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Name: Mirza Labeed Ahmad

Roll No:231450769
Instructor: Adeel Riaz

For my final exams I will be studying in groups. Study groups help me to compare
compare class lecture notes. Comparing notes allows me to fill in any information or
important concepts that I may have missed during lecture. In a study group group
members can learn from each other. In Study groups I have an opportunity to benefit
from the talents and knowledge of the other group members. Exams can be tough and
study groups help me to give and receive motivation and support from fellow stu-
dents and group members. And if I ever get sick or are unable to attend class, I can
get notes from members of your study group. Studying with a group is a great way to
liven up my study sessions. It can be very draining to spend long hours alone in the
library. Joining a study group and studying in a group environment makes learning
much more fulfilling and enjoyable.

Ex:18.2 and 18.3

Q: How can you increase focus on your studies?
Ans: First of all lets clarify what focus actually means? Focus means having all your concentration
on one point at a time. Focus plays a vital role in in improving your learning strength. Its quite ob-
vious that you cant learn anything until and unless you are not focused on it. In studies it is very
important to be focused in the classroom or while in a lecture. But there are some people who can
not focus on something certain, especially in their studies. These kind of people can develop focus
in their studies by following certain steps:

Stop thinking unnecessary:

It is human nature that he can only focus(with full concentration) on one thing at one time. So in
this regard you should stop your self from dwelling in to negativity or stop thinking useless
thoughts so that you can concentrate on one thing. Especially in studies if your mind is distracted,
you cannot focus.

Make a schedule:
A scheduled person is never very unfocused in his business, since he has a proper plan or he
knows what he have to do next. While on the other hand a person who not scheduled is always
very conscious about what he has to do next.

Stay motivated:

Always have a goal in your head to achieve. It can be a short term or a long term goal which can
keep you motivated.

Q: How can you overcome the habit of procrastination?

Ans: Procrastination cannot be overcome , it can only be prevented by keeping one mind focused
on your objective. Procrastination in simple words can also be referred as laziness. Procrastination
is a curse for some people. If someone have the habit of procrastination he cannot be a successful
person in his life. If you can prevent this habit, then you can probably do anything you want. To
prevent this habit you can follow up the following steps:

Make the habit, NOW OR NEVER:

It is the laziness which tends you to procrastinate. You do one thing either you can do now or
never, its up to you whether you avail that opportunity or not. As some one said “Every moment is
a paradox of now or never”.

Make a deadline:

Before starting anything make a deadline for yourself. If you are bound to a work in a limited time
you do it more efficiently.

Set your priorities:

Set your priorities make a list of the things that are not urgent and put them aside, and do the
things that are important as well as urgent.

Q: What are the benefits of excelling at time management?

Ans: Time management is the most important skill one can have. Every student has a similar thing
in his daily routine which is 24 hours of a day. Some use it more effectively in a creative way and
get a beneficial outcome from it, while some waste it doing useless activities or by not managing
their time properly. Some of the advantages / benefits of time management are :

Have more sphere time:

If you manage your time properly you get a lot of sphere time to do whatever you like. For exam-
ple you can play football, basketball, cricket or any other sport you like.

More chances and opportunities:

If you are well managed with your time you get a lot of other opportunities to avail in that time
which you saved by managing time.

Disciplined life:

A person who manages his time properly is more disciplined in his doings. He is stress less man
who can do anything he likes by managing time

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