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Criteria and Significance of Dietary Protein

Sources in Humans

Quantifying the Digestibility of Dietary Protein1

Alison J. Darragh2 and Suzanne M. Hodgkinson
Milk and Health Research Centre, Institute of Food Nutrition and Human Health, Massey University,
Palmerston North, New Zealand

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ABSTRACT The current recommendation, when calculating a protein digestibility– corrected amino acid score, is
to determine the digestibility of a dietary protein across the entire digestive tract, using the rat as a model animal
for humans. This fecal digestibility value is subsequently corrected for endogenous contributions of protein using
a metabolic nitrogen value determined by feeding rats a protein-free diet. The limitations inherent with this method
are well recognized, however, and determining the digestibility of a dietary protein to the end of the small intestine
is the preferred alternative. Unlike the fecal digestibility assay, which has only one basic methodology, ileal
digestibility values can be determined in a number of ways. We discuss the various methods available for
determining ileal digestibility values and compare results obtained for dietary proteins using both fecal and ileal
digestibility assays. The relative value of using individual amino acid digestibility values as opposed to nitrogen
digestibility values is reviewed. In addition, we address issues surrounding measurement of endogenous nitrogen
flows, and in particular, the relative merits of determining “true” versus “real” digestibility values. J. Nutr. 130:
1850S—1856S, 2000.

KEY WORDS: ● protein digestibility ● apparent digestibility ● true digestibility ● real digestibility
● protein quality evaluation

A significant change in the assessment of dietary protein quality for humans (FAO 1991), the advantages and disad-
quality occurred with the introduction of the protein digest- vantages associated with the PDCAAS have been extensively
ibility– corrected amino acid score (PDCAAS)3 (FAO 1991). reviewed (Darragh et al. 1998, Barth and Schaafsma 1995,
Previously, evaluation of a dietary protein consisted of moni- Fenwick et al. 1995, Hooydonk 1994, Sarwar 1997). Although
toring the metabolic responses of an animal model to subtle a number of concerns have been documented, one in partic-
differences in the amino acid (AA) composition of a dietary ular, that of quantifying the digestibility of a dietary protein,
protein. In contrast, the PDCAAS of a dietary protein is warrants further debate.
calculated by comparing the AA composition of the dietary The current PDCAAS methodology prescribes the use of a
protein with a reference AA pattern (assumed to represent true fecal nitrogen (N) digestibility coefficient, as determined
human nutritional requirements for AA). Each AA is scored in the rat. A correction is made for fecal endogenous N to
relative to the pattern, and the resulting AA score is corrected calculate a true N digestibility coefficient. There is sufficient
for availability using a protein digestibility coefficient. The evidence available, however, to have this methodology re-
most limiting AA in the dietary protein, which is reflected by placed with the more accurate determination of true ileal AA
the lowest PDCAAS, determines the final score of the dietary digestibility coefficients.
Since its introduction in 1991 as a simple and scientifically
sound approach for the routine assessment of dietary protein Fecal versus ileal digestibility
As mentioned, to calculate a PDCAAS, the availability of
the AA in a dietary protein is assessed based on the digest-
Presented at the symposium “Criteria and Significance of Dietary Protein ibility of total N in that dietary protein. Digestibility is defined
Sources in Humans,” held in San Francisco, CA, on October 4, 1999. The
symposium was sponsored by the National Dairy Council; International Dairy
as the difference between the amount of N ingested and
Federation; United Kingdom Dairy Association; Dairy Farmers of Canada; Davisco excreted, expressed as a proportion of N ingested. Although
Foods International, Inc.; New Zealand Milk; CAMPINA MELKUNIE, Zaltbommel, accepted as the recommended procedure, the use of fecal
The Netherlands; Land O’Lakes; and CERIN. Published as a supplement to The digestibility coefficients to evaluate AA availability is thought
Journal of Nutrition. Guest editors for this publication were Gregory D. Miller,
National Dairy Council, Rosemont, IL, and Daniel Tome, Institut National to be inherently inaccurate due to the metabolism of both
Agronomique, Paris, France.
dietary and endogenous proteins by the hindgut microbial
To whom correspondence should be addressed. population (Lenis 1983, Sauer and Ozimek 1986). As a result
Abbreviations used: AA, amino acid; ANF, antinutritional factor; EAAL, en-
dogenous amino acid loss; PDCAAS, protein digestibility– corrected amino acid of this microbial protein degradation, fecal N digestibility
score; PF, protein-free; PVTC, postvalve T-cecum. coefficients will tend to overestimate the AA availability in a

0022-3166/00 $3.00 © 2000 American Society for Nutritional Sciences.


TABLE 1 cessfully, although the length of time since the original ileos-
tomy operation needs to be carefully considered because gut
Comparison of the ileal and fecal digestibility of dietary microflora readily populate the terminal ileum ( Dowsett et al.
protein for several simple-stomached mammals1 1990, Gorbach et al. 1967), creating an environment not
unlike the large intestine. The technique of entering a tube via
Apparent digestibility the mouth or nose and collecting digesta from different parts
of the digestive tract, including the terminal ileum, has also
Fecal Ileal
been used (Mahé et al. 1992, Modigliani et al. 1973). It is
Piglet 0.97 0.90 highly unlikely, however, that these techniques would be
Growing pig 0.81 0.66 readily accepted as part of a routine method of protein quality
Preruminant calf 0.94 0.88 evaluation.
Adult human 0.89 0.87 The alternative is to use an animal model to test individual
Chicken 0.86 0.78 dietary proteins for digestibility. The use of animal models also
Growing rat 0.78 0.69
allows more flexibility and control over the experimental

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1 From Moughan and Donkoh 1991. conditions. Although the laboratory rat has traditionally been
used in protein quality evaluation, the pig has also been
reported as a suitable model for the investigation of protein
dietary protein. In some instances, net synthesis of AA in the digestibility in humans (Darragh and Moughan 1995,
large intestine has also been observed (Just 1980, Low 1980, Moughan et al. 1992 and 1994, Rowan et al. 1994). The pig
Rerat 1981), which would lead to an underestimation of and human are similar in several key areas. Both are simple-
protein digestibility. It is obvious, therefore, that a fecal di- stomached, meal-eating, omnivorous mammals. The gastroin-
gestibility coefficient may be unable to accurately differentiate testinal anatomy, physiology and metabolism of the pig are
between dietary proteins due to the confounding and often very similar to those in the human (Moughan et al. 1994). A
equalizing effect of microbial metabolism. comparison of the ileal digestibility of AA by the pig and
Ileal digestibility coefficients, determined after measure- human (Rowan et al. 1994) shows little difference (Table 3),
ment of the quantity of N remaining at the end of the small which offers strong evidence for the validity of using the pig as
intestine or ileum, are thought to provide a much more accu- a model animal for the human in protein digestibility studies.
rate indication of protein availability. Ileal digestibility coef- There are several methods available to collect ileal digesta
ficients should be more sensitive at differentiating between from animal models such as the pig. Sampling from the ter-
dietary proteins because the problems associated with micro- minal ileum after euthanasia is common in both the rat and
bial protein degradation do not arise. Evidence has been pig, whereas other methods, such as cannulation and bypass of
presented to suggest, however, that there is microbial activity the large intestine by ileorectal anastomy or ileostomy, are
in the small intestine (Dierick et al. 1986, Jørgensen and more commonly performed using the pig. There are advan-
Jensen 1994, Knudsen and Jensen 1991). Although there is tages and disadvantages associated with each of these methods.
the possibility that this may affect the accuracy of ileal digest- Sampling at slaughter (Butts et al. 1991, Payne et al. 1968,
ibility values, it would seem reasonable to assume that any
effect would be minimal compared with that observed in the
large intestine. TABLE 2
The impact of microbial degradation in the large intestine Mean apparent fecal and ileal amino acid digestibility
on estimation of protein digestibility coefficients has been
coefficients for adult humans receiving a
observed in several monogastric species, including humans,
with notable differences in fecal and ileal digestibility coeffi- meat/vegetable/cereal/dairy product– based diet1
cients (Moughan and Donkoh 1991), as summarized in Table
Fecal Ileal
1. It should also be noted that the size of the difference digestibility digestibility Statistical
between fecal and ileal digestibility coefficients is not constant Amino acid coefficient2 coefficient3 SE significance4
among the AA. Some AA are more affected by microbial
degradation in the large intestine than are others, as indicated Lysine 0.93 0.94 0.010 NS
by a range of differences observed (Table 2) between fecal and Arginine 0.93 0.90 0.008 *
ileal digestibility coefficients determined for individual AA in Histidine 0.92 0.90 0.014 NS
Aspartate 0.90 0.87 0.009 *
a diet consumed by adult humans (Rowan et al. 1994). Serine 0.92 0.87 0.015 ***
With regard to the calculation of a PDCAAS, resistance to Threonine 0.89 0.85 0.013 **
the introduction of an ileal digestibility coefficient was evident Glutamate 0.95 0.94 0.005 NS
initially, mainly because ileal coefficients, as seen in Tables 1 Proline 0.95 0.90 0.005 **
and 2, are usually lower than the corresponding fecal values, Glycine 0.87 0.72 0.039 ***
which ultimately results in a lower PDCAAS. Opinions are Alanine 0.88 0.88 0.008 NS
changing, however, as the argument builds against the fecal Valine 0.91 0.90 0.007 NS
Isoleucine 0.91 0.91 0.006 NS
digestibility assay, with the ileal digestibility assay being seen Leucine 0.93 0.92 0.005 NS
as more accurate and sensitive. Tyrosine 0.90 0.89 0.007 NS
Unlike the determination of fecal digestibility, which in- Phenylalanine 0.91 0.90 0.007 ***
volves the relatively simple procedure of feces collection, the Cysteine 0.91 0.86 0.017 NS
determination of ileal digestibility requires the more invasive Methionine 0.83 0.93 0.025 ***
technique of sampling digesta from the end of the small Tryptophan 0.83 0.77 0.025 *
intestine. 1 From Rowan et al. 1994.
Measurements of the ileal digestibility of a dietary protein 2 n ⫽ 6.
can be conducted in humans. Techniques such as the recruit- 3 n ⫽ 5.
ment of patients fitted with ileostomies have been used suc- 4 NS, P ⬎ 0.05, *P ⬍ 0.05, **P ⬍ 0.01, ***P ⬍ 0.001.

TABLE 3 and avoiding ileal transection. With the PVTC cannula, there
is no surgical interference with the small intestine. Also, most
Mean true1 ileal amino acid and nitrogen digestibility of the digesta should pass through the PVTC cannula during
coefficients for ileostomized adult humans (65 kg body sampling, as the ileocecal value protrudes directly into the
weight) and growing pigs (25 kg body weight) receiving a cannula. In practice, mean marker recoveries on the order of
meat/vegetable/cereal/dairy product– based diet2 72–106% have been reported with this method (den Hartog et
al. 1988, Hodgkinson et al. 2000, Köhler et al. 1990 and
Human Pig Statistical 1991). The PVTC cannulation procedure appears to be the
Amino acid (n ⫽ 5) (n ⫽ 6) SE significance3 method of choice for the collection of ileal digesta.
Lysine 0.98 0.98 0.004 NS
Arginine 0.98 0.98 0.005 NS Apparent, true and real digestibility
Histidine 0.99 0.98 0.007 NS
Aspartate 0.99 0.98 0.006 NS When the digestibility of a dietary protein is calculated by
Serine 0.99 1.00 0.006 NS subtracting the amount of nitrogen and AA in ileal digesta

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Threonine 1.05 1.00 0.014 ** from the amount of nitrogen and AA that were ingested, an
Glutamate 0.98 0.98 0.003 NS “apparent” digestibility coefficient is obtained. However, ileal
Proline 1.01 0.98 0.011 NS
Glycine 0.92 0.91 0.013 NS
digesta also contain a significant proportion of nondietary AA,
Alanine 0.99 0.98 0.005 NS from sources such as mucus, cells, digestive enzymes and bile,
Valine 1.00 0.99 0.005 NS and these are called the endogenous AA (Fauconneau and
Isoleucine 1.00 0.98 0.006 NS Michel 1970, Snook 1973). A correction needs to be made for
Leucine 1.00 1.01 0.004 NS these endogenous AA losses (EAAL) when determining di-
Tyrosine 0.99 0.98 0.005 NS gestibility coefficients. To further complicate matters, EAAL is
Phenylalanine 1.00 0.98 0.007 *
Cysteine 1.00 0.92 0.020 ***
not uniform for all diets (e.g., Souffrant 1991), being depen-
Methionine 0.98 0.96 0.006 ** dent on diet composition, particularly the presence of dietary
Tryptophan 0.99 0.97 0.023 NS protein, fiber and antinutritional factors (ANF) (Huisman et
Nitrogen 0.98 0.99 0.012 NS al. 1993). The EAAL, therefore, is made up of two parts: a
basal EAAL that occurs independent of dietary composition
1 Corrected using endogenous amino acid loss for humans and pigs
and an extra EAAL that occurs in response to a specific factor
fed a protein-free diet (Rowan 1989; Rowan et al. 1993). in the diet. Examples of the EAAL that can occur when
2 From Rowan et al. 1994.
3 NS, P ⬎ 0.05, *P ⬍ 0.05, **P ⬍ 0.01, ***P ⬍ 0.001. different protein sources are fed to animals are given in Ta-
ble 4.
The implication of this increased EAAL in terms of human
van Wijk et al. 1998) has the distinct advantage of involving nutrition is that any increase in EAAL brought about by a
minimal disruption to normal digestive function immediately dietary component will increase the consumer’s requirement
before collection. Due to the limited amount of digesta col- for dietary AA to offset the additional gut loss. Because this
lected, there is the possibility of a bias in results due to additional AA requirement cannot feasibly be included in any
unrepresentative sampling of digesta. When the animal is fed single reference AA pattern, the method used to correct for
frequently before slaughter, however, the variability of data the EAAL becomes a crucial determinant in the evaluation of
derived is no greater than that found with cannulated animals the quality of a dietary protein.
(Donkoh et al. 1994). The “slaughter method” has the advan- There are several methods that can be used to quantify the
tage that it may be a more economical option than procedures EAAL. Traditionally, a protein-free (PF) diet was fed to the
that involve the surgical insertion of a cannula. It does, how- animal, and the protein remaining at the end of the small
ever, necessitate the use of a greater number of animals. intestine was assumed to be the basal EAAL. The provision of
Anastomosis (Fuller and Livingstone 1982, Hennig et al. a diet devoid of protein, however, leads to an unphysiological
1986) involves transecting the ileum anterior to the ileocecal state in the recipient animal with the animal being in a
junction and attaching this to the descending colon. This negative body nitrogen balance (Buraczewska 1979, Faucon-
allows a quantitative collection of ileal digesta, but many neau and Michel 1970, Schneeman 1982, Snook and Meyer
studies have shown that anastomosed animals have an altered 1964). Therefore, a method was developed that involved feed-
physiology compared with “intact” animals (e.g., Hennig et al. ing an animal diets containing synthetic AA (Butts et al.
1989, Köhler et al. 1992a and 1992b). It should be noted that
human ileostomates may also have an altered physiology com-
pared with “intact” humans, which could also call into ques-
tion the validity of using human ileostomates for the collec- TABLE 4
tion of ileal digesta. Endogenous nitrogen (EN) flows in the ileal digesta
The insertion of a re-entrant cannula (Cunningham et al. of pigs fed different proteins1
1962, Easter and Tanksley 1973) involves transecting the
terminal ileum and sealing the two ends. A cannula is inserted Protein source Dietary protein
into each end of the sealed ileum and the two cannulae are
joined. This allows a quantitative collection of digesta. The g EN/100 g protein
surgery to insert a re-entrant cannula is complex, however, and
involves total transection of the ileum. Blockages of the can- Skim milk 1.3
Wheat 3.1
nula are common. Soya protein isolate 3.3
Simple T-piece cannulation (Gargello and Zimmerman Barley 4.0
1980 , Livingstone et al. 1977) and postvalve T-cecum Phaseolus beans 10.8
(PVTC) cannulation (van Leeuwen et al. 1991) have the
distinct advantage of maintaining the ileocecal valve intact 1 Adapted from Souffrant 1991.

TABLE 5 food is fed to the animal (e.g., the protein content of the test
diet). The apparent digestibility measure, however, will be
Mean endogenous ileal losses of lysine in the growing pig as affected by the assay conditions and is therefore variable and
determined using three different methods1 subject to error. True digestibility is a superior measure for
determining the AA that are absorbed from the gut and
Method therefore gives a better representation of protein quality than
apparent digestibility.
Synthetic Enzyme hydrolyzed
Protein free2 amino acid3 protein4 When the “extra” EAAL associated with the presence of
ANF and fiber are corrected for in the calculation of digest-
␮g/g dry matter intake ibility (by use of the homoarginine or 15N methods for deter-
mining endogenous loss), the resultant coefficients of digest-
Lysine5 252a 284a 448b
ibility are termed “real” digestibility coefficients. Real
1 From Butts et al. 1993. digestibility coefficients reflect the absolute amounts of dietary
2 Diets devoid of protein, with the lysine present in digesta assumed N and AA that are absorbed across the intestinal tract.

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to be of endogenous origin. It is possible, therefore, to determine either apparent, true
3 Pigs fed purified diets devoid of lysine. Lysine in digesta assumed or real ileal digestibility coefficients. Apparent digestibility
to be of endogenous origin. coefficients will always underestimate AA availability and are
4 Pig fed diets containing 10% enzyme hydrolyzed protein (MW
⬍5000 Da) as the sole nitrogen source. Ileal digesta ultrafiltered (MW
also influenced by the digestibility assay conditions (Darragh
cutoff 10,000 Da) to separate endogenous protein. et al. 1995). When protein products do not contain fiber
5 Mean values with a different superscript are significantly different and/or ANF, true and real digestibility are numerically the
(P ⬍ 0.05). same, and both will provide an accurate assessment of AA
absorption. In protein products that do contain fiber or ANF,
however, only real digestibility will provide an accurate mea-
1993, Darragh et al. 1990, Skilton et al. 1988). In each diet, sure of AA absorption, with true digestibility underestimating
selected dietary nonessential or essential AA were excluded; dietary AA absorption.
in the latter case, feeding of the diet was accompanied by The suggestion has been made that the calculation of the
intravenous infusion of the deleted essential AA. The PDCAAS be altered to include real ileal N digestibility rather
amounts of the excluded AA in ileal digesta allowed a direct than the true fecal N digestibility coefficient currently used
determination of EAAL. With this method, the animals had a (Barth and Schaafsma 1995). There may be general agreement
readily absorbable source of AA and therefore were not in a that the shift from fecal to ileal digestibility is essential. It
negative body nitrogen balance. This should eliminate the should be noted, however, that although able to provide data
unphysiological nature of the PF method. An additional on absolute absorption of dietary AA, real digestibility coeffi-
method that has been developed to determine basal EAAL, cients will not be able to differentiate between proteins with or
the enzyme hydrolyzed protein technique, measures basal without factors that may increase the EAAL. This is because
EAAL under the more physiologically normal conditions of all EAAL specific to that particular protein being tested would
protein alimentation (Butts et al. 1993 , Moughan et al. 1990). be accounted for when calculating the real digestibility.
The latter method involves feeding the test animal an enzyme True digestibility coefficients, although unable to provide
hydrolyzed protein (usually enzyme hydrolyzed casein) diet an absolute assessment of AA availability, would be able to
with ultrafiltration of the ileal digesta collected to remove any differentiate between proteins with or without ANF because
unabsorbed dietary AA. Comparison of these three methods the extra EAAL would be factored into a lower digestibility
(Table 5) has shown that the PF and synthetic AA methods coefficient. True digestibility coefficients, therefore, would
were not significantly different from each other, yet values for more accurately reflect the relative worth of a protein to the
both were significantly lower than the EAAL determined consumer and provide a more accurate means of ranking
using the enzyme hydrolyzed protein method. This demon- dietary proteins in terms of quality. To illustrate this point, a
strates that the presence of dietary peptides in the gut, as working example has been included in Table 6.
occurs when a normal diet is eaten, provokes a much higher
EAAL and that as such, the enzyme hydrolyzed casein method
should become the method of choice for determining a basal TABLE 6
EAAL correction factor.
Other methods have also been developed using either the The calculation of theoretical apparent, true, and real
lysine analogue homoarginine (Hagemeister and Erbersdobler digestibility coefficients for the total nitrogen (N) in either a
1985, Rutherfurd and Moughan 1990) or the isotope 15N (de skim milk or soy protein diet fed to the growing pig
Lange et al. 1990, Souffrant et al. 1982) to simultaneously
measure both the basal EAAL associated with a protein meal Soy protein
and any extra EAAL that may occur with a specific protein Skim milk isolate
As mentioned previously, when the digestibility of a dietary Intake (g N) (I) 40 40
protein is calculated by subtracting the amount of AA leaving Ileal output (g N)
Undigested dietary N (UN) 2.0 2.0
the terminal ileum from the amount of AA that were ingested Basal endogenous N (B) 1.5 1.5
by the animal, the apparent digestibility coefficient is ob- Extra endogenous N (X) 0 2.0
tained. When the basal EAAL, determined using methods Apparent digestibility
such as the PF method or the enzyme hydrolyzed protein {I ⫺ [UN ⫹ B ⫹ X]}/I 0.91 0.86
method, are corrected for in the calculation of digestibility, the True digestibility
“true” digestibility coefficient is obtained. {I ⫺ [(UN ⫹ B ⫹ X) ⫺ B]}/I 0.95 0.90
Real digestibility
True digestibility is a fundamental property of the food, and {I ⫺ [(UN ⫹ B ⫹ X) ⫺ B ⫺ X]}/I 0.95 0.95
it is not affected by the dietary conditions under which the

Digestibility coefficients for total nitrogen and selected amino acids in skim milk and a soy protein product1

Digestibility coefficients for:

Total nitrogen Lysine Methionine Cysteine Threonine Tryptophan

Skim milk 0.95 0.96 0.92 0.94 0.95 0.98

Soybean 0.90 0.87 0.82 0.82 0.84 0.89

1 Adapted from FAO/WHO 1991.

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From the example given in Table 6, it is evident that ically available lysine molecules from the digestive tract. For
calculating real digestibilities failed to identify that the soy unprocessed foods, the digestible reactive lysine content
diet was creating an extra burden on the consumer’s protein should be equivalent to the digestible total lysine content
status by eliciting a greater EAAL. The true digestibility determined using conventional methods, whereas for a pro-
coefficient was able to differentiate between the two protein cessed food, the total lysine content may be higher than the
diets as the extra EAAL associated with the soy diet was reactive lysine content due to the conversion of lysine deriv-
“costed” into the lower digestibility coefficient. By using true atives to lysine during the acid hydrolysis stage of conven-
digestibility coefficients, it is possible, at least in part, for the tional AA analysis and total lysine digestibility will be lower.
PDCAAS to take into account the effect ANF will have on Overall, for the processed food, the digestible available lysine
protein quality. content will be overestimated using conventional procedures.
In severely damaged protein sources, some of the structurally
Total N versus individual AA digestibility coefficients altered lysine derivatives may be acid stable and thus may not
Another area of concern with regard to quantifying protein convert back to lysine during acid hydrolysis. In this case,
digestibility is failure of the current methodology to represent reactive and total lysine values should be more similar. The
the most accurate assessment of AA availability. There can be bioassay has been applied to a range of processed foods (Ruth-
quite striking differences between the digestibility coefficients erfurd et al. 1997), and a comparison of the results from the
for total N and the individual AA in a dietary protein (Table bioassay and conventional AA analysis is shown in Table 8.
7). By using the digestibility coefficient for total N, the avail- Determination of true ileal digestibility using conventional
ability of the tryptophan in skim milk would be underesti- AA analysis will significantly underestimate lysine digestibility
mated, whereas the availability of several AA in the soy
protein diet would be overestimated. It would be more appro-
priate, therefore, to determine individual AA digestibility TABLE 8
coefficients when calculating the PDCAAS for a protein.
Comparison of mean1 true ileal lysine digestibility determined
Special case for heat-treated proteins using conventional amino acid analysis (total) and true ileal
lysine digestibility based on determined reactive lysine
Many foods are processed (exposing them to heat, pressure
and other materials such as alkalis) and/or are stored for long (reactive)2
periods of time with consequent damage to the AA. This may Lysine digestibility
render some of the AA nutritionally unavailable. This is Overall Statistical
particularly so for lysine, which possesses an ⑀-amino group Total3 Reactive4 SE significance
that can react with a wide range of compounds present in the
diet to produce compounds that may be partially absorbed %
from the gut but have no nutritional value to the animal
(Hurrell and Carpenter 1981). A proportion of the reacted Blood meal 96.3 96.7 0.41 NS
Wheat meal 92.6 92.1 0.45 NS
lysine derivatives are acid labile and can revert back to lysine Meat and bone
during the acid hydrolysis step of conventional AA analysis. meal 88.9 91.5 0.76 NS
This does not, however, occur in the digestive tract. Conse- Soybean meal 94.5 96.5 0.41 *
quently, the lysine concentrations of the food and ileal digesta, Dried maize 80.5 84.3 1.54 *
determined by conventional AA analysis, will be misleading Heated skim milk
and the conventional true ileal digestibility assay will generally powder 69.1 94.0 1.11 ***
Cottonseed meal 62.1 71.9 1.75 **
overestimate lysine availability in heat-treated foods. A differ- Alfalfa-based mix 74.2 86.3 0.63 ***
ent approach is required.
A new bioassay has been developed (Moughan and Ruth- 1 For blood meal, wheat meal, soyabean meal, meat and bone meal,
erfurd 1996) that uses the reaction of O-methylisourea with heated skim milk powder, and cottonseed meal, n ⫽ 8; for the dried
the ⑀-amino of lysine to form the acid-stable derivative ho- maize and alfalfa-based mix, n ⫽ 5.
moarginine. This reaction is coupled with an ileal AA digest- 2 From Rutherfurd et al. 1997.
3 Lysine digestibility was determined using a true ileal amino acid
ibility assay to allow determination of the ileal digestibility of
digestibility assay (rat), and conventional amino acid analysis was used
reactive lysine. The true ileal digestibility of reactive lysine is to quantify total lysine in the diets and digesta.
then calculated. These coefficients can then be used to calcu- 4 Lysine digestibility was determined using a true ileal amino acid
late digestible reactive lysine or available lysine. This new digestibility assay (rat), and the quanidination reaction was used to
approach places emphasis on determining the uptake of chem- quantify reactive lysine in the diets and digesta.

in foods such as soyabean meal, dried maize, heated skim milk Cunningham, H. M., Friend, D. W. & Nicholson, J.W.G. (1962) Note on a
re-entrant fistula for digestion studies with pigs. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 42:
powder, cottonseed meal and an alfalfa-based mix. 112–113.
For unprocessed foods, the true ileal digestibility assay is Darragh, A. J. & Moughan, P. J. (1995) The three-week-old piglet as a model
recommended. For processed feeds, at least in terms of lysine animal for studying protein digestion in human infants. J. Pediatr. Gastroen-
terol. Nutr. 21: 387–393.
and possibly other AA, the conventional true ileal digestibility Darragh, A. J., Moughan, P. J., Rutherfurd, S. M. & Boisen, S. (1995) The
assay will overestimate the digestible lysine that is available to availability of amino acids in feedstuffs for growing pigs. In: Recent Advances
the animal. Therefore, other methods, such as the true ileal in Animal Nutrition in Australia (Rowe, J. & Nolan, M., eds.), pp. 34 – 40.
reactive lysine digestibility assay, are required to give accurate University of New England, Armidale, Australia.
Darragh, A. J., Moughan, P. J. & Smith, W. C. (1990) The effect of amino acid
results. and peptide alimentation on the determination of endogenous amino acid
Several concerns still remain regarding the calculation of flow at the terminal ileum of the rat. J. Sci. Food Agri. 51: 47–56.
PDCAAS for the evaluation of dietary protein. At the present, Darragh, A. J., Schaafsma, G. & Moughan, P. J. (1998) Impact of amino acid
availability on the protein digestibility corrected amino acid score. Bull. IDF
when calculating PDCAAS values, corrections are made for 336: 46 –50.
the availability of nitrogen in the protein using true fecal de Lange, C.F.M., Souffrant, W. B. & Sauer, W. C. (1990) Real ileal protein and
nitrogen digestibility coefficients with metabolic fecal nitrogen amino acid digestibilities in feedstuffs for growing pigs as determined with the

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N-isotope dilution technique. J. Anim. Sci. 68: 409 – 418.
determined after feeding a test animal a PF diet. There are den Hartog, L. A., van Leeuwen, P., Huisman, J., Zandstra, T., van Heugten, E.,
several concerns with this methodology. van Ommeren, H. J. & van Kleef, D. (1988) Comparison of ileal digestibility
There is strong evidence that fecal digestibility coefficients data obtained from pigs provided with a different type of cannula. In: Diges-
do not accurately differentiate between dietary proteins due to tive Physiology in the Pig: Proceedings of the 4th International Seminar
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