by McREL at


 Knows the availability and effective use of health services, products, and information
 Knows how to maintain and promote personal health
 Understands aspects of substance use and abuse

Language Arts
 Gathers and uses information for research purposes

Visual Arts
 Understands and applies media, techniques, and processes related to the visual arts
 Knows how to use structures (e.g., sensory qualities, organizational principles, expressive features) and functions
of art

Life Skills
 Working With Others: Contributes to the overall effort of a group

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