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Mind.--Mental depression. Fear of being assassinated. Quiet : melancholy. Slow perception; loss = of memory; amnesic aphasia. Hallucinations and delusions. i drawn as if by a string to the spine. Intellectual apathy. Memory Intussusception, with colic and faecal vo impaired (Anac; Baryta). Paretic | strangulated hernia, femoral, dementia. The great drug for general sclerotic conditions. Lead paralysis is chiefly of extensors, forearm or upper limb, from center to periphery with partial anzesthesia or excessive hyperasthesia, preceded by pain. Localized neuralgic pains, neuritis. The blood, alimentary and nervous systems are the special seats of action of Plumbum. Skin : Bluish; red spots. Yellow. Dry. Oversensitive to open air. Bed sores. Dry, burning ulcers. Gangrene. Small wounds easily inflamed and suppurate. Skin, wrinkled, shrivelled and drawn over the bones. Blisters; corns, bunions. Refference: Deu) Cec Fea nem) es le Jinkal Sommanek EO Sug pene aes Pra aoe VETTE MY (Tite) Violent colic, sensation as if abdominal wall was inal or um! Worse Clear weather. Open air. Exertion. Motion. Company; in a room full of. Grasping smooth objects. Touch. Better Hard pressure. Rubbing. Stretching limbs. (eT te(+ B =hes Dr.Rajesh Sanja Teas PTAC une Rc)

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